Golfer Bubba Watson's body hair is all over the place, literally. Actually makes me feel better about my sasquatch self...

Busting out my sweater vest for @stancelinks it's official! Mama we made it! #theuncommonthread #punksandpoets #sweatervest

Filed Under: Golf
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Will Munny106 months
He just brought sexy back
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PatDyesPants106 months
Nobody likes Bubba Watson.
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Ignignot106 months
if he wasn't good at golf, people wouldn't like him that much
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atltiger6487106 months
he could've put a little more preparation into this. A golf hat and funky socks in the shower???
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LSUAlum2001106 months
Sasquatch lives!
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JakeRStephenes106 months
April's Fools - DUH!!!
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CunningLinguist106 months
Meh. I have more backhand then that
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Mouth106 months
holy smokes. its teen wolf!
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Doug Masters106 months
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Jack Daniel106 months
Is that hair around his elbows and on his legs?!?!
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