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re: Authoritarian Voting Tendencies

Posted on 11/28/17 at 4:50 am to
Posted by Little Trump
Member since Nov 2017
5817 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 4:50 am to
Based on those 2 paragraphs my intelligence wouldn't get stimulated by engaging with you

You're a waste people's time
Posted by Ebbandflow
Member since Aug 2010
13457 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 4:54 am to

Thanks for the links. It's a real concern. The younger one is the less likely one is to say that living in a democracy is essential ( LINK). These attitude changes have been seen in other countries where "democratic deconsolidation" has occurred with degradation of democratic processes, failures in rule of law, free speech & press, rights of dissidents, etc. Trump is a symptom of devaluation of traditional democratic norms and a preference of some for authoritarians.

Thank you for your eloquent response. From and end game or Longview sort of goal I feel like the rise of authoritarian opinion and support of trump is actually something that can help the Progressive Movement, which got out of control towards the end of the Obama presidency.

I truly believe that the pendulum swings back and forth up a staircase and human evolution. In this case, I believe that progressives wanted a movement that was progressing too quickly to consider all of society and the backlash was one that was equal in response, considering only certain members of society.

I'm actually concerned that this authoritarian swing will start become incredibly prevalent on both sides of the aisle.

For those familiar with how to destroy Society, from USSR propaganda, this is starting to look eerily like that
Posted by GeauxxxTigers23
TeamBunt General Manager
Member since Apr 2013
62514 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 4:54 am to

I actually felt like Hillary Clinton is very much like George W bush
Foriegn policy wise, Hillary was a GWB clone. Domestically the difference were pretty much limited to the second amendment.
Posted by Ebbandflow
Member since Aug 2010
13457 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 4:56 am to

Based on those 2 paragraphs my intelligence wouldn't get stimulated by engaging with you

You're a waste people's time

Yet you are engaging with me and providing no actual substance. Who's wasting more time?
Posted by Ebbandflow
Member since Aug 2010
13457 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 5:00 am to

Foriegn policy wise, Hillary was a GWB clone. Domestically the difference were pretty much limited to the second amendment.

I understand where you're coming from but if you believe Hillary to be like a GW clone, then you have to realize that both speak on points to rile up fanbases to vote for them when they won't actually do anything about it.

Hillary would never try to take guns away, nor would any Democrat. Not really. Similarly, Republicans are never going to try to overturn gay marriage or abortion.

You were spot-on in your first assertion that Hillary and GW are the same person
This post was edited on 11/28/17 at 5:01 am
Posted by TigerOnTheMountain
Higher Elevation
Member since Oct 2014
41773 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 5:02 am to
Not really. Good point! This is why people don’t engage you when you flail about. I thought this was a thread about Pearl Jam anyway. Wtf?
Posted by TigerDoc
Member since Apr 2004
9915 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 5:03 am to
I think that's prescient. Latin America has seen a rise of left-wing authoritarianism in previously fairly well-functioning democracies (e.g. Venezuela) while Eastern Europe (esp. Hungary, Poland) is seeing the rise of right-wing authoritarianism. Politics in the United States has traditionally been "between the 40 yard lines" of the political spectrum but we're seeing more extremism than I've ever seen in my lifetime.
Posted by Ebbandflow
Member since Aug 2010
13457 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 5:08 am to

Not really. Good point! This is why people don’t engage you when you flail about. I thought this was a thread about Pearl Jam anyway. Wtf?

Lol. My father was a lawyer before he retired. Half the things I say on this board are me just trying to be Devil's Advocate.

I do tend to lean more liberal but I'm definitely not social justice in the way that it's become and definitely hate Hillary and Trump.

I actually do feel like I agree with a lot of people on this board that I would never admit that I agree with. I do go to Liberal websites and do the same thing. I feel like I learn a lot more about where everybody's coming from and their entire arguments.

Having said that, most people in this border retarded and I can't help myself from being a dick.

I'm 38 now but when I was about 27 28 I would provide many paragraphs to support claims and now I'm just a troll I guess.

I do seek actual debate and knowledge sometimes though
Posted by Dick Leverage
In The HizHouse
Member since Nov 2013
9000 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 5:13 am to
Need clarifications.

You said he "trashed" AT LEAST half of Americans. Let's start there. Explain this assertion.

