Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:3279
Registered on:6/21/2011
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[quote] It’s just business for him[/quote] In that he was paying players before NIL yes very much so....
He felt bad after turning down our offer. So he wanted out to not cost us a game....
[quote]LSU not buying players[/quote] Yes, because we still buy coaches....
[quote]Looking forward to another season of having to score on damn near every offensive possession.[/quote] On a positive our offensive guys will rack up major stats. :dude:...
Nuss would come back before leaving as a second rounder....
Like Nuss said more than 10 wins and with the 12 team playoff an appearance is a must....
Matt House, Matt Canada, and Matt Moscona [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/mFiywP9BUHDC8AIRBDYJvXdfQiA=/1400x1050/filters:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/23265504/Spider_Man_meme.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Main one I got is when he said Baker knows how to fit his scheme to his players.[/quote] This is what so many of us were complaining about with House. He may be fine as an NFL coach, but that won't work with college players....
It's just a joke mate. Some people here need to lighten up....
We already know House schemed him poorly. Also even if coaches could neutralize him they'd have to do so at a cost which would still benefit the overall defense....
[quote]Not quite sure I get your "joke,"[/quote] The joke is that we've fallen apart in the other major sports so now our signature athletic event is women's golf. Based on OP saying the only sports we have a shot in. Obviously meant in jest and LSU is still a football school....

re: Jeff Landry Triple Dog Dare

Posted by TigerKnights on 4/8/24 at 11:17 am
Pretty sure they can't as it's a public institution and this would violate their free speech....
[quote]He’s just played in 1 bowl game[/quote] Which 1 of the 3 post season games he's played in do you mean here?...
They haven't seemed so broken in the practice reports....
Except it being his first year as a starter which wasn't a breakout year for even Burrow....