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Registered on:2/4/2007
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I seriously doubt the secret service guards Trump,they cannot be trusted deep state infiltrated.the military guards Trump,along with private ex military security....
none of it is real acting...
all fake,none of it is real ...
all fake ,its acting,play along ...

re: Sir Winston Churchill was a BOSS.

Posted by Bayoutigre on 7/8/24 at 10:25 pm
Churchill was a POS .be careful who who choose as heros...
years back there was a t.v. show about this guy from Lafayette maybe,who sold his trucking company for millions.He and his sons were into archery,and may have their own line of products.trying to remember his name Big John,Big Jim or sumchit,anybody remember?...
Joe`s substance addiction was expensive....
When White has an off day,Milam has his back....
Trump cant go to jail,he is CIC,military will not allow it to happen.Merchan is getting paid,and so are some jurors.this judge will hang and others.his daughter has 7.9 million in a bank accnt.and she worked for biden/ harris campaign..all a show...

re: Hey yall, we made Jomboy

Posted by Bayoutigre on 5/27/24 at 12:26 pm
they got that wrong, .the lefty batter sees the runner coming,steps backout of the box=strike3 cant be a balk,cause no batter....