Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:LSU Football
Occupation:Technical Sales
Number of Posts:814
Registered on:10/9/2004
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so there all controlled by the left, maybe everything isn't a conspiracy. Because Gemini overcompensated on their Bias hyperparameters doesn’t mean the 1000s of other models out there are. I’ve used various models in my python code from huggingface.co, please tell which ones have been infiltrated ...
None of this is “AI” It's machine learning - which is just really advanced indexing of an advanced dataset looped back into itself overtime AI teaches itself autonomously, building it's own advanced datasets autonomously, using its own coded solutions to do so autonomously. [img]https://i.p...
You know there are variable speed AC units....

re: House ain’t going nowhere

Posted by Deathvalley71 on 12/9/23 at 3:13 pm
Yep, just no chance he suddenly takes a NFL defensive position role after the bowl game, just no way. I mean how can Kelly just not fire him now, the audacity. Just make the ranters happy Kelly, they know more than you....
This can’t be, according to Rant’s crack scouting department this is a D- line....
Are they in the playoff?...
He’s great at throwing screens and 5 yard outs....
They should have been pushing Hybrids not EVs, Hybrids get you about 100 miles on the battery which is more than enough for daily usage and can go to ICE on longer trips....
They just don’t have a QB, Freeze is a good coach, just needs to recruit a QB....

re: Is Texas still back?

Posted by Deathvalley71 on 10/8/23 at 9:44 am
I really thought they would beat Oklahoma yesterday, Oklahoma had played nobody, so it was hard to gauge them. Oklahoma qb played great yesterday....

re: Texas license plates

Posted by Deathvalley71 on 9/28/23 at 11:16 am
Texas still requires inspections, that updated law doesn’t take effect until 2025....
The runner was between him and the sideline. ...

re: Carr ?

Posted by Deathvalley71 on 9/10/23 at 2:32 pm
With 0 protection, why do we have so many dumb arse fans....


Posted by Deathvalley71 on 4/27/23 at 10:32 pm
(No Message)...
So just to show what a rip off SS is, I put together how much I would have earned from SS with 5% yoy growth. I factored in what my employer puts in as well, so the full 12.4%. I've been maxing out SS since 1997, I projected this out to 2030. It came out to $1.15M, my wife is pretty much in the s...