This is pretty crazy. An umpire tried to sabotage a Class 5A bi-district playoff series between Texas High (TX) and Whitehouse (TX). Watch as this ump tries to cover home plate with dirt after Texas High hit a home run in Game 2 of the three-game series...
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Texas Association of Sports Officials' statement...

The Texas Association of Sports Officials (TASO) has been made aware of the incident involving our members during the Texas High vs. Whitehouse Baseball game this past weekend. Our organization has an established process to address serious complaints of this nature.

TASO will conduct a thorough investigation regarding all aspects of the 3 game series and take any necessary action based on the outcome of the investigation.

As always, our organization is committed to our Texas student athletes to ensure a fair and impartial outcome of every game.
You can read more here.
Filed Under: General Sports
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GeeOH105 months
Umps and refs now think the game is about them. Especially the NBA. It's hard to watch a ref intentionally approach and engage a player. High school is no different. They ALL cheat at some point for various reasons. What if he had missed another call about something else while he's trying to cover the plate? A 5A playoff game is loaded with cameras. Dude should be permanently fired!
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hogminer105 months
You retards think he was hoping the kid missed the plate so he could call him out? hahahaha. You are all as dumb as Larry.
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WilsonPickett105 months
Can't believe this ruffles so many feathers... I've coached 25+ years and I've seen it done more than a few times. It's him messing with the home plate umpire so he has to clean it when he gets back from his rotation to 3rd. He made sure the kid found the plate so he wouldn't be called out due to this. Most don't pay attention to the umps until they call your kid out but they do a few things like this throughout the season to keep things fun.
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atltiger6487105 months
as if the player doesn't know where the plate is. This had to be a joke, but one an umpire can't do.
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Nix to Twillie105 months
For whatever reason he did it he should be banned. That's embarassing.
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Mouche337105 months
Wow! Trifling. Glad to see the kid had the awareness to clean the base off and make sure he touched it. The umpire's lousy attempt to dictate the game didn't make a shred of difference. Fire him and move on...
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Newgene105 months
I'm only hoping that ump somehow thought he was being funny with a stupid joke. Otherwise, he's a serious tool.
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Newgene105 months
Just read the linked article, and that's what he's saying. It actually makes sense. It also confirms he's an idiot.
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BamaTiger00105 months
Think he's going to have a really hard time convincing anyone it was just a joke. He kicks dirt on the plate, covering it, and then stares at the runner's feet to make sure he touched.
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SG_Geaux105 months
What a giant POS.
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GoldenBoy105 months
What a lowlife
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foshizzle105 months
Wow. And it was unlikely to work anyway since any HS ball player knows where the base is without having to look. Also, that's a pretty sweet stadium for a HS game.
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lsusteve1105 months
Wow....just like a boss and not gaf.
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dabigfella105 months
he bet on the other team
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