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re: Should coach O have led the team on the march

Posted on 9/1/20 at 12:44 pm to
Posted by rob62
Member since Sep 2016
5165 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 12:44 pm to

The same as THEY are glorifying Kyle Rittenhouse as their Hero. After he murdered 2 people, critically injuring one. Yet walked right by the police.

Self defense is not murder.
Posted by lsupride87
Member since Dec 2007
99667 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 12:46 pm to
Maybe I am missing the channel you have on your TV lester, but I havent seen people marching, rioting, protesting, and plastering Kyle Rittenhouse on their helmets across america
Posted by ApexTiger
cary nc
Member since Oct 2003
54120 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 1:02 pm to

All cops aren't good cops. I've been profiled before and it sucks. Ive never had a police record, married with kids, hard working family man and was still questioned about "fitting the description".

Well, I think we found part of the problem... you get pulled over and questioned "because you're black" so from that experience you think all cops are bad?

Did you ask about the policemen's experience with black people? Perspective cuts both ways...we are all just human...

Would it be ok to think all black people are the same when we see one resist arrest?

Of course not...

I understand profiling happens to black people, it's wrong and unfair.

how do we change it? and why does it happen? Some of it by human nature, not necessarily blatant "racism". Somethings we can't unsee...

My point of view: Less profiling will happen if the following:

1. Stop voting Democrat 93% (must have divisity of thought)

2. Stop using the phrase "my people" when a tragedy happens, and you don't know the victim

3. Fewer children born out of wedlock (73% of black children born out of wedlock)

4. Stop teaching your children to fear police,

5. Teach compliance and obedience (we do and why things go better, it's not because of our skin)

6. Speak out against black on black crime

7. Talk about fatherhood more often, marriage and the importance of education...

8. Black people should Distance themselves from black people who reject lines 1-7

This post was edited on 9/1/20 at 1:15 pm
Posted by EthanHunt
Member since Sep 2020
66 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 1:15 pm to
Yes. His great strength is that he can be been more than a little tone deaf, but that could end up hurting him here.

The world is changing, and not kind to those who don't change with it.
Posted by TigerDat
Member since Aug 2010
7774 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 1:36 pm to

The world is changing, and not kind to those who don't change with it

What you mean to say is if you dont agree with me, then you will be canceled because to hell with diversity of thought and free will.

That today's "movement" in a nutshell and it wont last long. It'll be done soon after the election cycle is over. Until the next one anyway
Posted by EthanHunt
Member since Sep 2020
66 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 1:43 pm to

What you mean to say is if you dont agree with me, then you will be canceled because to hell with diversity of thought and free will.

the eternal victim complex some of you have is so tedious.
Posted by TigerDat
Member since Aug 2010
7774 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 1:50 pm to

the eternal victim complex some of you have is so tedious

Lmao. Sorry you don't like truth.

Its plain for anyone to see, hell Coach O was under attack for just simply saying Trump is dojng a good job.

If you dint agree with me then we will cancel you. Thats the change that is happening, period
Posted by justustm2
Member since Sep 2005
4158 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 1:51 pm to

To be “ down with the movement “-sure.
To have integrity and do what is best for his players, team and society- no.

80% of black kids being born out of wedlock, skyrocketing criminality, failed neighborhoods, crumbling schools, escalating black on black violence, disregard for law enforcement and The Rule of Law, normalizing hating white people, jettisoning all of MLK’s principles about the content of a man’s character in favor of fundamentally un-American Collective Race Guilt- will not change one bit on the dial with a slogan and a march. The entire Movement is infantile and will do nothing to progress the status of black Americans over time. Nothing, nada, zip. It’s actually COUNTERPRODUCTIVE because it continues to pander and normalize all these rampant social pathologies that have made life so ugly for so many black Americans

For those who wondered whether this person was a died in the wool racist piece of excrement, let there be no longer any doubt whatsoever. He just regurgitated the racist excuses to justify their racism and the second class citizenship of African Americans as a result of the racism. It started with colonialism to justify so called Christians' enslavement and terrorism toward other humans. Claim they are less than human. They are somehow defective. Thus any maltreatment of them is justified and not against Christian values. The colonizers could still go to heaven..

