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Russian adoption ban (Herod's Law) = current "code talk" for Pedogate?

Posted on 7/9/17 at 8:45 pm
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 7/9/17 at 8:45 pm
I have chronicled the Strongville, OH story(below) in the past, but did not know the weird "adjunctive background" behind the Russian adoption ban

TL/DR: below is a post from another site discussing the Putin adoption ban being passed on the feast of the Holy Innocents, which commemorates the massacre of the infant boys. The law is referred to as Herod's law.

View the most recent Russian "controversy" through this lens and also zoom out on the Russian situation overall....

Embedded links (to Child's Rights International Network) embedded at site with original post


This discussion is related to the adoption ban which Putin signed law in December, 2012, called the Dima Yakovlev Law (named after a Russian orphan who died after being left in locked care for several hours by his adopted father in Herndon, Virginia) which was Russia's response to numerous deaths of adopted Russian orphans in America and an effort to impose tighter controls on adoptions. The ban also imposed restrictions on NGO's operating in Russia.

One tragic case was the death of a nine-year old Russian boy, Anton Fomin, who died in a fire in Nebraska in May, 2012, the circumstances of which are under investigation because the boy who was locked in the basement of the house and was all alone when he died.

A Yahoo report said the incident triggered growing concerns in the Russian govt about the fate of Russian adopted children in the U.S.:

According to Russian officials, at least 17 adopted Russian children have died due to domestic violence at the hand of their adoptive American families in recent years. The country has long demanded that the U.S. tighten controls to prevent the neglect and abuse of Russian adopted kids.

Three adoption agencies were banned at the time, one of those being the European Adoption Consultants agency, whose headquarters in Stongsville, OH, was the subject of an FBI raid and investigative probe for human trafficking violations and for selling children to international pedophile rings.

The EAC is currently being sued by the Ohio Attorney General, Mike DeWine.

The 2013 Russian ban on adoptions in America was followed by a storm of criticism in Russia, including protests on the street against "Herod's Law" , so called because President Putin signed the measure into law on Dec. 28, the feast of the Holy Innocents, which commemorates the massacre of the infant boys in Bethlehem by King Herod in his desire to eradicate the new-born Messiah.

The editor of the Echo from Moscow, Russian radio station, the famous reactionary Alexe Venediktov said on air:

This law is morally and ethically abominable. It is cannibalistic because it condemns a certain number of children—even if it is a small one—to death.”
Mr Venediktov’s comment reflected not only the attitude of the opposition but also that of a large part of the Russian elite. Even some of Mr Putin’s own ministers objected to the law.

Certainly a strange choice of words, if nothing else. That a law seeking to increase governmental oversight over the foreign adoption of Russian orphans is characterized as "cannibalistic" is puzzling and bizarre, to say the least, esp. since President Putin also included an executive order with the ban to improve domestic adoption programs, measures which were apparently long overdue:

On the day he endorsed the adoption ban, Putin signed an executive order aimed at improving support for domestic adoptions and foster care arrangements, simplifying adoption procedures, and changing attitudes in Russia about adoption. The order also calls for introducing tax breaks for Russians who adopt orphaned children, increasing salaries for orphanage staff, and increasing monthly state welfare payments for children with disabilities and those who care for children with disabilities.

The recent revelation that Donald Trump, Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort allegedly met with a Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, in July of last year specifically to discuss the controversial Russian adoption ban, is highly intriguing and may be a key development in the pedogate investigation, I believe, because of its possible connection to child trafficking and international pedophile rings. The NY Times has reported Trump's eldest son was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton would be revealed at the meeting.

This post was edited on 8/3/17 at 5:10 pm
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 7/10/17 at 8:38 am to
nymag - not a proTrump outfit


Donald Trump Jr.’s ‘Denials’ of Russian Collusion Are Actually Confessions


After the New York Times reported Saturday that Donald Jr. had met with Russian officials during the campaign, contradicting his previous statement, he explained that the meeting concerned nothing more serious than the issue of adoptions. “It was a short introductory meeting. I asked Jared and Paul to stop by. We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago and was since ended by the Russian government, but it was not a campaign issue at the time and there was no follow up.”


