Check out Sabina "Colombian Queen" Mazo land this kick to the head on Jamie Thorton sending straight back into darkness...
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Filed Under: Boxing/MMA
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Azkiger89 months
Nice KO. Oddly enough the thing that caught my eye was how Sabina Mazo pranced up to continue the fight before the ref put a stop to it. When I see this happen with men they'll literally dive on their opponents immediately.
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ConfusedHawgInMO89 months
LOL yes it looked like she clapped for herself before she skipped over to check on her.
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SECdragonmaster89 months
First thing I saw as well Azkiger. She kind of hopped over to her and swatted in the air like a kitten bats a ball of twine.
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Ponchy Tiger89 months
Something doesn't look right about this. Black girl looks like she just drops her arms and starts to back away when she gets hit then locks her feet and does the nestea plunge.
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eddieray89 months
It's pretty clear what happened to her in the 2nd video
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TigerDoc89 months
Google "decorticate posturing".
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genuineLSUtiger89 months
Like a sack of potatoes.
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TommyDaTiger89 months
She's kinda hot. I'd hit it
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lathoroughbred89 months
Pie-Yow...comme ca
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theBru89 months
She probably still doesn't know what hit her...
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WestsideLSUZombie89 months
What did the five toes say to the face?
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Bamafan2489 months
See you at ground level
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