Favorite team:LSU 
Location:On da bayou
Interests:Hunt and fishing
Occupation:Plant operations
Number of Posts:40
Registered on:12/17/2017
Online Status:Not Online

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shite balls and throw the guilty off the dam bridge...
It’s easy to see that’s how...
I’ve been watching them all season they have no leadership and no energy and enthusiasm . NONE someone really needs to step up and push some buttons ...
I’ve been watching them all season they have no leadership and no energy and enthusiasm . NONE someone really needs to step up and push some buttons ...
Better yet hope they take your property and you learn what it’s like to lose to criminals because you think it’s ok and you are to weak to do anything about it ...
I’m a true God fearing God loving conservative and I for one will not support them or any woke companies with my hard earned money ever. Aka Nike , Coke, Bud, Gillette, north face , now PepsiCo I’m all good if all I have left is the gifts from nature I’ll still be better off...
In reality it’s much worse after seeing the backlash from the Budlight fiasco. If they decided to promote that mental illness through the corporate world with big name brands they should embrace and expect to lose money ...
In reality it’s much worse after seeing the backlash from the Budlight fiasco. If they decided to promote that mental illness through the corporate world with big name brands they should embrace and expect to lose money ...
I’ve been to 3 of the 6 games so far , the problem I see is that this team is not energized they look flat all the time no energy which in turn makes the crowds not feeling the energy and not making noise to get it all going. They are lacking that fiery leader to pump them up...
Prolife does not mean that you have to support parents who screw without thinking of the consequences. One mess up ok but taxpayers should not be held accountable for these people to screw like wild animals and have it paid for by us. If they were not paid welfare money for each kid and given free h...

re: Saudis declare price war

Posted by Irishspecialist on 3/8/20 at 4:35 pm
So you have never worked in a plant before...
Every single gay or lesbian person I know of has had serious home problems that started with their parents . This may not be 100 percent around the world but. Bet it’s well over 90 percent ...
I had it once when younger. Had it inJanuary and spent 14 days in the hospital with the flu and pneumonia Almost died from it never want it again....
The truth is they do get off and go ashore to go shopping and things with prior approval ...

re: Prayers Needed

Posted by Irishspecialist on 2/10/19 at 9:05 pm
Good luck prayers sent we all got some demons in our lives and sometimes our lives are crazy but their is always someone willing to help . Look for that some one and also talk with God he really listens I know this ...
Screw State Farm they dropped me for 3 legit claims over a 5 year span on homeowners insurance 2 weeks into hurricane season with one in the gulf. I had been with them for over 30 years .I had to take vacation to find new insurance and man was I glad found better insurance for about $1000 a year c...