Racism and racist treatment of others required the subjugation and dehumanization of African Americans at every turn. Tools included the movies, comic books, racist science, music, every market to make African Americans appear inferior and defective. This fool is just a product of that indoctrination. It's OK that after centuries they are still not afforded true equally, because it's their fault. It's OK to be racist against them because they are defective humans.

Does this fool acknowledge that during slavery all blacks were born out of wedlock because the racists denied their right to marry? Or the racists broke up families and did not respect family structures? They sold off mothers, father's, and children without regards to affiliations.

To make all of those negative comments about African Americans and not look behind the curtain is justifying and spouting an agenda and not looking into the why. To not take into consideration racism's effect on a people over centuries is being disingenuous. But the racist is only interested in justifying racism. The best way to do that is to dehumanize the subject of his racism. To make them somehow less than human and thus deserving of the racism against them. That started during colonialism and became a part of the foundation of white racism and white supremacy.

This fool's allegations against a whole race justifies in his mind his racism. As all racist do, he lumped all African Americans in his defective box. Now he can feel good and justified in his racism and discrimination against African Americans.
Posted by TigerDat
Member since Aug 2010
7774 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 1:54 pm to

. As all racist do, he lumped all African Americans in his defective box.

Oo wait you mean as BLM has done to white people? Or those who support a candidate they don't like?

Get out of here with thst bullshite.

Statistics show the truth. Sorry it hurts
Posted by justustm2
Member since Sep 2005
4158 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 2:07 pm to

Oo wait you mean as BLM has done to white people? Or those who support a candidate they don't like?

Get out of here with thst bullshite.

Statistics show the truth. Sorry it hurts

What has BLM done to white people? Whatever it was does it include the close to 50% of white people supporting and protesting with them?

What statistics are you referring to? Statistics goes both ways.

Did you just read one sentence. That's all you got?
Posted by TigerDat
Member since Aug 2010
7774 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 2:16 pm to

What has BLM done to white people?

Have lumped damn near all white people as racists.

Statistics show the fatherless homes is a huge issue in the black community and is proven to cause issues.

Don't come here with some race baiting bullshite about colonial racism because someone pointed out a large issue in black communities.

The black community is its own biggest enemy and instead of battling it they project their rage onto others.

Fix your home before you attempt to prrech to others
Posted by SlidellCajun
Slidell la
Member since May 2019
11827 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 2:31 pm to
I agree

Posted by justustm2
Member since Sep 2005
4158 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 3:12 pm to


What has BLM done to white people?

Have lumped damn near all white people as racists.

Statistics show the fatherless homes is a huge issue in the black community and is proven to cause issues.

Don't come here with some race baiting bullshite about colonial racism because someone pointed out a large issue in black communities.

The black community is its own biggest enemy and instead of battling it they project their rage onto others.

Fix your home before you attempt to prrech to others

Those who ignore history are destined to repeat it. Have you ever wondered why you have a negative racist view of African Americans? Why you are against those who would seek equality for African Americans? Why you despise "race baiters" but ignore racists? You sir, are repeating history.

Colonialial history as an explanation and progenitor of racism that carries over to present day may not sit well with a racist like you, but it is true history in explaining racism. Racism did not occur out of no where. Racists aren't born racist. Colonialism set in motion the racist agenda that justified colonialism's inhumane treatment of other humans. You are just a pawn in that agenda who has been programmed to justify your racism by blaming those you are racist against. It takes someone bigger than you to conceptualize it and understand that. If you could take off the racist colored glasses and understand most black and whites have more in common than do most whites with the ruling class. Black people are not your enemy. Never have been. All blacks have ever wanted was an equal seat at the table. Nothing more. Now if you have a problem with that, your are incorrigible.

I agree there are issues in the African American community. And African Americans are not ignoring these issues. However there are issues in the white community that effect the AA community. To ignore the negative impact of centuries of racism and terrorism on the African American community is callous to the Nth degree.

