Favorite team:LSU 
Location:South Baton Rouge
Occupation:Army Officer
Number of Posts:94
Registered on:11/26/2007
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re: Saban to West Virginia??????

Posted by Big Dee on 1/3/08 at 1:20 pm
[quote]No way Saban is going to UWV. In one year he has turned Bama from Indy Bowl losers to Indy Bowl winners[/quote] :lol: I think Saban will be at Bama for at least 5 years. If he doesn't win an SECCG by then, he will get canned....

re: Stoops nearing the hot seat?

Posted by Big Dee on 1/3/08 at 1:17 pm
Stoops is not on the hot seat and, if he were the coach at LSU, we would not be asking for his head b/c he didn't win one again. People still blow Saban and he won less than Miles....
[quote]I'm not against O coming here, but wouldn't it just be too stereotypical? He'd be like the Farmer Fran from the Waterboy[/quote] :lol: Best character in that movie (and Joe dirt). Maybe we can make him the mascot? Seriously, his positives would outweight that stereotypical negative. Hel...
[quote]If we had an openning and offered him the slot he would drive that Hummer to BR before you could saw Brent Schaffa.[/quote] I'd take him. I don't know what his thoughts about the program are now, but he would be an awesome addition to the program. Will there be an opening in the Dline sp...
None. Orgeron hates LSU. He would be an animal, though....

re: Tuberville to LSU?

Posted by Big Dee on 11/29/07 at 3:04 pm
Can't disagree. I'll take the 10-2, see Les off to MU and look for the next coach. He's done a good job but his lack of commitment is troubling. I wish him well in Michigan. TT would be a great coach but it would cost us integrity points when throwing feces at Saban lovers. I haven't liked him ...

re: Whats with the Rumor.........

Posted by Big Dee on 11/29/07 at 2:45 pm
Who knows. He will never be back....
No. Don't want a coach who waffles on commitment. Miles can go also....
[quote] wish the administration would get aggressive. Miles needs to crap or get off the pot. If he won't get on board and dreams of going somewhere else, let him go now and let's make the best decisions for LSU[/quote] Total agreement. The negotiations were supposed to start last week b/w LSU...

re: What About Cowher?

Posted by Big Dee on 11/26/07 at 12:49 pm
choupiquesushi NC State, you'll have to spit out the other... ...