Favorite team:Ole Miss 
Biography:I am a real America, fighting for the rights of every one.
Interests:Dirt baths
Number of Posts:157
Registered on:10/11/2021
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Diana was batshit but was smart enough to weaponize British media. Charles has always been both an embarrassing romantic and expecting a royal life like in the old days. And c'mon, are you really gonna say this isn't a great moment for America? Walk in fart, make them just sit there in the smog,...
Because it's poetic and descriptive. Lucifer was just another name for Venus in the morning. Then like everything else for awhile got co-opted into christian tradition. But if y'all actually read what you preach about the Lucifer of popular myth is very different from the adversaries of the Bible....
Shits still shite. The sequels being just as bad didn't suddenly make them better. That said the eu around the prequels was still alright....
Self awareness lacks here. But how many times have y'all drooled over the flavor of the month only for her to cuck y'all in the end....
God damn, just spreading them cheeks for Biden and y'all are celebrating it. But it does fall in line with your porn searches....
[img]https://preview.redd.it/j2qaodsitkt01.gif?format=png8&s=2dc515ed7289bf8d49dbb62ecd1dd2bda215dff9[/img] You were warned way before you let the preachers take over and now the solid south is showing chinks....
He lied under oath. For such a small thing, it cemented even more invulnerability into the office. Newt also pissed away a lot of Goodwill on it....
7th and 8th graders are already being bombarded with all sorts of unrealistic crap. A few passages about a crappy sexual experience where no one has a good time and the girl ends up puked on isn't a bad thing. At least it's more real and more human than 99.5% of the media they'll consume, at least i...
Damn and you didn't nurse him on Metallica and Motley Crue? You did him wrong....
It's a coming of age story, you saying you never experienced a bad blowjob in highschool? Nerd....
It probably will but it's good to keep the blood fresh in an office....
Haha! So they can either drop the jealous bent of South Americans trying to claim America. Or they are just attempting a suit against multiple countries. Also they can frick off. But neither the Reps or the Dems want to to turn off the spigot. Or apply the actual tech and personnel to control ill...
The answer is... A republican widower. [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/1dh7mu1uMZtFDDlD4OJCsujKajo=/0x15:472x330/1400x1400/filters:focal(0x15:472x330):format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/assets/734602/carnac-1.jpg[/img] Most likely to get caught by election police? You don't like that? May ...
You're forgetting the cultural overlap early gen Y had with Mid-late X through older siblings along with MTV catering to X for a good while....
*sobbing* Edit: Coming back to this. All those classic bits we can sound off from each other. I've watched newer episodes here and there. I couldn't recite a line to save my life....
You're asking for a tall order on self awareness here....
[img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BlaringSnoopyHart-size_restricted.gif[/img] Hop in, losers, we're driving you to your government mandated CRT class. [img]https://comb.io/YWJ54g.gif[/img] ...

re: I just got my poison

Posted by thrillachinchilla on 11/2/21 at 3:34 pm
*Freedom is somewhere between $4 and $37 ...

re: I just got my poison

Posted by thrillachinchilla on 11/2/21 at 3:07 pm
You just described a crawfish boil at a trailer park. It already happened....