Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
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Registered on:8/18/2006
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Most women are WAY to emotional! The overly emotional ones don't care about facts because of their overpowering feelings. Any emotional person who follows politics is usually pretty unreasonable and easily manipulated (whether they are left of the aisle or right). Feelings about politics shouldn't b...
[quote]quote: and it’s somewhere you can build you brand I can’t put my finger on exactly why, but this comment leads me to believe he will NOT be coming to LSU.[/quote] I agree with you, but what football program has produced more "brand name" football players than LSU lately? LSU i...
[quote]I’m convinced the officiating in women’s basketball is rigged.[/quote] Yeah, I am in no way pulling for or against Iowa, but I watched the end of that Iowa v. WV game, and on multiple occasions actually rewinded the game to see if I was crazy or if they were calling phantom fouls on WV an...
Not to mention no calls on every physically contended shot by LSU! ...

re: WBB: LSU 78 Alabama 58 Final

Posted by Cracking on 1/18/24 at 8:50 pm
Worst officiating Ive seen in a while!...

re: Ohio St collective

Posted by Cracking on 1/18/24 at 11:38 am
[quote]Also, Ryan Day will be fired next year.[/quote] Les Miles 2.0 without the circular, nonsense lingo. However, Day has an awkwardness about him that is hard to watch in interviews that seems like a lack of confidence where Les Miles was confident and entertaining despite his odd way of speak...

re: Scents of the OT

Posted by Cracking on 12/1/23 at 11:19 am
Sorry for the long post, but just my .02: year to year, the younger generation suicide numbers are down, until you get to middle age men (over 35). In my opinion, it IS in large part due to mass media/social media homogenizing "main stream" culture, but also rejecting any traditional values/cu...
[img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fthehayride.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F12%2Fskyler-green-1.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=d300df0882e45eccd84db37b56a625f3a7cf2d85501ddaf1dc477ed977ebd9c3&ipo=images[/img] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2...

re: LSU Post-Game Press Conferece

Posted by Cracking on 6/21/23 at 10:12 pm
No. You never bunt your hottest hitter if he’s a lefty and you have 1st and 2nd with no outs. It’s just dumb. ...

re: Riley Cooper appreciation thread

Posted by Cracking on 6/21/23 at 10:03 pm
He’s been huge! And his pitching was excellent!...

re: Funny Kid Stories

Posted by Cracking on 1/23/23 at 1:25 pm
My wife and I ran a lot of road races around 2007-2012 together. When she would train for them she loved listening to certain songs, and one of them was "Like a G6" with the lyrics being, "Like a G6. Like a G6. Feeling so fly like a G6..." She would often listen to that song in the car with our son....
[i]It says you must maintain control long enough to make an act common to the game. One of the example of those acts is warding off an opponent. An opponent knocked the ball out his hands, so the refs thought this condition was not satisfied and therefore did not have control. They also said they be...

re: Keys to Victory for LSU to beat Bama

Posted by Cracking on 10/24/22 at 11:04 am
Sorry for the long post, but I'm excited to see where LSU truly stands at this point in the season!!! Kelly/Denbrock have done a masterful job creating an identity for this offense with Daniels running the RPO/Read option! 4 keys that IMO are simple, but not easy: Defense: 1. Pressure Young ...
[quote]Crazy to think y’all are against letting these players profit any off their own names…. The amount of money they generate for the school and NCAA as a whole and you think they shouldn’t even be able to get paid for endorsing a product loool[/quote] No problem with athletes making money off...
[quote]Kerry Combs as defensive coordinator was a complete bust and his mid-season replacement only a little better. [/quote] Kerry Coombs possibly installed the worst major college defensive gameplan I've ever seen in my life against Bama in the 2020/21 *national championship game. He repeatedly...

re: Why some people are pissed

Posted by Cracking on 3/15/22 at 1:21 pm
[quote]do the traditional programs have coaches that get caught on tape, on text, and pay through their own personal account? I'm not saying the blue bloods are clean, but the massive difference is the evidence against them doesn't come back to the coaching staff. But it clearly does in Wade's case....

re: Why some people are pissed

Posted by Cracking on 3/15/22 at 10:31 am
I posted this in another thread, and sorry for the long repost, but My .02: From LSU's statement, quote: Throughout that time, the University and its men’s basketball program have operated under an exhausting shroud of negativity. This line kills me! This is basically saying that LS...

re: Letter From Tate & Woodward

Posted by Cracking on 3/15/22 at 9:11 am
My .02: [quote]Throughout that time, the University and its men’s basketball program have operated under an exhausting shroud of negativity.[/quote] This is the line that kills me! This is basically saying that LSU's decision makers are giving in to the pressure from the media! The NCAA has...
[quote]There are 5-6 games where the other team will pick up 1-2 fouls in a half or in the first 15 minutes. That just doesn’t happen without the refs ignoring stuff [/quote] (TLDR: LSU's style creates an unintentional bias toward one-sided officiating whether its fair or not!) This is wha...