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re: 9/11 Documentary. More questions than answers.

Posted on 9/14/21 at 6:51 pm to
Posted by Toomer Deplorable
Team Bitter Clinger
Member since May 2020
18967 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 6:51 pm to

The official explanation for the collapse from NIST was due to fires and not damage from the buildings. In fact the other surrounding buildings were much more heavily damaged and did not fall.

Posted by PhDoogan
Member since Sep 2018
14954 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 7:18 pm to
This is a view of WTC 7 from the north. The damage to the south side of the building is not depicted in this photograph.

ETA: look at the direction of the dust plumes coming from the collapse of WTC 1.
This post was edited on 9/14/21 at 7:20 pm
Posted by skeeter531
Member since Jun 2014
2457 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 7:21 pm to

My Daughter stood beside her van and recalled a statement I had made at an Air Show in McDill AFB in Tampa. She was living in Washington at the time of 9-11

"If you ever see a plane at low altitude, outside of an airport approach and can literally count rivets in the belly. Watch that sucker all the way in are about to see one hell of a crash." Not only her. but multiple eye witnesses saw that plane come in then throttle up when they leveled off and flew right into the Pentagon. Get off the BS you read from those who weren't there.

and controlling a plane at that speed and that low altitude is a feat of unbelievable skill. I believe all of the planes had their FES (flight engineering systems) hacked and remotely the coordinates and auto pilot were changed and the pilots in the planes couldn't do a thing, which also explains why they couldn't punch in the code for hijacking.
Posted by TX Tiger
at home
Member since Jan 2004
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Posted on 9/14/21 at 7:33 pm to

How about the fact that the PNAC (Project for a New American Century think tank full of very connected people) laid out a 'white paper' plan to engage in a lengthy war on terror to remake the middle east but it would be difficult to accomplish without the backing of the American people and that would be hard to get "absent a catalyzing event such as a new Pearl Harbor".
Now, if you can figure out the money angle, you'll have the final pieces to the puzzle.

It's about money. It's ALWAYS about money.
Posted by skeeter531
Member since Jun 2014
2457 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 7:36 pm to

Now, if you can figure out the money angle, you'll have the final pieces to the puzzle.

It's about money. It's ALWAYS about money.

absolutely! The book Black 9/11-Money, Motive, and Technology by Mark Gaffney does a great job of laying that all out!
Posted by TX Tiger
at home
Member since Jan 2004
35892 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 7:45 pm to

Now, if you can figure out the money angle, you'll have the final pieces to the puzzle.

It's about money. It's ALWAYS about money.

absolutely! The book Black 9/11-Money, Motive, and Technology by Mark Gaffney does a great job of laying that all out!

Does he talk about the Petro Dollar and the handful of countries with independent Central Banks prior to 9/11?
Because if he doesn't, then he isn't on the right trail.
Posted by Toomer Deplorable
Team Bitter Clinger
Member since May 2020
18967 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 7:48 pm to

Here is one question I have

Posted by RollTide1987
Augusta, GA
Member since Nov 2009
66049 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 7:50 pm to

I don’t know enough to have a strong opinion on the Pentagon 9/11 attack

I do. My uncle was there. It was his first day on the job and he worked right across the street from the Pentagon. He saw the plane hit. There are plenty of eyewitnesses who were on the interstate that morning who saw the plane hit.
Posted by icutmyownlawn
Member since Jun 2021
931 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 8:04 pm to
100% fake Baghdad car bombing caught on video. It's an older video from 2016.

The video starts with a man planting an explosive device in a parked vehicle on the side of the road.

The same man then crosses the street, gets into another vehicle and leaves the scene.

Seconds later, BOOM goes the Dynamite!

Before the dust has a chance to settle, numerous people run to the explosion site and throw themselves on the ground pretending to be hurt. A van pulls up and takes on the roll as a makeshift ambulance. The video ends shortly after that.

The Iraqi Government published this as real. They claimed 10-18 dead and wounded depending on which article you read.

100% fake Baghdad car bombing caught on video.

If you don't think our Government does s*** like this, you're not fully awake yet. 9/11 was an inside job.
Posted by Toomer Deplorable
Team Bitter Clinger
Member since May 2020
18967 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 8:06 pm to

How about the fact that the PNAC (Project for a New American Century think tank full of very connected people) laid out a 'white paper' plan to engage in a lengthy war on terror to remake the middle east but it would be difficult to accomplish without the backing of the American people and that would be hard to get "absent a catalyzing event such as a new Pearl Harbor".

Robert Mueller was the biggest obstacle for Sept. 11 families who wanted to sue Saudi Arabia….

