Cameras caught Ronda Rousey kissing her new boyfriend UFC fighter Travis Browne leaving the gym in Los Angeles on Thursday...
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Her lip looks fine to me.
Filed Under: Boxing/MMA
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sullivanct19a110 months
When they examine why she ceased being a top fighter, they'll have their answer in these pics. Seems she's getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. Bad influences and such.
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CCTider110 months
The lips on her face look okay. But I bet her other set of lips look as busted as she did after the last fight.
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Dignan110 months
His wife probably won't approve.
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MorningWood110 months
Turtle is going to be pissed
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lsualum01110 months
That's two rough looking dudes
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biglego110 months
Too bad she's not hot
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TJGator1215110 months
2 dudes kissing is gross. I knew all those posts about hot women were a cover for you Larry.
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jsmoove110 months
Woman beater. She deserves him.
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