Matt Poursoltani, a high school senior at Pilot Point High in Texas, lifted a ridiculous 700 pounds on Saturday. He has increased the amount he can lift by more than 100 pounds in just a year, according to the Dallas Morning News. Poursoltani weighs 270 pounds, making his lifting astounding compared to the NFL bench press record of 705 by 325-pound Larry Allen. Check it out...

Filed Under: General Sports
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thatdude1985143 months
I'm curious about this does it help you lift?
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Flashback143 months
That dude is too strong for his own good. His shoulder and chest remind me of a gorilla.
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Flashback143 months
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CharlesLSU143 months
wow....shirt or not, thats fricking impressive.
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Hook Em Horns143 months
some of yall are fricking haters, and cant even lift the bar.
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Haplochrom143 months
"Wonder what ply that shirt is, single,double. It was a closed back shirt so most likely double, which would give him about a 215 250 boost"

thspla doesnt allow multiply benching, but they do allow you to go lower on the sternum than lhspla.

besides, single ply and multiply are nearly the same with the exception of the 3-6 ply phenom shirts. tiny meeker hit way over 900 in single while the multiply record is over 1000. i have never seen a genuinely strong guy complain about another lifter. let that sink in, then read the other comments.
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AtlantaLSUfan143 months
You were there? What kind of meet is this? It just looked like "max day" back in HS football during 7th period gym.
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baylee252143 months
Was at the meet. The weight was legit but he only had to press about 8 inches of travel to lock out the weight. Also, I hate the shirts. But everyone uses them...
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MDTiger 13143 months
6- 100lb plates....
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blacykaty143 months
Add together the plates - It does not add up to 700 lbs.

6 (3 each side) 45 plates = 270
2 (1 each side) 25 plates = 50
bar = 45
total = 365

How is what he shows in the video 700? I don't understand.
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brlsu19881143 months
Wonder what ply that shirt is, single,double. It was a closed back shirt
so most likely double, which would give him about a 215 250 boost.
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el duderino III143 months today's lesson we'll cover lever length and mechanical advantage...

and tomorrow: Why Powerlifting is fricking Stupid
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mograyback143 months
This is sad.. kid is going to be a stretched marked fat lil short armed freak when he's older.
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AtlantaLSUfan143 months
Shortest arms I've ever seen. Impressive, yet he only had to move it about 9 inches up.
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GTHTSUN143 months
Wait, I wasn't watching. Can you do it again?
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trident143 months
and lifts only like 350 without that shirt on.
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Woverw143 months
Uhhhh . . . damn?
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Ash Williams143 months
i guess he does lift... bro
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