Families of Sept. 11 victims have been on a 17-year-long quest to seek financial retribution from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which they claim funded the terrorist attack that took the lives of their loved ones. Throughout the process, their attempts at uncovering the truth about Saudi Arabia’s role in the deadliest terrorist attack in American history have been impeded by the FBI and its former director, Robert Mueller….

New York-based lawyer Jim Kreindler, representing the families of the Sept. 11 victims, said in an interview that Mueller and his successor, James Comey, engaged in a systematic cover-up of evidence that the Saudi government aided the terrorists who committed the Sept. 11 attacks.

Several people formerly associated with the investigation stated that Saudi Arabia was financially involved with the Sept. 11 attacks, including John Lehman, a Republican member of the 9/11 Commission, and former Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla., who chaired the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence at the time. Stephen K. Moore, the retired FBI agent who led the Sept. 11 probe in Los Angeles, also confirmed in an affidavit back in December 2017 that the Saudis played a significant role….

Posted by Bayoutigre
29.9N 92.1W
Member since Feb 2007
5696 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 8:13 pm to
Donald Rumsfeld committed suicide at his military tribunal
Posted by Toomer Deplorable
Team Bitter Clinger
Member since May 2020
18967 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 8:25 pm to

We have been sold a bill of goods many times by the government and the media working in conjunction with one another.

VIDEO LINK: Franklin Square and Munson NY Fire District Commissioner Christopher Gioia at First Responders Press Conference On Unanswered Questions About Official 9/11 Inquiry ….


‘Set up to fail’: The tortured history of the 9/11 Commission….

…..Former New Jersey Gov. Thomas H. Kean (R) and former Indiana Rep. Lee H. Hamilton (D), the chairman and vice-chair of the 9/11 Commission, laid out the repeated roadblocks they faced in their 2006 book “Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission review.” The title of Chapter 1: “SET UP TO FAIL.”

“The chief obstacle," Kean and Hamilton wrote, “was the White House.”

President George W. Bush, who was nearing a reelection campaign in 2004, and other Republicans argued that a so-called Joint Inquiry underway in Congress was enough.

The White House said that “an independent investigation would distract the government from waging the ongoing war on terrorism," the authors wrote. “At several points, it appeared that the proposal to create a 9/11 Commission was dead.”

But following pressure from the victims’ families, the White House caved, allowing the commission to go forward.

From the outset, neither side — Republicans or Democrats — fully trusted the other. They wrangled over budgets, access to documents and other matters almost immediately. One of the most contentious early battles was over access to the Joint Inquiry report by Congress.

White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales, who referred to Bush as his “client,” was the chief gatekeeper in the White House. “Let me take this back to my client,” he would say, according to Kean and Hamilton. “I’ve got to protect my client.”

Throughout the investigation, access to key documents and testimony was denied.

On 9/11, as the Pentagon burned, the White House couldn’t find Donald Rumsfeld
“Challenges ranged from questionable classification to politically motivated declassification,” wrote Wallace, the government secrets scholar.

Bush and Vice President Richard B. Cheney, after initially balking at testifying, agreed to be interviewed together — a highly unusual way of questioning key witnesses in any investigation that was criticized for potentially allowing them to stay on the page.

In the end, it was the CIA that proved most intractable.

Director George Tenet refused access to terrorist detainees. Two years after their book came out, Kean and Hamilton were startled by news reports that the CIA had destroyed videotaped interrogations of the detainees. They had not even known the videotapes existed.

Kean and Hamilton blasted the CIA in a New York Times op-ed in early 2008.

“A meeting on Jan. 21, 2004, with Mr. Tenet, the White House counsel, the secretary of defense and a representative from the Justice Department also resulted in the denial of commission access to the detainees,” Kean and Hamilton wrote. “Once again, videotapes were not mentioned.”

The CIA said they would pose some questions from the commission to the detainees, then report back.

“But the commission never felt that its earlier questions had been satisfactorily answered,” Kean and Hamilton wrote. “What we do know is that government officials decided not to inform a lawfully constituted body, created by Congress and the president, to investigate one the greatest tragedies to confront this country.”

Their conclusion: “We call that obstruction.”
This post was edited on 9/14/21 at 9:03 pm
Posted by Toomer Deplorable
Team Bitter Clinger
Member since May 2020
18967 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 8:30 pm to

Does he talk about the Petro Dollar and the handful of countries with independent Central Banks prior to 9/11?
Because if he doesn't, then he isn't on the right trail.

What Was In The Redacted 28 Pages?

