A brawl broke out during the fourth division match in Brazil between Treze and Caxias. This player tries his best to escape the madness...

Filed Under: Soccer
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SECdragonmaster74 months
did anyone ever actually land a punch?
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BowlJackson74 months
Solid punch at :31
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Gumbo174 months
Entertaining but I sure would like to know what the dude did to get to that point.
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StupidBinder74 months
There’s like 50 dudes out there and none of them can throw a punch
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young man tiger74 months
Not sure which looks more gay, the guy running or the ****s kicking at him as he runs. Btw, no offense to gays or ****s.
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Emiliooo74 months
This is Serie D in Brazil? That homie looked fast for someone that's playing in Serie D, call him up!
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sealawyer74 months
I guarantee that if he took that kick to the shin on the pitch he would have hit the ground like he was being tortured.
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Jazzbo Depew74 months
Re-title this Larry, "Cowards On The Pitch" has a nice ring to it.
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Arksulli74 months
Considering that you can, in a fairly friendly dispute, get shanked in Brazil when it comes to soccer, and that beheading refs and the other team is not unheard of... Yeah running seems like a sound policy to me.
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