Son of former 7' 7" NBA center Manute Bol, Bol Bol, is a 6'11" 15-year-old who is completely dominating at guard. It's crazy how athletic these kids are at their height. Remember, he's only going into his sophomore year...

Filed Under: General Sports
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Lsu101205110 months
Giraffes can play basketball?
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Bige11110 months
Strength plays a part, but it's a technique issue as well. Release is good just needs quicker and higher.
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blueboy110 months
Playing guard at the HS level might be a good way for him to develop better mobility. Put some more meat on his bones and he could be a force at center.
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LOL110 months
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PrimeTime Money110 months
Bige11, he's very skinny. He probably doesn't have the strength yet to have a higher release point.
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BroadwayJoe12110 months
Think he will attend the University of Bridgeport like his pops?
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Poodlebrain110 months
I'll bet his dad calls him Shorty in Sudanese to tease him.
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Bige11110 months
Obviously a talent, but needs to work on release point and his left hand. Release point is way too low.
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