Next, explain how you figure that your following claim is remotely true? The claim that he is reversing "progress" that half of the people voted for. The other way to look at that is that people who voted for Obama, especially in the Midwest, disavowed their vote after 8 years of a "progress" that did not align with the "progress" that they had in mind in 08.
Posted by Ebbandflow
Member since Aug 2010
13457 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 5:20 am to

think that's prescient. Latin America has seen a rise of left-wing authoritarianism in previously fairly well-functioning democracies (e.g. Venezuela) while Eastern Europe (esp. Hungary, Poland) is seeing the rise of right-wing authoritarianism. Politics in the United States has traditionally been "between the 40 yard lines" of the political spectrum but we're seeing more extremism than I've ever seen in my lifetime.

Actually believe Barack Obama, policy-wise, was barely better than GW. Sidebar: GW and his cabinet perpetrated some of the worst crimes on America and the world than any other Administration.

The difference was that Obama was actually able to speak well enough to sound like he was bringing everyone together

Running this country is hard with so many people split on only two parties. Having said that, what we really need right now is someone who can kind of bring everybody back together from the polarisation that we are currently experiencing.

I actually believe that is bad as a presidential candidate Trump is, he kind of brings the extreme liberals back off the ledge of insanity. Only problem is that he uses so much ego while doing it that he creates a divide that's very hard to reach across the aisle and shake the other guy's hand from.

I believe that both liberals and conservatives need to admit to themselves that we aren't being honest. There are tons of issues socially, from either side of the aisle, that no one is treating honestly. There are also issues, conservatively and fiscally, that we as a society aren't being honest about either.

It should never be an argument over socialism vs capitalism. Both have their merits in any given field where it's most necessary. We have to be able to separate whatever Association we have with either ideology and apply it where necessary

Any innovation technology wise or luxury wise should never be constrained unless it's harmful to citizens but free market can sort that out. By that same token, everyone should be open to education as a priority that we should all pay for. It benefits society as a whole to have educated people around you.

In college I was a huge fan of studying ancient tribes and how there was no clear-cut leader of the tribe until the situation necessitated one that was the best at that specific area.

Best hunter leads the hunt. Best Hut Builder builds the hut. Best healer heals The Herd.

It should be similar in our own Society if we're going to progress to what we could do to reach the Pinnacle of human evolution.

As a quick sidebar I would love to say that if an alien landed in California and everyone was bitching about not having fresh water to drink but yet we have rising ocean waters, the alien would be thoroughly confused at how we can't solve that problem.

I realize that is an oversimplification and an anecdotal response but the point remains. We should be able to solve all problems as a society in a way that is both Innovative and has incentive yet retains our Humanity
This post was edited on 11/28/17 at 5:24 am
Posted by northshorebamaman
Cochise County AZ
Member since Jul 2009
35584 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 5:46 am to

Your fricking Pearl Jam handle is lame as hell, btw.

You're thinking of Even Flow.
eta- nvm, someone already beat me to it.
This post was edited on 11/28/17 at 5:48 am
Posted by ShortyRob
Member since Oct 2008
82116 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 5:52 am to

So you think trashing at least half of Americans

Um. Help me out here. Who are you talking about? Because in the campaign I watched one of the parties went out of its way to run a white people suck campaign. And if my demographic map is correct..........
Posted by Ebbandflow
Member since Aug 2010
13457 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 5:59 am to

Um. Help me out here. Who are you talking about? Because in the campaign I watched one of the parties went out of its way to run a white people suck campaign. And if my demographic map is correct..........

Dude, all political affiliation aside, there was no white people suck campaign. I actually really hate Hillary but there was no white people suck campaign and if you believe so please provide evidence
Posted by ShortyRob
Member since Oct 2008
82116 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 6:00 am to

Dude, all political affiliation aside, there was no white people suck campaign

You're out of your fricking mind. Deplorables was directed straight at white people

There must have been at least a thousand mentions of the uneducated white male. Side note. You noticed no one ever talks about the voting patterns of the uneducated black male?

And then when you add to that the number of leftist who openly talk about white privilege at every fricking turn you have to have your head in the damn sand to be a white person and not know what Liberals are saying to you

Oh and let's not forget Hillary's brilliant tweet about white people. That was on this boards I'm not going to look for it
This post was edited on 11/28/17 at 6:02 am
Posted by Ebbandflow
Member since Aug 2010
13457 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 6:05 am to

You're out of your fricking mind. Deplorables was directed straight at white people

It was directed at many of the people that are actually Trump fans at Trump rallies. You can try to pretend like they don't exist but they do and they are embarrassing to either party.


