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re: UAP /paranormal primer: essential information for what is to come

Posted on 5/14/21 at 11:12 am to
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 5/14/21 at 11:12 am to

Pasulka says she believes this narrative grab is happening even now, with the military establishment positioning itself as the arbiter of information over any U.F.O. events.

Worth noting:

Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 5/14/21 at 2:02 pm to


Former Navy pilot says flight crews observed UFOs off Atlantic Coast "every day for at least a couple years"

MAY 14, 2021 / 12:56 PM / CBS NEWS


Former Navy Lieutenant Ryan Graves says he and other members of his F/A-18 fighter squadron detected strange, maneuverable and unidentified objects flying in the restricted airspace southeast of Virginia Beach nearly every day for two years beginning in 2015. The sightings were so common, he says, pilots and their crews began to take them for granted. Graves is calling those objects a threat to security in a 60 Minutes interview.


"I am worried, frankly. You know, if these were tactical jets from another country that were hanging out up there, it would be a massive issue," Graves tells Bill Whitaker in an interview airing Sunday on 60 Minutes. "But because it looks slightly different, we're not willing to actually look at the problem in the face. We're happy to just ignore the fact that these are out there, watching us every day."?
Posted by LookSquirrel
Old Millville
Member since Oct 2019
6662 posts
Posted on 5/14/21 at 2:26 pm to
Typical CBS reporting. Marco Rubio called for a detailed analysis. No OMB credit for anything !
That’s okay though, I’ll be watching this one for any truth those 60 minutes bastards may accidentally report.
I love this stuff.
Thanks for the updates!
Posted by Wee Ice Mon
Member since May 2014
1438 posts
Posted on 5/14/21 at 2:35 pm to

Pasulka says she believes this narrative grab is happening even now, with the military establishment positioning itself as the arbiter of information over any U.F.O. events.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

I haven’t seen any reason to believe this isn’t the same false flag formula we have seen our government orchestrate time and time again.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 5/14/21 at 8:47 pm to


AvatarMICAH HANKS·MAY 14, 2021

Reddit link with vid links:


New UAP video from Jeremy Corbell

From his Instagram description: “ The US Navy photographed and filmed “spherical” shaped UFOs and advanced transmedium vehicles; here is some of that footage.

This footage was filmed in the CIC (Combat Information Center) of the USS Omaha on July 15th 2019 in a warning area off San Diego. This footage depicts a UAP event series that reached a crescendo with one of the unknown targets entering the water. No wreckage found. None of the unknown craft were recovered.

LOCATION OF SHIP 32°29'21.9”N 119°21'53.0”W

TIME OF EVENT (SUBMERSION) 11pm PST (6am GMT - indicated a day ahead on display)

ADDITIONAL DETAILS • Minimum 14 targets. • Minimum 6ft in diameter - solid mass. • Varying speeds from 40 kts - 138 kts (46 mph - 158 mph). • Flight lasting longer than an hour. • Unknowns were illuminated. • Unable to discern origin, nor launch or landing points. • Unknown vehicles picked up on more than two types of RADAR. • Still images of this footage were included in the May 1st, 2020 UAPTF intelligence briefing that I have previously reported on. • It is noted in intelligence reports that the “spherical” craft appeared to be transmedium capable, and were observed descending into the water without destruction. • It is noted in intelligence reports that the “spherical” craft could not be found upon entry to the water - that a submarine was used in the search - and recovered nothing. • This footage is unclassified. • Craft remain officially - unidentified.

We do not know what, if anything, the Navy or Pentagon might be willing to say about the USS Omaha incident, but we are confident the incident is a legitimate mystery and look forward to whatever information might be forthcoming. “
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 5/15/21 at 10:30 pm to
Important to know moving forward:


The U.S. Government Hides Some Of Its Darkest Secrets At The Department Of Energy
The Department of Energy controls many 'black projects' that live outside of the limelight that is intrinsic to the DoD and the intel community.

Limited oversite

Their scope is broad:


A large part of this research is conducted at the 17 United States Department of Energy National Laboratories and Technology Centers, which are spread across the country. Much of the research and technology development conducted at these labs goes straight to the DOD: LANL has conducted space-based directed energy weapon experiments for the Missile Defense Agency (MDA); the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has developed advanced munitions for the Air Force; Sandia has had a hand in producing some of America's first hypersonic weapon prototypes.


More recently, the DOE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Department of Defense to confirm and enhance the "the longstanding partnership between DOE and DOD on space-related research and technology development in support of U.S. national space policy goals." In a press release that accompanied the MOU, then-Deputy Secretary of Energy Mark Menezes called the agreement "historic," and claimed it "lays out the framework for DOE to harness the world’s greatest science and technology researchers at DOE’s National Labs, and program offices, to augment DOD’s critical national security space mission and will play a crucial role for future space developments across the two departments.”

