For Saturday's Red River Rivalry game between Oklahoma and Texas, the two teams will be wearing these gold-trimmed jerseys...

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Filed Under: General Sports
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theOG131 months
@Fireman17: lol at an Ole Miss fan calling someone a loser.

@DoubleDown: i can't remember the last time either of these teams had a uniform change.

i think its a nice touch to the uniforms for this game. the winner of the game wins the "golden hat", so there is a reason behind the gold trim for the game.
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Onyx Aggie131 months
Wow...those are ugly as shite!
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TbirdSpur2010131 months
frick 'em both, and their jerseys.

Hate: [ON] OFF
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Fireman17131 months
Losers can't wear Gold i thought that was in the rule book..
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conman131 months
Ya think Mack is feeling some pressure to win this one?
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Babboo131 months
Big Game Mack!
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MThawg131 months
I like them too
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DoubleDown131 months
Jesus, why does everyone have to have "new" jerseys every weekend?! Kinda getting exhausting.
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Carolina Tide131 months
I like them.
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1cajuncook131 months
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