Remember the Salt Bae dude? Well, he was trying to grab the spotlight during Argentina's World Cup win, but Messi wanted nothing to do with him...
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Go away Salt Bae...
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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: Soccer
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Rex Feral26 months
What's a sale bae?
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ImBatman26 months
This mf was just trying to hog the spot light. What a d*ck!
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Wabbit726 months
Get this loser out of there. What a clown.
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tigerpawl26 months
Imagine - your entire life revolving around a juvenile gesture. We are a forgiving species, indeed. I like the suit. Lose the man-bun.
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Lynxrufus201226 months
Why was he even allowed on the pitch?
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Hangit26 months
So, a guy that throws salt at steak gets a backstage pass to the celebration? What aboot the school cafeteria lady that makes the rolls?
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