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re: A large chunk of the leftist Millennial generation is TOAST

Posted on 2/20/19 at 9:52 pm to
Posted by NPComb
Member since Jan 2019
27492 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 9:52 pm to
The trouble with Millennial liberal men is they claim the moral highground and promote a hipster inclusive culture that only fits their ideals. If you subscribe to a different point of view you are labeled a racist, bigoted, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic nationalist.
Posted by Saint Alfonzo
Member since Jan 2019
22312 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 9:55 pm to


Boo-hoo. Life is hard, get a fricking helmet, ya crytit.
Posted by Stidham8
Member since Aug 2018
7026 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 9:55 pm to

This is such a ridiculous and oversimplified argument. They believe it’s the government’s job to fight for level the playing field—which, well, it is their job.

No it's not their job. Secondly, they're incapable of it even if it was their job. They cannot replace kids growing up without parents or replace bad parenting with good parenting. That's a cultural/familial issue that needs to be addressed. Parenting is the #1 factor by an astronomical margin when it comes to where their kids end up in life. Something that truly does need to be addressed is the horrible school system. The United States is SO far behind some of the other developed countries when it comes to placing an emphasis on getting a great education. A large chunk of today's society mocks the nerds in the classroom who get good grades. Little do they know that it's those kids who will go on to have stable paying jobs in the future.

And the government has been failing in that job for a long long time. The millennials understand that our current (and by current, I mean for decades) government works for lobbyists and corporations, and they’re getting pissed, and they’re starting to act on that anger.
The funny thing is, the only thing holding back a democratic/socialist tidal wave here presently is the Boomers (who know the same shite as millennials but benefit from it and thus vote Right). But the Boomers are getting older and on the way out, so a reckoning is coming. So shake your fists and gnash your teeth at the so-called entitled, lazy, millennials, for wanting stuff like free college (which for some reason you guys forgot was a thing, like, 40 years ago) and basic healthcare (the horror! What’s next? Paid vacation? 40-hour work weeks??) but they’re tomorrow’s (and today’s) voters, and it’s their time soon.

How is college going to be valuable if it simply becomes an extension of high school with everyone attending?

Health insurance is not a right. And I'll add, Emergency Rooms are full of homeless patients and patients without insurance that go there to receive care and they aren't turned away.

So buckle up. The days of people believing in the bull shite patently false trickle-down economics and bootstrapping fairy tales is over. The internet fricked that up for you. Get new schtick or get on board.

Serious question, how old are you and tell me about your work experience? This was a really childish rant.

This post was edited on 2/20/19 at 9:56 pm
Posted by Stidham8
Member since Aug 2018
7026 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:04 pm to

There are more than enough kids in the 12-20 age that have a completely opposite worldview than what you have embraced that I am not to concerned with your generation of crybabies. You are to stupid to comprehend that a free college education will devalue a college degree to the point that it will be the equivalent of having a HS diploma today. There won’t be more jobs available to place all of these people who get a “free college” degree.

The younger age bracket (under 20) is far less socialist leaning than your worthless generation. Your time is right now. This is your high water mark. And your ideas are being exposed and rejected even with a complicit media propaganda machine pushing your agenda. You are to much of a pussy to make your own future. You are to intellectually weak to find your own way to prosperity. You are to socially inept to network or socialize yourself into a sound future. You are to lazy and entitled to perform a job that you consider beneath you to gain experience and earn respect. You are to impatient because you grew up in an age of instant gratification and were never taught by others or self taught patience.

You are a breed of people who were pampered and allowed to believe that you can have anything you want without ringing the bell every morning for years and years to build your personal financial security. Your breed is weak and it is dying. The hill has been crested and you are on the downhill run to obscurity. The current generation and Gen X will take care of your segment of the population until you all fade away. Just be content with that.

Posted by MI LSU
Member since Oct 2009
1136 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:09 pm to

There are more than enough kids in the 12-20 age that have a completely opposite worldview than what you have embraced that I am not to concerned with your generation of crybabies. You are to stupid to comprehend that a free college education will devalue a college degree to the point that it will be the equivalent of having a HS diploma today. There won’t be more jobs available to place all of these people who get a “free college” degree.

The younger age bracket (under 20) is far less socialist leaning than your worthless generation. Your time is right now. This is your high water mark. And your ideas are being exposed and rejected even with a complicit media propaganda machine pushing your agenda. You are to much of a pussy to make your own future. You are to intellectually weak to find your own way to prosperity. You are to socially inept to network or socialize yourself into a sound future. You are to lazy and entitled to perform a job that you consider beneath you to gain experience and earn respect. You are to impatient because you grew up in an age of instant gratification and were never taught by others or self taught patience.

