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re: NOW I hate millenials

Posted by DBAG DREW on 11/11/21 at 10:51 pm
[quote]my 79 year old mom[/quote] You gonna chance her last meal being Olive Garden? Shame on you. ...
I don’t support anyone getting arrested for heckling a politician....
Is that supposed to be some sort of gotcha? ...
Ok, “frick Joe Biden” vs Trump getting booed at the World Series. Those both cool? Or is one an outrage and the other ok?...
Clearly that was a Soros-funded false flag operation....
What’s it like always having a these big bad boogeyman in your head 24/7?...
If you don’t like sexual predators you must hate Trump. Who did you vote for?...
Good lord could you be more dramatic?...
I don’t think your average Biden voter cares one way or another. Biden voters don’t care about Biden like y’all do Trump. Y’all see a handful of retards on Twitter crying about LGB and think it speaks for everyone. That you’re in some great culture war when in reality most Biden voters don’t car...
[quote]How is that gonna happen when one side blatantly cheats?[/quote] Yeah ok buddy....
[quote]a non- profane phrase[/quote] Don’t be obtuse. You know it started out as a profane phrase. And no one should have a problem with that. Just don’t forget that the next time your “team” is on top....
[quote]Leftists are scrambling to declare this phrase as some form of evil, or even a terroristic threat.[/quote] Not all of us. I believe it’s our right as Americans to curse our president. And I think the LGB thing is hilarious because of how it came to be. But that means when Trump or ...
[quote]There is a way to make vehicles cheaper. No automatic windows, no leather seats, no Bose 8 speaker audio system, etc… Would you buy one?[/quote] I would absolutely buy something like a late 80s Toyota SR5 with manual everything if Toyota decided to remake it and sell at the same price (adj...
[quote]You guys should blow up the bridges to keep us out. Please.[/quote] I seriously doubt anyone on the south shore would notice the bridges were gone....
[quote]Save the North shore. Blow the bridges connected to NO[/quote] I can assure you it ain’t NOLA people headed to the northshore who use that bridge every day. ...
[quote]Yet restaurants and bars are held to a higher standard. It’s all about the money, and the NFL has the money to call the “shots”.[/quote] No they aren't. Restaurants and bars can also let in people with only one shot. No waiting period required. ...
Deny your kid an education to own the libs. Great plan....
I don’t really follow the COVID news that much so idk what team rooted for which drug but last fall all the Fox News loving boomers I know couldn’t stop talking about Remdesivir as the golden ticket to “live their lives” or w/e so I’m surprised to hear it’s the Fauci drug now....
[quote] "I bought the truck specifically because of the generator for my own safety. I'm happy I bought it. Some of my neighbors are too, because they could charge their cellphones and iPads off my power supply." [/quote] Dude spent 40K on a truck when he should have spent 20K on a truck and 20k ...
It’s the same thing but congrats on performing the mental gymnastics required to pretend you aren’t just as big of snowflakes as the woke left....