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Registered on:5/11/2022
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re: Grass/Weed care in Lafayette

Posted by TeaParty on 12/17/22 at 8:03 am
50 to 80 per month or treatment

re: 30x50 shop advice

Posted by TeaParty on 12/17/22 at 8:00 am
Turn key. I insulated mine including both garage doors
I have Bermuda and it definitely is not viney
The world is laughing at us on one hand and worried because we are weaker on the other hand
His announcement better be top notch. His super hero stick is going to fall flat if it's some look at me thing.
So they can start by riding bikes to work. And then really show conviction and cut electricity to the buliding

re: Trump teasing major announcement

Posted by TeaParty on 12/14/22 at 1:19 pm

i hope he goes 3rd party.

That would be dumb and guarantee a democratic president.

re: New Etf : DIP

Posted by TeaParty on 12/14/22 at 11:02 am
1.29% expense ratio. First I hear of this. But it better perform at those rates

That pretty much sums up this country.


re: Two officers killed in Bay St Louis

Posted by TeaParty on 12/14/22 at 7:50 am
WOW she was able to shoot and kill 2 police officers wearing body armor.

re: Biden clips resurface again.

Posted by TeaParty on 12/14/22 at 7:42 am
And he will never get pressed on this. KJP probably won't even say he has evolved. She will give some bs line about LBG... and never answer the question.
The goof ball idiot is aways coughing and hacking on something or his hands. Probably a cough drop.

re: Taking Emergen-C vitamin C daily

Posted by TeaParty on 12/13/22 at 1:11 pm
Kirklands Vitamin C 1000 pills. Price is great
Maybe he would have just kept pleading the 5th ammendment or the other bs statement these people repeat in order to not answer questions
He heard the command. Understood the command and can be heard saying "no"
I keep seeing in the title and repeated in the post that he was on his property. Yet nothing anywhere says this.

Another poster said he was not on his property and was cutting power to peoples home and making threats.

I am not a boot licker as some on here would say. But when told to drop th
I bought two cars this year. I received 2 titles just like always. No issues