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Registered on:8/21/2019
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I think a lot of people end up having kids either by accident or "it's the thing to do", then spend the next 20 years convincing themselves that it was the best thing to ever happen to them, and don't realize the full weight of creating a person. Having a kid is agreeing to the difficult parts of it...
You're right that the places do exist and people just don't go to them. As a 20something myself though, there's just nothing to DO at these places. Maybe this is a generational disconnect, but eating and drinking is not an activity. Why would I drive to a brewery and spend a lot of money on drinks t...
[quote]Every kid on ADHD meds needs a good arse whopping. The threat of a belt set my arse straight[/quote] I thought the same thing until I got on ADHD meds in my early 20s. I grew up in a typical Louisiana household that believed in (appropriate) corporal punishment. I wasn't abused or traumati...
[quote]I think you’re making the point that society is sliding into increasing trashiness and casualness.[/quote] My point is that society is sliding into increasing focus on results over appearances....

re: EBR schools closed Monday

Posted by HeckIt on 8/21/23 at 4:20 pm
Just like every other "labor shortage" in the country, this one is very easily solved. Pay employees (in this case bus drivers) more. [quote]But then the cost gets passed on to the consumer![/quote] I hear you, Mr. Geriatric. I'll let you in on a secret though: that's not a rule. In the case o...
[quote]Ignorant about what? Tattoos are of low taste. Fact.[/quote] Ignorant in your prejudices. In the 1930s, it would have been considered "trashy" for a teacher to not wear a suit and tie. Do you think that applies today to a teacher wearing a polo and khakis? No. Why? Because what they're wea...
Let them get through high school so they are at least given the same opportunity as everyone else. But by the time they are 16, any charge involving a weapon should be tried as an adult. If they are engaging in that behavior by that age, they are almost certainly a lost cause. By 18, they need a man...
[quote]Tattoos that you can't cover up when dressing nice are beyond trashy. Especially on a woman[/quote] I'll take all of the tatted dommy mommy girls y'all don't want....
You know what is even more reckless that seemingly nobody, especially older generations, questions at all? Having kids....
This thread perfectly illustrates the generational divide on tattoos. For the boomers and older Gen X, tattoos were a sign of rebellion. But for Millennials and Gen Z, they're just an accessory of sorts. Like dying your hair. bUt THEy'Re pErManEnt!!11 So? If I end up hating it in 30 years, I'l...

re: What do you define as job hopper?

Posted by HeckIt on 5/30/23 at 10:58 am
[quote]If I see someone hasn’t stayed at a job for more than 2 years before moving on, I eliminate their resume.[/quote] This is a mindset leftover from a time when one breadwinner working an average job was enough to support a family. Stability was important because basic needs were already met....