The point of the matter is despite centuries of maltreatment and abuse, African Americans have never given up on the white race. They seek equality and a full sharing of America, not revenge. When you think about it, that is amazing
Posted by Lsupimp
Ersatz Amerika-97.6% phony & fake
Member since Nov 2003
81339 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 3:35 pm to
Theses are what CRITICAL THINKERS refer to as FACTS:

80% of black kids being born out of wedlock,
skyrocketing black criminality,
failed neighborhoods,
crumbling schools,
escalating black on black violence,
disregard for law enforcement and The Rule of Law,
normalizing hating white people,
jettisoning all of MLK’s principles about the content of a man’s character in favor of fundamentally un-American Collective Race Guilt.

When CRITICAL THINKERS discuss an issue they use FACTS.

This is how Infantile Collective Race Guilt SLOGANEERS talk:

died in the wool racist piece of excrement
racist excuses to justify their racism
This fool is just a product of that indoctrination
Racist racism racist racist racist

Until you learn to THINK you will be unable to learn to PERSUADE. As an exercise though, the kind that HS kids do in debate class, ask Google "What was the black wedlock rate between 1880 and 1960? (Ill give you a hint-In the Harlem neighborhood of New York City in 1925, 85 percent of kin-related black households had two parents). And then ask yourself what happened after 1960? Learn about how the black family succeeded against all the white racist odds for almost a hundred years. And then read some easily available social science on black social pathologies since that time. You don't have to rage against facts, you can understand them and learn from them and base your strategy upon them. As hard as it is to believe, Facts can be your friends. You don't have to unravel and have a public breakdown any time a white man doesn't pander to you and give you the same paternalistic false answers you so desperately demand to hear.

Or better, yet stay on the screamy "Errybody I disagree with is a Racist" Democrat Party plantation getting the seal of approval on your blackness from white Bossman Joe. Knock yourself out.

Posted by deathvalleytiger10
Member since Sep 2009
7857 posts
Posted on 9/1/20 at 3:54 pm to

Greedy, lazy arse generation

Posted by justustm2
Member since Sep 2005
4158 posts
Posted on 9/15/20 at 9:58 am to

Theses are what CRITICAL THINKERS refer to as FACTS:

80% of black kids being born out of wedlock,
skyrocketing black criminality,
failed neighborhoods,
crumbling schools,
escalating black on black violence,
disregard for law enforcement and The Rule of Law,
normalizing hating white people,
jettisoning all of MLK’s principles about the content of a man’s character in favor of fundamentally un-American Collective Race Guilt.

When CRITICAL THINKERS discuss an issue they use FACTS.

This is how Infantile Collective Race Guilt SLOGANEERS talk:

died in the wool racist piece of excrement
racist excuses to justify their racism
This fool is just a product of that indoctrination
Racist racism racist racist racist

Until you learn to THINK you will be unable to learn to PERSUADE. As an exercise though, the kind that HS kids do in debate class, ask Google "What was the black wedlock rate between 1880 and 1960? (Ill give you a hint-In the Harlem neighborhood of New York City in 1925, 85 percent of kin-related black households had two parents). And then ask yourself what happened after 1960? Learn about how the black family succeeded against all the white racist odds for almost a hundred years. And then read some easily available social science on black social pathologies since that time. You don't have to rage against facts, you can understand them and learn from them and base your strategy upon them. As hard as it is to believe, Facts can be your friends. You don't have to unravel and have a public breakdown any time a white man doesn't pander to you and give you the same paternalistic false answers you so desperately demand to hear.

Or better, yet stay on the screamy "Errybody I disagree with is a Racist" Democrat Party plantation getting the seal of approval on your blackness from white Bossman Joe. Knock yourself out.

Please know I will respond to your racist laundry list of reasons African Americans are inferior and thus justification of their second class status and the racism they experience. You threw a full bucket of slop. Is there any more slop you'd like to throw while I deal with what you have already thrown. In addition to lack of morals, criminals,etc, etc, etc, you left out lack of intelligence, lack of a soul and lazy.

Your list was so long it will take some time to adequately respond. But respond I must. Racism left unchallenged leads us back to the horrific existence of African Americans when racists had the unfettered right to exercise their brutal inhumane racism. And of course they also demonized African Americans as justification for their inhumanity.

One question though. Do you feel African Americans, as a race, have any positive qualities whatsoever?
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