Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:134
Registered on:11/8/2014
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You can knock him but his insight should cause concern. No team will be as good separated than together as a unit.

re: Dry January

Posted by Adsam on 12/31/24 at 10:35 am
It absolutely will help.

re: Recommend an orthopedic in BR area.

Posted by Adsam on 10/20/22 at 1:11 pm
Brock Griffith with BR orthopedics.

re: Is Jayden a game manager

Posted by Adsam on 9/18/22 at 3:34 pm
He takes care of the ball exceptionally well.
Easily. Have a 2008 350 going strong and looking great with 251K miles. No issues ever.
Zimmerman did the exact same thing as these men.
Early vote and FF county (largest precinct in VA) still being counted. These two count for a major share of the votes.

re: Fournette mic'd up in Week 7

Posted by Adsam on 10/29/21 at 4:44 pm
You are correct! Nearly every monday/thursday/sunday pm game has come down to the wire!!

re: Bengals get Ja'Marr a new trophy case.

Posted by Adsam on 10/29/21 at 4:37 pm
The Bengals are the worst financed team in the NFL. A horrible franchise pertaining to resources spent on winning that underscores the impact of JB all the more.

re: Father-in-law fell and broke his hip

Posted by Adsam on 10/16/21 at 12:41 pm
So sorry. For context the 1 year mortality for the elderly after hip fracture is roughly 20%. Make he's treated with meds to help prevent leg blood clots that could migrate to the lungs.
The issue wasn't being behind Burrow, it was mostly being behind Brennan.
You sound like a complete asinine...his credentials were far and away superior than the entire field combined...I examined all of finalists CV's - the others wouldn't have gotten even an interview anywhere else in the country other than at LSU.
Arteries are elastic and regain their shape once a compressive force is removed. The pharynx is cartilaginous/bony and will remain deformed once severely compressed.