Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Somewhere on the water
Number of Posts:3202
Registered on:12/29/2004
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The second weekend in BSL is great. You don't have all of the traffic associated with the Biloxi end and its very relaxed. Love to hit the tower of The Blind Tiger and spectate from above. :cheers: But, yeah, a full week? No thanks....
[quote]I have a feeling [/quote] It’s just gas...
[quote]Been here since Thursday….no issues[/quote] Same...
[quote]Easily. Can you travel the world? No. But living in comfort should be easily accomplished unless you are retiring with debt[/quote] Exactly. I'm currently 60 and everything will be paid off in the next couple years - I will be fine. I've had some serious health issues in the past 6-8 years...
[quote]This begs the question, would you hand it over to the cops?[/quote] Well, maybe not all of it. :-)...

re: Las Vegas Bar Meet Up?

Posted by Croozin2 on 8/5/24 at 8:56 am
1923 Prohibition at Mandalay is owned by a NOLA native. Don’t know that they are having any special event but we’re gonna check it out....
[quote]The entire US' gridis so vulnerable, 100 dedicated men could bring this country to its knees in one afternoon of coordinated work.[/quote] Worked for GSU and then Entergy for 20 years. Most people would be scared to death if they realized what was holding everything together. There are som...
Saw Joe Bonamassa there last year, going 1st weekend of August to see him again. It’s a helluva experience. We do an all-inclusive so they have buses rented for the round trip from Denver to RR. Talked to our Uber driver on the way to the airport and he said many drivers won’t accept rides after the...

re: First trip to Hoover, any tips?

Posted by Croozin2 on 5/26/24 at 8:30 am
Jealous! Enjoy man!!...

re: The Good Old Days in Baton Rouge

Posted by Croozin2 on 5/9/24 at 12:11 pm
[quote]The Killowatt Klub on Strumburg Lane[/quote] [quote]My Dad was a founding member, started back in the early 60’s. [/quote] My Mom and Dad have both passed but I can almost guarantee your Dad knew mine. Mine worked at GSU for 48 years between Louisiana STation and River Bend. Summer, me...

re: Any advice on where to stay in BR

Posted by Croozin2 on 5/7/24 at 4:09 pm
[quote]Digulio Brothers for some Italian/wine[/quote] FTW...
[quote]Starting to feel like doing some LARPing of my own[/quote] The Saints!! Great movies!! Could use em right now. :cheers:...
[quote]You've haven't been around long enough or posted enough to be as consistently wrong as you have been.[/quote] Yet here he is, killing it! :lol:...
We had it off last year but, this year, owner decided instead of GF, he would give us 7/4 & 7/5 off and make it a 4 day weekend. Got a few that didn't like it but, overall, it was well received....
My Mom and Dad's contact info is there and their birthdays are still in my calendar. Dad's was yesterday. Miss them both, terribly. :wah:...
We kept a landline a little longer than most in this thread (2009) but only because the wife had to fax her time in, they wouldn’t allow it via email. As far as taking a call on one, probably 2006-07....
[quote]Downvote away[/quote] No problem, you're welcome....

re: LSU “insiders” miss again

Posted by Croozin2 on 2/7/24 at 10:51 am
[quote]They didn’t. Not one time during this recruitment did the On3 guys EVER say that Bussey would likely end up at LSU[/quote] Shhhh, you'll ruin the narrative. :lol:...

re: New sherm tweet

Posted by Croozin2 on 2/6/24 at 4:28 pm
[quote]Makes sense to me.[/quote] You can make sense of either argument. Hoping for the good guys but won't be distraught if not. :cheers:...

re: What’s Going on at Brusly HS?

Posted by Croozin2 on 2/5/24 at 10:39 am
[quote]Probably something involving a gun and/or drugs[/quote] :whynotboth?:...