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BIG had 23 basketball titles? Would have lost that bet.

UCLA ftw

The EXACT same thing could have been said about Wade and VCU at the time LSU hired him.

It's going beyond the resume that is important when you are evaluating mid-major HCs

I pretty much agree 100% but Wade did at least have a successful stop at Chattanooga before VCU.
Murray St is one of the better mid-major programs and many coaches have used it as a stepping stone job - Steve Prohm, Billy Kennedy, Mick Cronin, Mark Gottfried, etc.

McMahon didn't have to build anything and everyone seems to win there.


Posted by BRUNNIN4 on 1/25/25 at 10:01 am


Seething on a Saturday morning. What a shame.

re: Some Transfer Tidbits

Posted by BRUNNIN4 on 12/9/24 at 11:51 am

I’m waiting on the S tidbits. We should be all over safeties after how bad ours played the last 2 years combined with us not bringing in any day 1 starters from HS.

Devin Turner from Northwestern is in the portal and has been contacted by Jake Olsen.

Guessing he was thinking they would get the 300K in life insurance he took out earlier this year.

Cheap SOB didn't even opt for at least $1-2m.

Does anyone in the SEC besides us have a B1G rival (Indiana?)

OU vs NU

Owner of the house is Eric Tataw, a Cameroon separatist who has driven violence and kidnappings in his home country. He’s ordered workers to have their hands chopped off at his businesses for any workers going against him. LINK

Diversity makes us stronger

Of our regular starters he was 3rd on the team in average at .311, 5th in slugging and 5th in OPS. He wasn't our best hitter obviously but he was far from abysmal if you ask me. For the back half of the year he was one of our best batters.

He is probably talking about his numbers at
Real's UCL final winning streak has to end at some point, might as well be tomorrow.

re: Ole Miss 2 @ LSU 4 Final - SECN+

Posted by BRUNNIN4 on 5/17/24 at 1:53 pm

Don't like seeing Skip wearing the Rangers gear.....

Game recognizes game
Kumar signed for $2.4m underslot which allowed the Rangers to take Brock Porter who is one of the team's better pitching prospects.

Kumar was not drafted to be the BPA.

Overseas it seems like a different issue since the biggest sport in the world (soccer) is mostly white.

Turn on a France game sometime. :lol:

re: What cities are sports rivals?

Posted by BRUNNIN4 on 3/12/24 at 8:11 am
Portland and Seattle

re: This is why Wright was at Vandy

Posted by BRUNNIN4 on 2/24/24 at 9:36 pm

Cam Thomas says hello...

32.5% from 3 in his one season here. Try again.
Artillery is responsible for 90% of casualties.

They're outproducing us in every metric that I'm aware of though, from missiles, to armored vehicles, to air defense systems.

They've only had years to plan for this. Pretty sure we could do the same.

Why is production flat,

These are not new plants, they're not opening new production lines. They're simply increasing production at existing facilities, using existing equipment.

We can't do that.

They've only had years to plan for this. Pretty sure we could do the same. Also, is shell production the onl

Yet Russia outproduces us in basic military equipment, several times over. We have been unable to surge 155mm shell production, they have.

There is a disconnect here.

Russia has bet it all on conquering a neighbor. This just might be a higher priority for them.
This comparison doesn't make any sense. He is comparing Russia's defense budget to our foreign aid for Ukraine. Our defense budget dwarfs Russia's. Ukraine is not entitled to all of our money.