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Registered on:3/1/2009
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Also, coaches could leave one program for another at whim.

I see this argument all the time, but in most cases, coaches’ contracts still have to be bought out if they leave or get fired. That’s not the case for players at the moment.

re: Whoopi endorses mounjaro and ozempic

Posted by kmcmah1 on 12/12/24 at 12:30 pm
Wonder what they paid her for that endorsement…
There’s something really weird about a billionaire “buying” a teenager to impress his GF.

The rumblings about the problems going on in the football ops building are very scary to hear

Care to elaborate?

re: Tomatoes in da Gumbo

Posted by kmcmah1 on 11/9/24 at 5:12 pm
Annulment is in play.

re: TNF: Bengals vs. Ravens | Prime Video

Posted by kmcmah1 on 11/7/24 at 10:36 pm
There’s no way Mahomes isn’t getting those calls.

re: Weekend visitor list discussion

Posted by kmcmah1 on 11/7/24 at 11:00 am
Ohio State dropped some coin to keep Offord from coming?

re: Boeing Dismantles DEI department

Posted by kmcmah1 on 11/1/24 at 5:31 pm

They're "re-assigned". The employees (progressive activists) are still employed at Boeing doing "DEI" type work.

You could say they’re “transitioning”
That’s the only attainable natties for them.

re: 5 WR Sets, who is on the field?

Posted by kmcmah1 on 8/7/24 at 2:15 pm
Wouldn’t surprise me to see both Pimpton and Green in situations like this. Outside of those two, I’d imagine it would be Lacy, Hilton, and Daniels.

re: Retailers are surrendering to crime.

Posted by kmcmah1 on 7/27/24 at 1:07 pm
Some stores will build a case on a shoplifter. They’ll compile video evidence as well as the total price of items stolen. Once the shoplifter steals enough for a felony, they’ll actually arrest them. I know Target does this. Not sure what other retailers though.
Older QBs had to be more mentally and physically tough, I’d say. Defenses were actually allowed to hit those dudes.
My Mawmaw would iron EVERYTHING. I’m talking underwear, socks, white tees. She worked full-time, too so it wasn’t just boredom.

re: Kade Phillips chooses Texas

Posted by kmcmah1 on 7/6/24 at 6:45 pm
Nike stock tanking so Phil can get Oregon a title checks out.

re: Keylan Moses visiting Texas A & M

Posted by kmcmah1 on 6/19/24 at 5:07 pm
He’s likely getting paid to take trips. I’d find that hard to pass up, too.
He heard tRant talking shite about his baseball PBP.

there's a reason we took Shone Washington out of JUCO

Are they good friends?

re: Jahkeem Stewart - Another USC Visit

Posted by kmcmah1 on 4/22/24 at 9:16 am
Get Tyrann and Fournette on him too