Golfer Paige Spiranac is excited about Masters week...
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Filed Under: Golf
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Milosh10 months
We get it. Uggo face tig bits.
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KennabraTiger10 months
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X Carter Is Fast10 months
would love to see your wife's face
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SomeLSUguy10 months
We get it. You like D in your A.
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TFH10 months
I’m getting tired of this chick. She’s hot but it’s not like she’s special.
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ATLtigeaux10 months
Better than that stick Gracie count
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TFH10 months
Well yeah. I don’t even click those links.
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WhoDatNC10 months
It's boring when you know the chicks boobs will be out before you even click on the link.
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Hangit10 months
That's an advertisement to marry a top ten money golfer
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SwampyWaters10 months
Smoke! She's hot!
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duckblind5610 months
Looking damn good in that pic.
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VoxDawg10 months
That'll be the only thing that makes the overhyped insurance convention that takes place in Augusta this week tolerable.
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Redbone10 months
I want her green jacket...

..on the floor by my bed.
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iknowmorethanyou10 months
A tradition unlike any other.
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HC8710 months
'Yes SIR!'
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