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Registered on:3/30/2018
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Wouldn't be a good Marine Corp thread without some quality dick measuring.
They are okay clubs. Nothing special. I bought a set on prime day for 80.00 bucks. Now my friends can't use the "I don't have clubs" excuse when I ask them to play.
My little cousin joined in 2010. 2 years after me. I sent him a care package with gay porn and a huge dildo. DI made him walk around with a dildo in his pocket for a week.

Sounds dumb but it's just some Marine Corp humor. Embrace the suck

disability so he'll have Medicare but not sure how long that process will take and don't have time to wait

Well hurry up. Can't wait for tax payers to be supporting another useless eater.
That's not really a credible source.

re: For my 10,000th post..

Posted by Billyraychubbs on 1/16/20 at 8:54 am
Solid 10,000th post. Maybe best 10,000th post ever

re: Just watched LSU vs UCF

Posted by Billyraychubbs on 1/14/20 at 3:42 pm
I just watched burrow take a knee on the three. I think we gold


Posted by Billyraychubbs on 1/14/20 at 3:34 pm
Never forget clempson. And quit bitching about refs because that's all that kept you within 3 scores. Eat shite clempson fans

In route Baws!!!!!!

Posted by Billyraychubbs on 1/12/20 at 12:03 pm
Heading that way and not sure if my liver and vocal cords are ready for what's about to go down.

Drive safe and geaux tigers!!!!!
They have divine blocking power baw.
Donald Trump sings along with neck when we are up by 30 in the 3rd. STTDB!!!!!!!!!
After reading the post from tigernet about coach O beIN a piece of shite I hope we rape them. They think they have some kind of moral high ground worshipping dabo's fake arse
In garbage time. That's my bold prediction. I hope and pray with skull drag these self righteous pricks from beginning to end.
Wasn't that bad. Only searched my a-hole with 1 finger.
I talked with a booster to the quarterback club at my local 1A school. He said our local school was gonna suck arse again next year.

Subtle I rub elbows with boosters brag