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Registered on:10/9/2017
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[img] https://i.imgur.com/Bda4vzb_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand[/img]...
[quote]For the Freeze is the GOAT coach crowd, why has every program over the last 6 years stepped directly over that turd without even a sniff?[/quote] The same Freeze crowd will say recruiting is critical to be competitive but they fail to see how bad Freeze will be to recruiting. If Freeze is ...
[quote]We moved to a suburb and picked a home specifically for the great elementary school, but our kid was an infant. By the time he was ready for Kindergarten, the school had been re-zoned and "multi family" housing had surged. Kindergarten class had 11 different dialects. It was now the most tran...
[img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/307/426/92d.jpg[/img] “Chimpanzees are monkeys and the word monkey is in monkeypox” Monkeypox is an Orthopoxvirus not an Adenovirus. ...
[quote]San Francisco Is The Kindest, Bravest, Warmest, Most Wonderful City...[/quote] Title and link title are blatantly deceptive. This is in East Palo Alto, a city that in the early 90s won the title of Murder Capital of the US. ...

re: Fossil fuel use to zero

Posted by bungalow233b on 3/9/22 at 10:24 pm
My point is that permits are a product of having those other things lined up. Permits have expiration dates. Only companies with those lined up would request permits. Including those other factors just tells you if companies are likely to request permits. Back to my original point, if you want t...

re: Fossil fuel use to zero

Posted by bungalow233b on 3/9/22 at 2:41 pm
[quote]It’s not just that. There are leases, exploration, permits to drill, production infrastructure, completions, production, refining, and distribution. It’s a long chain of events to get that drop of gas in your car or the PVC pellets to the plant that makes the vinyl siding or pipe.[/quote] ...

re: Fossil fuel use to zero

Posted by bungalow233b on 3/9/22 at 1:07 pm
The government doesn’t get a say in how fossil fuel is utilized, that is on private companies. If they can get a better price overseas, for example Europe, then the us consumer is competing against the global market. Most years we are a net exporter of fossil fuels. If OPEC and other global prices...

re: Kristi Malzahn hospitalized

Posted by bungalow233b on 1/26/22 at 1:49 pm
[quote]All this fear, hand wringing, mandates etc... Zero effort to use this as an opportunity to improve individual health, which is already abysmal in this country and the reason we have been so much worse off, supposedly, than many other countries.[/quote] You mean these recommendations? [link...

re: Posibarner

Posted by bungalow233b on 10/13/21 at 2:41 pm
[quote]Yeah I just don’t think that works today[/quote] I'll raise you a Jarquez Hunter. This quote highlights the mentality that Harsin is trying to bring in and the mentality that Gus taught to the players he coached. “Whenever we were running stadiums, he would finish his stadiums — we had...

re: ESPN should do a 30 for 30….

Posted by bungalow233b on 9/18/21 at 12:33 am
[quote]Nah. We only need two CFB 30 for 30s [b]right now[/b]. A 30 for 30 on the 08/Urban Meyer Gators. And [b]then eventually[/b] a 5 part (Last Dance type series) on Saban after he hangs it up.[/quote] So we need one ...
[quote]What caught my eye last night as I was posting the votes totals was that the No votes were far outpacing the amount of votes all of the dem candidates combined were receiving. I mean, if you’re against the recall, fine. But wouldn’t you as an insurance policy also fill in a bubble for a dem c...

re: Broncos cut Seth Williams

Posted by bungalow233b on 8/31/21 at 5:15 pm
He would have made more coming back and signing some NIL deals. ...
[quote]Yet we can create designer mRNA vaccines?[/quote] mRNA vaccines are one of the biggest achievements we have created. For comparison mRNA would be equivalent to the invention of radar. Not even in the same conversation as creating a virus. ...
Because we have the most advanced biotech industry in the world and are not even remotely close to creating designer viruses. If China truly created the virus it is equivalent to when we had nuclear weapons before everyone else. Biotech weapons are a level above nuclear. Imagine being able to kil...
Great paper, while in the last 10 years it has become more apparent that recruiting rankings impact on field success, most of the evidence I've seen was empirical. With the proliferation of transfers in the last few years it would be interesting to see what positions have more on field success an...
[quote]I'm still not aware of a single hospital system outside of NYC that was ever at risk of being overrun.[/quote] Uhh the origin post shows that masks and social distancing work. Those countries had some of the strictest policies. Their deaths and cases are insanely low. Atlanta, I know s...
Correct, I never said you do. Social distancing policies and masks are not hysteria. That’s an issue with the media, and peoples consumption of it. ...
Your bank has all the information. This is a predictive model that was trying to model the R0 and health impact, while also modeling in people’s movement. Maybe the thing would have been to wait to understand more about it, but then you risk that the R0 is something around 6 and the death rate...
[quote]Pulling forward deaths from the future doesn't justify sanctioning[/quote] Pulling forward weather reports from the future doesn’t justify evacuating New Orleans because we think there is a chance a category 5 hurricane will hit the area. “All models are wrong, but some are useful” - Ge...