To be fair, golfer Paige Spiranac's shirt does have a collar...
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Filed Under: Golf
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Craw Dawg13 months
Another winner! Thanks, Paige.
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SwampyWaters13 months
You guys who continually rip on her don't stand a chance in hell with a hot woman like that!
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jatilen13 months
Imagine your product be so shitty that you can only afford this bimbo to promote it
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Lark22513 months
Looking like child support
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Xhero13 months
BIG Oink
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Shaq4prez13 months @u
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The more you say it the dumber you look. She's too good looking for you anyway.
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Mulkey Man13 months
There is zero chance you are straight.
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mpwilging13 months
Never get tired of PS
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SoFla Tideroller13 months
That sonic boom you heard was that top button giving way.
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Redbone13 months
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Drydock13 months
Can we just be honest and perhaps call her a "Golf Influencer"?
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Warwick13 months
if thats a euphemism for whore, then yea
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LSUtoBOOT13 months
Warwick, the world needs whores too so that the homely girls can feel good about themselves when they’re in a room together.
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