You are a breed of people who were pampered and allowed to believe that you can have anything you want without ringing the bell every morning for years and years to build your personal financial security. Your breed is weak and it is dying. The hill has been crested and you are on the downhill run to obscurity. The current generation and Gen X will take care of your segment of the population until you all fade away. Just be content with that.

I’m a (newly) wealthy Gen-Xer, who spent years toiling away penniless for the greater good before selling out to get rich, so you’re way off the mark about me from pretty much every angle . If you need to put me into a tidy box, you can classify me as a coastal elite (even though I’m from the Midwest and have lived all over the country, including the Deep South for several years). I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my life (credit card debt and student loans in my youth, to name a few), but I’ve been blessed enough to get ahead regardless—and that’s due to hard work and smarts, yes, but also serendipity, help from my family, and the fact that I was born with some privilege (tall white males have it easier—no bullshite).

The point is that successful people should be helping, not hoarding, and millennials have seen through the facade that rich people getting richer doesn’t actually help the poor. The jig is up, mate.
Posted by MI LSU
Member since Oct 2009
1136 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:28 pm to

No it's not their job. Secondly, they're incapable of it even if it was their job. They cannot replace kids growing up without parents or replace bad parenting with good parenting. That's a cultural/familial issue that needs to be addressed. Parenting is the #1 factor by an astronomical margin when it comes to where their kids end up in life. Something that truly does need to be addressed is the horrible school system. The United States is SO far behind some of the other developed countries when it comes to placing an emphasis on getting a great education. A large chunk of today's society mocks the nerds in the classroom who get good grades. Little do they know that it's those kids who will go on to have stable paying jobs in the future.

i agree that parenting today is a huge issue, but 1) bad parenting is not a death sentence and 2) Gen-Xers are the parents now, so ...

as for education, I agree with you as well--we're way behind other countries, and we clearly don't value education. the problem, here, is that education is paid for by, uh, taxes, and the Right seems to hate those. so what's your solution? I was actually a teacher for years because I wanted to make a difference, but after years of scraping by with nothing I sold out to get paid in advertising. We need to pay teachers a livable wage, not less.
I also did well in college (not high school), and I can tell you that the tide turned about 10-15 years ago in terms of the cool kids--the cool kids are smart now. And as much as you're going to hate to hear this, that's a big reason why there's a liberal surge: it's not cool anymore to be uneducated, so more young people are paying attention and asking important questions--like why the frick did anyone ever believe in horse-shite like trickle-down economics...


How is college going to be valuable if it simply becomes an extension of high school with everyone attending?

my parents didn't pay for college--in the 70s. they went to UCSD, one of the best schools in the country, and they didn't pay a fricking nickel for classes, only books. Public higher education isn't some shangri-la liberal fantasy, lol. this is something that existed literally 40 years ago, and it didn't collapse the US.


Health insurance is not a right. And I'll add, Emergency Rooms are full of homeless patients and patients without insurance that go there to receive care and they aren't turned away.

health insurance is a right, and history will look back on us as savages for not providing it to everyone. emergency rooms as a viable fix hasn't been taken seriously in intellectual circles since the Reagan era, so don't pull that shite out now.
you're not getting treatment for a bunch of illnesses that can kill you in the ER, and additionally, the majority of bankruptcies in the US are a direct result of healthcare costs. full stop.


Serious question, how old are you and tell me about your work experience? This was a really childish rant.

i turn 40 this year. as i said above, i worked in both inner city schools and higher education for years and then sold out because i couldn't live a decent life on a teacher/prof salary with crippling student loan payments. i currently work in advertising making a killing but providing nothing of use to society (other than helping my coworkers, which i guess is something)
Posted by rintintin
Life is Life
Member since Nov 2008
16200 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:36 pm to

Irony is alive and well. 

Not really, I'm technically a millennial. Your post was just vapid drivel, which based on your opening statement was the real irony.
Posted by Eli Goldfinger
Member since Sep 2016
32785 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:38 pm to
Video games
Posted by NPComb
Member since Jan 2019
27492 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:39 pm to

The point is that successful people should be helping, not hoarding, and millennials have seen through the facade that rich people getting richer doesn’t actually help the poor. The jig is up, mate.

You have to be trolling right. I'm a GenXer myself. The 80's were about excess and consumerism. The hoarding is for coastal elites like you yourself mentioned. I prefer to keep my tax dollars and spend it having fun and investing for the future of myself and kids. Feel free to write a check for your excess to the Federal Government. I'm sure it will be utilized appropriately.
Posted by Jimmy2shoes
The South
Member since Mar 2014
11004 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:39 pm to
Real Kamala
Posted by MI LSU
Member since Oct 2009
1136 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:43 pm to

Not really, I'm technically a millennial. Your post was just vapid drivel, which based on your opening statement was the real irony.

