
While training for one of the Olympics’ BMX events on Tuesday, Dutch Gold Medal favorite Niek Kimmann, collided with a race official...
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Kimmann reportedly suffered a small fracture in his knee after the collision. He’s still going to attempt to participate in Thursday’s BMX Racing quarterfinals.
(The Spun)
Filed Under: Summer Olympics
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tigahland43 months
official should be fired
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Skinny43 months
Im told all BMX guys must watch the movie Rad before competition.
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GoldenAge43 months
That shite is hilarious
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kywildcatfanone43 months
How does this even happen?
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BobABooey43 months
He’s going to quit, right?
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91TIGER43 months
Was the "official" Homer Simpson ? Geez, what a freaking idiot ! Send his arse home now, just ruined that guys dream.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy43 months
fricking morons
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