More specifically, the MOU establishes joint working groups and promotes scientific exchange between the two departments in emerging and disruptive research fields such as advanced power and propulsion, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, next-generation communications, and autonomous or remotely piloted vehicles. That MOU came on the heels of one of President Donald Trump's final Executive Orders that called for the DOE to work together with NASA and the Department of Defense to research and develop miniaturized nuclear reactor technologies for space exploration and powering military bases.


DOE also funds research initiatives in sustainable and alternative energies, AI and machine learning, quantum computing, and even genomics, one of the more controversial areas of its scientific endeavors. According to the “Genomics” section on, the Human Genome Project was initially launched by DOE to better understand the genetic effects of radiation exposure, “but there was clear awareness that success in the project would have much broader consequences for both science and society.” DOE has quite a checkered past when it comes to its biological experimentation. In 1994, then-President Bill Clinton formed an advisory committee to look into DOE’s human radiation experiments, releasing nearly two million pages of formerly classified documents that detailed unwitting human test subjects such as orphans, hospital patients, or mentally disabled children being fed or injected radioactive materials. In the Executive Summary released by the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, it was reported that close to 4,000 human radiation experiments were carried out by the U.S. government between 1944 and 1974. The Committee’s report was conveniently, or coincidentally, released by the White House on Tuesday, October 3, 1995, the same day that the O.J. Simpson verdict was read

Stranger things...
This post was edited on 5/16/21 at 2:36 pm
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
37664 posts
Posted on 5/15/21 at 11:20 pm to

- spiritual war between angels/demons and light/dark (well documented)
- ultraterrestrials. Civilization that has coevolved with human on earth (mankinds...)
- inter-dimensional beings. Live alongside us, but we do not always perceive them (enhanced by prayer, meditation, drugs that change state/perception. Think burning bush)
- intelligent AI. The crafts are the intelligence or projections of intelligence in a post biological civilization
-simulation/holographic universe. Phenomenon is a moderator of sorts
- breakaway human civilization lives alongside white world humanity. The speculation is the Nazis literally went underground and off world. They influence behind the scene and are currently driving the push for 1 world governance (initially infiltrated US through project paperclip paving the way for our space program and advanced mind control techniques which has evolved into advanced tactics using false flags, MSM and social media platforms).

Why not add PsyOp to the list?
Posted by honeybadger07
The Woodlands
Member since Jul 2015
3263 posts
Posted on 5/16/21 at 8:11 am to
Put it down and step away from the pipe
Posted by Warfox
B.R. Native (now in MA)
Member since Apr 2017
3238 posts
Posted on 5/16/21 at 8:22 am to
Just for fun I’ll add this. I do not remember my dreams often, but two nights ago I had a hyper-real nightmare:

I was awakened in the night to the sound of loud booms and pops. When I looked out my bed room window, it appeared as if thousands of bottle-rockets or sparklers were streaming down from the heavens.

I opened the back door and stepped outside to get a better look, and then I saw them: huge behemoth-sized alien craft seemingly floating in the skies above that were illuminated in the dark by the flashes as a result of our military aircraft engagement with them.

I walked out into the yard and realized these sparklers raining down from the sky were in truth remnants of space craft/fighter jets. It was obvious these aliens were not here to play nice.

Then I woke up.

All set for dreams for a while, thanks.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 5/16/21 at 8:33 am to

Why not add PsyOp to the list?

We have discussed this as part of Bluebeam/ Von Braun themes

To what end and by whom...

I have had many iterations of this thread (with prior threads getting locked)
This post was edited on 5/16/21 at 8:36 am
Posted by RCDfan1950
United States
Member since Feb 2007
35833 posts
Posted on 5/16/21 at 8:33 am to

Why not add PsyOp to the list?

I curious as to whether China and Russia has reported any events of UFOs? I know they are far more able to repress any personal experiences of such - Military or Civilian - but seems that would be a dead giveaway that something along the PsyOp thing might be plausible.

In a game of Poker...a good bluff is as powerful as a good hand. Will be an interesting time ahead.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 5/16/21 at 8:35 am to

Put it down and step away from the pipe

Dismissive even now?

Some of y’all may need the pipe as this plays out...

Ironically, altered consciousness changes human perception (another theme where we may be heading)
Posted by Willie Stroker
Member since Sep 2008
13599 posts
Posted on 5/16/21 at 9:37 am to

Some of y’all may need the pipe as this plays out...