You got anything other than ad hominem in your rhetorical tool belt?
Posted by white beans
Member since Sep 2009
5642 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:47 pm to

successful people should be helping, not hoarding, and millennials have seen through the facade that rich people getting richer doesn’t actually help the poor.

Nobody in this country is entitled to shite monetarily.

What business is it yours if free people choose to horde or distribute the money they earned?
Posted by NPComb
Member since Jan 2019
27492 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:47 pm to

i turn 40 this year. as i said above, i worked in both inner city schools and higher education for years and then sold out because i couldn't live a decent life on a teacher/prof salary with crippling student loan payments. i currently work in advertising making a killing but providing nothing of use to society (other than helping my coworkers, which i guess is something)

You are bottom rung GenX and a BS artist. YOU... picked your major. YOU... knew the payscale of a teacher. YOU... accumulated the student loan debt. Then YOU turn to Capitalism to bail you out. Hmmm... where have I heard such hypocrisy before.

Posted by MI LSU
Member since Oct 2009
1136 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:48 pm to

Feel free to write a check for your excess to the Federal Government. I'm sure it will be utilized appropriately.

Out of all the embarrassing arguments the Right makes, this may be the most infuriating: the federal government wastes some (a lot?) of our tax dollars, so we shouldn’t pay more

Nobody sane is arguing that the idiots in government aren’t squandering a lot of tax dollars. Waste is there and it sucks, but the solution isn’t to just not pay taxes, or pay less.
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7348 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:49 pm to
It’s funny how scared y’all are of people taking money that you don’t even qualify to surrender.

I’m 26. I work in a warehouse making around double the min wage and while my wife and I aren’t well off, we make enough money in an area with surging prices that we can pay rent and not struggle. We aren’t on welfare, we don’t have any sort of supplemental income that we don’t earn ourselves. I wouldn’t consider myself conservative or liberal. I don’t really know what I am, and much to my dismay it’s due to internal quabbling over social issues on which I can’t seem to commit wholeheartedly. Ill admit that I need more conviction in that regard.

My biggest problem lies in a system in which I break my back and bust my arse for a company even though I see all of my coworkers skating. You know why? Because my work ethic tells me that it doesn’t matter what I’m doing, I want to do a good job. So I did for a while because I just knew it would pay off. My supervisor told me how big of an asset I was, how having me around has actually boosted morale, and how I actually SAVED THEM nearly $10,000 in labor by taking on additional role. I did this because it was going to pay off. So raises came around and you knew what they threw me? 50. fricking. Cents. $20 extra dollars a week was what my hard work, dependability, and sweat were worth. I told them how pissed I was and they came back with an additional 70 cent raise. They told me to keep it quiet, and told me how big of an exception it was. I was made to feel like I should just be thankful to have a job.

while executives sit in their office and ponder how they can save the shareholders money, I risk injury in a warehouse making what they likely spend on their house note. I’ve thought maybe I’m being a brat. I’ve thought that maybe I’m just not working hard enough. And while there aren’t many things about which I have conviction, I do about one thing. The system is fricking broken. It’s broken when I would love to say frick off and get another job. I’ve actually had interviews. But I can’t wait 3 months for benefits to kick in because my wife has expensive medicine that our insurance pays for. Something that wouldn’t be an issue if we had a single payer system.

So, with that novella being written I’ll tell you this. My peers are my age, and we aren’t entitled little boys and girls that get everything paid by mommy and daddy and sip cappuccinos at Starbucks or whatever other dumb stereotype you perpetuate. I’m a pretty rough guy, as are a lot of people who feel the same way. The wealth will be redistributed and there are more people who agree than disagree. So I suggest you start packing your bags if you can’t deal with that.
This post was edited on 2/20/19 at 10:50 pm
Posted by wmr
North of Dickson, South of Herman's
Member since Mar 2009
32518 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:50 pm to
I'm GenX, but I agree with a lot of the complaints of Millennials. They generally got fricked on the student-loan scam, but I also think they had a different mind-set about the world when they were young than we had.

I feel like when I was college-aged, I was already cynical about Boomers, the future, and skeptical of everything. Most Millennials were starry-eyed optimists when they were that age, it seems.

They believed it would all work out somehow.

Anyhoo, intergenerational bashing is always a fun game.
Posted by white beans
Member since Sep 2009
5642 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:52 pm to
You are free to seek better employment.