There must have been at least a thousand mentions of the uneducated white male. Side note. You noticed no one ever talks about the voting patterns of the uneducated black male? 

I'm not saying you're wrong but provide the evidence of these thousand posts by even doing 10% of that. To be honest, most of the uneducated black male doesn't really even vote. I have an equal amount of evidence as you do which is not much


Oh and let's not forget Hillary's brilliant tweet about white people. That was on this boards I'm not going to look for it

Well you should if you're going to use it as evidence. Again, I hate Hillary but I have no idea what you're talking about and you haven't done anything to educate me
Posted by ShortyRob
Member since Oct 2008
82116 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 6:10 am to

I'm not saying you're wrong but provide the evidence of these thousand posts by even doing 10% of that. To

If we are going to seriously try to have a conversation where I have to prove that liberals bring up the uneducated white male vote constantly then we're done here. I mean I was under the assumption on was talking to somebody who lived in the United States


Well you should if you're going to use it as evidence.

I'm stating an opinion based on evidence I'm aware of. You can choose to seek it out or not. Not my problem. This internet tendency for people to be lazy is a you thing not a me thing

When I have conversations in real life and people make claims that I don't know are true I go check. Because it would be absurd to assume they have 2000 pages of notes in their pocket

The invention of digital communication didn't make me lazy.

And just so you know it isn't educating you if I have to hand hold you. Again. If you are the type of person who only accepts information if the other person shoves it down your throat but disregards all information not shoved down your throat without even looking that isn't being educated

Hillary's tweet on white people can't be fricking hard to find. It is a failing on your part if you can't be bothered to inform yourself in the face of being provided information

Believe it or not. That's how reasonably bright people had to do it 4 thousands of years prior to about 10 years ago
Posted by Ebbandflow
Member since Aug 2010
13457 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 6:15 am to

we are going to seriously try to have a conversation where I have to prove that liberals bring up the uneducated white male vote constantly then we're done here. I mean I was under the assumption on was talking to somebody who lived in the United States


Well you should if you're going to use it as evidence.

I'm stating an opinion based on evidence I'm aware of. You can choose to seek it out or not. Not my problem. This internet tendency for people to be lazy is a you thing not a me thing

When I have conversations in real life and people make claims that I don't know are true I go check. Because it would be absurd to assume they have 2000 pages of notes in their pocket

The invention of digital communication didn't make me lazy.

And just so you know it isn't educating you if I have to hand hold you. Again. If you are the type of person who only accepts information if the other person shoves it down your throat but disregards all information not shoved down your throat without even looking that isn't being educated

Hillary's tweet on white people can't be fricking hard to find. It is a failing on your part if you can't be bothered to inform yourself in the face of being provided information

Believe it or not. That's how reasonably bright people had to do it 4 thousands of years prior to about 10 years ago

I'm not saying that you're completely off base or that don't understand, I just need to see some of what you're actually basing this off of. That shouldn't be too hard right?
Posted by ShortyRob
Member since Oct 2008
82116 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 6:22 am to

I'm not saying that you're completely off base or that don't understand, I just need to see some of what you're actually basing this off of. That shouldn't be too hard right?

I gave it to you. I'm 50. I grew up in a world where someone made an assertion then I checked the assertion

So you can choose to check it or not. No skin off my teeth really

A link or two on my part not prove the white privilege assertion on its own. That's for you to research

The same goes for the deplorables comments and who they were directed at. That's for you to research

And the same goes for so the routine use of uneducated white men

While you're at it you can delve into the fact that over last 8 years certain racial comments have been given a complete pass in terms of employment at State universities and other major universities along with he political positions

That's called educating yourself. You can choose to do it or you can wait for people on message boards to educate you. Your call but trust me the former is much better than the latter
Posted by Knight of Old
New Hampshire
Member since Jul 2007
11100 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 6:42 am to

real answers
Hahaha...the anti-authoritarian will now be the final arbiter on what is 'real'.

Stereo-typical millennial BS...
Posted by Strannix
District 11
Member since Dec 2012
49168 posts
Posted on 11/28/17 at 6:44 am to

reversing every bit of progress that people voted for over 8 years

Elections have consequences baw
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