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Registered on:3/11/2019
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[quote]agents.[/quote] Life Insurance broker/dealer? RUN Real broker/dealer? CHECK IT OUT ...
Makes you wonder how he was hired anyway after shooting one dude and stabbing another?...
[quote]A week of boredom then an hour of terror[/quote] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tOUEClM9I1s/UD_H-k5laKI/AAAAAAADI6Q/p6N1oESaino/s640/Z+-+apaga+o+fogo.gif[/img]...
[quote] pander to .005% [/quote] That dumb arse will do or say anything just to get an additional .005% of votes....
That stupid silly mother fricker will do and say just about ANYTHING for votes, including this. ...
[quote]44% of Americans don’t pay federal income tax. Why don’t you bitch for them to pay their fair share? [/quote] They didn't teach "normal logic" when he was in the 10th grade....
Your previous post was about individuals not paying their fare share. Last I checked, Amazon was a company....
[quote] He wants to help people[/quote] He wants to help himself and the vast majority of the people who will vote for him (see below). Let him do it with your money, not mine. [img]https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-608b73c70f5b30e161ae233b06a7f17f[/img]...
Is this what the average Bernie supporter in America looks like? [img]http://klyker.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/weird-looking-people-28.jpg[/img]...
Cant begin to tell you how many times I burned my mouth on their little hot apple or cherry pies. The inside of those things was like volcano magma....

re: Thing Deer hunters do

Posted by Dead Man Walking on 2/10/20 at 4:11 pm
[quote]When I shoot a deer with my rifle and need to replace the missing bullet in the magazine, I take all the bullets out and put the new one in first since the others have been patiently waiting their turn. I also feel sorry for the bullet that has been on top the longest and has visible track ma...
That old lady you were road ragin with today punched you? I'm sure you deserved it....
[quote]all former Presidents and First Ladies have SS protection for the rest of their lives[/quote] Correct, but they can decline like Jimmy Carter....
[quote]aged 24-41 have more than $100,000 in savings[/quote] Easy to do when you still live in your parents basement and they still give you an allowance....
[quote]Has your area seen a noticeable increase? [/quote] Would that be the Lake Charles area?...

re: And so it begins for Biden

Posted by Dead Man Walking on 1/30/20 at 1:10 pm
[img]https://media.salon.com/2015/03/joe_biden.jpg[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/gEsm1MYhathO8/giphy.gif[/img]...