Ironically, altered consciousness changes human perception (another theme where we may be heading)

Some may also need the pipe when they discover that by touting this phenomenon as being other worldly or beyond our perception, they are unwittingly helping push us toward a New World Order, which they also oppose.
Posted by xxTIMMYxx
Member since Aug 2019
17562 posts
Posted on 5/16/21 at 9:41 am to
I don’t think they have been doing a psyop immediately after we started splitting the atom for destruction like 80 years ago, and also doing that psyop all over the world. We don’t have the resources for that.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 5/16/21 at 1:27 pm to

Some may also need the pipe when they discover that by touting this phenomenon as being other worldly or beyond our perception, they are unwittingly helping push us toward a New World Order, which they also oppose.

I acknowledge all is in play...

I have my biases/leaning from my cumulative efforts and my connection to source
I pray for balance, guidance, meaning, and wisdom from source to allow me to serve (self and others in balance). That said, a synchronicity from this AM:


Readings for the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord


When they had gathered together they asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” He answered them, “It is not for you to know the times or seasons that the Father has established by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” When he had said this, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him from their sight. While they were looking intently at the sky as he was going, suddenly two men dressed in white garments stood beside them. They said, “Men of Galilee, why are you standing there looking at the sky? This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven.”


Brothers and sisters: May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation resulting in knowledge of him. May the eyes of your hearts be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope that belongs to his call, what are the riches of glory in his inheritance among the holy ones, and what is the surpassing greatness of his power for us who believe, in accord with the exercise of his great might, which he worked in Christ, raising him from the dead and seating him at his right hand in the heavens, far above every principality, authority, power, and dominion, and every name that is named not only in this age but also in the one to come.

We will “see”
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 5/16/21 at 1:58 pm to




Thanks to these and others, in the past three years we have seen massive changes, the movement has grown exponentially, the credibility of people increased beyond expectations. Last month, UAPMediaUK spoke to the PR person for Russell Brand (who has an interest in the subject), and we have spoken to others behind the scenes who have knowledge of UAP and what is to come. And yes, there is much more to come.


The recent Pentagon confirmation of ‘Unidentified’ phenomena engaging nuclear strike groups Nimitz (2004), Roosevelt (2014/15), Omaha (2019) and Russell (2019) is a drop in the ocean. We are told there are multiple incursions that have occurred over the last few years. Activity of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon (UAP) has seemingly increased to the point that it can no longer be kept secret. The Senate Select Committee for Intelligence (SSCI) has requested the Department of Defense (DOD) to create a UAP Task Force that has specifically investigated such extreme technology that essentially includes ‘hypersonic dead-stop’ propulsion, ‘Anti-Gravity’ and ‘Trans-Medium’ travel to name but a few reported abilities. Maybe the scariest part of this whole UAP issue is the reports that ‘they’ are coming up from the oceans.

In the oceans
In /on the moon...


We are seeing multiple leaks occur, videos, photos, briefing slides, testimony of pilots and radar operators are flooding mainstream media like never before (although you wouldn’t believe it if you worked at the BBC, who seem determined to ignore the whole issue). We understand that much more compelling data is in the horizon, that includes a ‘football field sized triangle’ as it emerges from the ocean. When exactly this data will be released isn’t clear, and most of the more compelling information probably won’t be publicly available until the Task Force establishes an open report.

Have seen this same account discussed elsewhere
Supposedly there is clear footage of this...
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
37664 posts
Posted on 5/16/21 at 2:39 pm to

In a game of Poker...a good bluff is as powerful as a good hand. Will be an interesting time ahead.

Ding ding ding.

If you believe in long term government conspiracies to cover up alien presence has "worked," it's equally plausible to believe in long term government conspiracies to create an idea of alien presence.

From our vantage point, these must be equally probable.
This post was edited on 5/16/21 at 2:39 pm
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 5/16/21 at 7:32 pm to
Nothing ground breaking on 60 minutes

Other than awareness/exposure

If you follow my threads and the History channel program, the piece tonight provided no new secret sauce

I feel this is a ring the bell for attention leading into the June reports more releases (to vet)

Muh nothing is happening
This post was edited on 5/16/21 at 8:05 pm
Posted by Enadious
formerly B5Lurker City of Central
Member since Aug 2004
17780 posts
Posted on 5/17/21 at 9:13 am to

And there is this...

Information on Jacques Vallees and Paola Harris's soon to be released book....

Breakthrough Research Reveals the Earliest Evidence of US Government’s UFO Recovery

Trinity: The Best Kept Secret
Posted by RogerTheShrubber
Juneau, AK
Member since Jan 2009
266073 posts
Posted on 5/17/21 at 9:16 am to

I haven’t seen any reason to believe this isn’t the same false flag formula we have seen our government orchestrate time and time again.

Gotta pump up that Space Force.
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