Prince Bandar

Bandar is the highest Saudi government official mentioned in the 28 Pages document. While at the time of the 9/11 attacks he was the Saudi Ambassador to the United States, his position in the Saudi Royal Family is much higher.

Bandar bin Sultan first came to public attention in Craig Unger's seminal work House of Bush, House of Saud. Bandar was so close with the Bush family, that Barbara Bush dubbed him "Bandar Bush."

Unlike ambassadorships appointed in the US – which are strictly political or token gestures – Bandar’s background is much more complex and strategic.

Within the Saudi Royal Family, which is also the Saudi Government, there exists a family faction that is more powerful then the larger family. This group is called the Sudari Seven, which is made up of seven full brothers fathered by the Saudi Kingdom’s founding monarch and his favorite wife Hussa. The Sudari Seven are the full brothers who, along with their sons and grandsons, control the key posts in the Saudi Government, including the throne. Prince Sultan is one of the Sudari Seven and he is also the father of Prince Bandar.

Sultan was head of the Ministry of Defense and Aviation and later became Crown Prince – second to the throne – in 2005. Some of the Saudi nationals mentioned in the 28 Pages appear to be receiving funding directly through the Ministry of Defense or through its front companies.

Father and son (Sultan and Bandar) both held key positions in the Saudi Government at the same time and received promotions at the same time. It is valid to ask if Sultan knew what Bandar was doing and if Bandar knew what Sultan was doing. Since they are father and son, one would assume they likely knew. On the other hand, as they held different government positions with specific channels of intelligence flow, their mutual knowledge about these key events remains unclear.

From 1983 – 2005, Bandar served as the Saudi Ambassador to the United States. In this position, he reported directly to the King. In 2005, he was promoted to head of GID (Saudi Intelligence, like the CIA). This is the same year that his father, Prince Sultan, becomes Crown Prince.

The 28 Pages strongly implicate Bandar and his wife (his half cousin) in funding Saudi nationals who provided support for the 9/11 hijackers. While the 28 page document does not implicate Bandar in any direct contact or support for the hijackers themselves, it does show that without Bandar’s assistance to certain other Saudi nationals, the hijackers could not have completed their mission.

Bandar was also the person who organized the now infamous departure of all Saudi nationals in the US within days of 9/11, including members of the bin Laden family….

Posted by Nephropidae
Member since Nov 2018
2470 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 8:47 pm to

hijackers were clever and got through security randomly to pull this off suddenly...
what security? Not being a smart arse, but how old are you? It was like hopping on a bus before 9-11.
Posted by TX Tiger
at home
Member since Jan 2004
35892 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 8:53 pm to
The U.S. literally sold its soul to the Saudis in the late 1970s when the two teamed up to create the Petro Dollar.

So they had just as much or more to gain by having the U.S. invade the Middle East and stop those countries that threatened it (and the very structure of our monetary system).

It should come as no surprise that they would do anything possible to help facilitate the new Pearl Harbor.
Posted by Toomer Deplorable
Team Bitter Clinger
Member since May 2020
18967 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 8:55 pm to

Donald Rumsfeld committed suicide at his military tribunal

Putrescat In Pace.

Posted by Toomer Deplorable
Team Bitter Clinger
Member since May 2020
18967 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 8:59 pm to

The U.S. literally sold its soul to the Saudis in the late 1970s when the two teamed up to create the Petro Dollar.

So they had just as much or more to gain by having the U.S. invade the Middle East and stop those countries that threatened it (and the very structure of our monetary system).

It should come as no surprise that they would do anything possible to help facilitate the new Pearl Harbor.

Posted by CitizenK
Member since Aug 2019
10607 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 10:48 pm to
Bin Laden was a civil engineer
Posted by CitizenK
Member since Aug 2019
10607 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 10:51 pm to
Steel does not have to melt. It only has to soften. Any blacksmith or welder understands this. You are missing the story completely because you pay attention to idiots who don't know shite or liars who make shite up to get into some video
Posted by supatigah
CEO of the Keith Hernandez Fan Club
Member since Mar 2004
88029 posts
Posted on 9/14/21 at 10:58 pm to

So , you're trained in profiling and interrogating suspects, and can read a person's internal thoughts just from the expression on their face?

no, but the CIC sitting there with a blank look on his face for 8 minutes while not asking any more questions or moving himself to safety immediately after being told directly AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK is pretty strange

why did he assume there wasnt a plane or suicide attack heading straight for him too?

spin all the official narratives all you want, 20 years later and it is still just as strange a reaction to me as it was the first time I saw it

oh by the way, you are welcome
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