Or open your own business even! I’m sure you would run it just right.
Posted by Stidham8
Member since Aug 2018
7026 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:56 pm to

i agree that parenting today is a huge issue, but 1) bad parenting is not a death sentence and 2) Gen-Xers are the parents now, so ...

as for education, I agree with you as well--we're way behind other countries, and we clearly don't value education. the problem, here, is that education is paid for by, uh, taxes, and the Right seems to hate those. so what's your solution? I was actually a teacher for years because I wanted to make a difference, but after years of scraping by with nothing I sold out to get paid in advertising. We need to pay teachers a livable wage, not less.
I also did well in college (not high school), and I can tell you that the tide turned about 10-15 years ago in terms of the cool kids--the cool kids are smart now. And as much as you're going to hate to hear this, that's a big reason why there's a liberal surge: it's not cool anymore to be uneducated, so more young people are paying attention and asking important questions--like why the frick did anyone ever believe in horse- shite like trickle-down economics...

So we agree on this that it's a huge issue. There are outliers to every statistic, but the vast majority of the people who fall into this category are going to be way behind other kids who grow up in stable households with parents that emphasize good behavior along with strong educational values. I don't know how this can be fixed, but particularly in the African American community there is a lack of father figures in kids' lives.

As for education, I think it's still largely seen as a burden to a large chunk of students and still isn't cool to make good grades or try in school. A lot of the things students are taught are worthless as well. I think there should be a total overhaul of the curriculum and leaders need to speak out more on how important it is to try hard in grade school to fight the stigma of it being "uncool" to make good grades. I think you're giving WAY too much credit to the current generation of students in valuing education compared to countries like China, Japan, Korea, and some of the European countries. RARELY does anyone volunteers to raise their hand and answer questions in class because it is considered "uncool" to do so. It's the exact opposite in some of the countries I mentioned.


my parents didn't pay for college--in the 70s. they went to UCSD, one of the best schools in the country, and they didn't pay a fricking nickel for classes, only books. Public higher education isn't some shangri-la liberal fantasy, lol. this is something that existed literally 40 years ago, and it didn't collapse the US.

Again, how is college beneficial if everyone is attending without paying? College is NOT meant for everyone and it is vastly overused in this country as it is. Watering it down even further with millions of more students won't help.


health insurance is a right, and history will look back on us as savages for not providing it to everyone. emergency rooms as a viable fix hasn't been taken seriously in intellectual circles since the Reagan era, so don't pull that shite out now.
you're not getting treatment for a bunch of illnesses that can kill you in the ER, and additionally, the majority of bankruptcies in the US are a direct result of healthcare costs. full stop.

Disagree completely about it being a right. And I won't even get into the fantasy of paying for healthcare for a country that holds 350+ million people. Patients are admitted all of the time into hospitals even without insurance. The hospitals end up eating the costs. The system is already pretty broken, but universal healthcare would totally break this system. There are so many downsides that would negatively affect patients, doctors, and everyday citizens paying taxes.


i turn 40 this year. as i said above, i worked in both inner city schools and higher education for years and then sold out because i couldn't live a decent life on a teacher/prof salary with crippling student loan payments. i currently work in advertising making a killing but providing nothing of use to society (other than helping my coworkers, which i guess is something)

That's respectable. Teachers do not get paid much and I can imagine it being tough having to pay off those loans as well. But you did make that decision knowing that teachers do not receive much compensation.
Posted by el Gaucho
Member since Dec 2010
53143 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 10:58 pm to

i turn 40 this year.

you're a boomer

stop appropriating my culture you astroturfing piece of shite

millenials don't need unhappy baby boomers to speak for us


Posted by Corn Rub
Member since May 2018
95 posts
Posted on 2/20/19 at 11:01 pm to

Whether it be bad parenting, no parenting, or becoming deluded by the democrats lies/propaganda, they legitimately believe that it's the Government's job to set them up for a great life. From free college education, to free health care, to free housing, the list goes on. . . As 99.9% of this board already knows, none of that sh!t is going to help you in your life. YOUR decisions, and YOUR decisions alone will make or break you. You can choose to bust your arse working on a trade and make a good living, or working your arse off for a degree that will be worthwhile and lead to a decent job post-college, or making healthy decisions by not Smoking, Staying active by weightlifting/running/playing sports to stay healthy, eating the right foods, and learning on the job and further educating yourself to advance your way even further up the salary ladder. . . OR you can DEMAND a cheap handout, not work for anything worthwhile, and live your life as a miserable human barely skimming by, with no worth ethic, no respect, and no healthy habits.

Thanks coach, I needed that!

I was almost going to smoke a cigarette and DEMAND a hand out tonight but I read your post and decided to eat a salad and read Atlas Shrugged instead.
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