“After pleasantries were exchanged,” he said, “the woman stated that she had information that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton. Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.”

This timeline below is extremely interesting...


Trump Jr.’s latest defense is that while he sought damaging information from Veselnitskaya, she failed to deliver any. However, the timing of events around this meeting is instructive. The hacker Guccifer announced the theft of Clinton emails the month before, and Guccifer’s only publicly known connection to Russia was his use of Russian proxy servers. But three days after the meeting with the Trump campaign, Julian Assange, Putin’s pass-through publishing source for email hacks, announced, “We have upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton … We have emails pending publication, that is correct.”

Just a reminder about Guccifer, in his own words...

The letter used to be hosted at foxnews, but now the image no longer loads (at least for me) ( LINK)
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 7/10/17 at 8:42 am to
Guccifer info/background add for context. Check out his targets for inquiry

Letter to the media:

original thread/links in this thread


Background on Guccifer for those interested. Very interesting cat. Is he crazy or just "well informed" by what he has found...

NYT article

For Guccifer, Hacking Was Easy. Prison Is Hard.

Before agreeing to answer questions from The New York Times in prison, where he shares a cell with four others, including two convicted murderers, he read out a lengthy handwritten statement that he said explained the purpose of his hacking. A potpourri of conspiracy theories about the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the 1997 death of Princess Diana and alleged plans for a nuclear attack in Chicago in 2015, it said: “This world is run by a group of conspirators called the Council of Illuminati, very rich people, noble families, bankers and industrialists from the 19th and 20th century.” Mr. Badea, the Romanian prosecutor, scoffed at Mr. Lazar’s fixation on so-called Illuminati as a ruse intended to give a political gloss to a peeping-tom hacking addiction. The hacking exploits that led to his 2011 conviction involved “no Illuminati, just famous and beautiful girls,” the prosecutor said.


Hacker Targets Clinton Confidant In New Attack

The 64-year-old Sidney Blumenthal--who was unaware that he had been hacked by “Guccifer”--worked as an assistant and senior adviser to Clinton for about 3-1/2 years, ending in January 2001. He worked as a senior adviser to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign and has remained one of her closest confidants. Blumenthal is pictured at right with the Clintons. By breaching Blumenthal’s account, “Guccifer” was able to access his correspondence (dating back to at least 2005) with an array of Washington insiders, including political operatives, journalists, and government officials. As with the hacker’s other victims, it is unclear how Blumenthal’s account was illegally accessed or why he was targeted. However, based on screen grabs made by “Guccifer,” the hacker specifically zeroed in on Blumenthal’s extensive correspondence with Hillary Clinton, sorting Blumenthal’s account so as to single out all e-mail sent to Clinton. Additionally, “Guccifer” further sorted the mail to list (and presumably download) all Word files attached to e-mails sent to Clinton. It is unknown what plans “Guccifer” has for these documents, which include foreign policy and intelligence memos that Blumenthal sent to Clinton while she served as Secretary of State. Blumenthal told TSG that when he attempted to access his e-mail yesterday morning, he could not successfully log in. He then contacted an AOL representative and was told that his account had been compromised. Blumenthal said that he subsequently reset the password and regained control of his account. In e-mail screeds, “Guccifer” seems to subscribe to dark conspiracies involving the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, and attendees of Bohemian Grove retreats. “the evil is leading this fricked up world!!!!!! i tell you this the world of tomorrow will be a world free of illuminati or will be no more,” the hacker declared.

Over the past few months, the list of “Guccifer” hacking victims has included several Bush family members and friends; Powell; U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski; a senior United Nations official; Rockefeller family members; former FBI agents; security contractors in Iraq; a former Secret Service agent; and John Negroponte, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. A majority of these breaches have involved AOL e-mail accounts.


"Guccifer" Files Further Detail Hacking Spree

For example, armed with Brown’s contact list, “Guccifer” highlighted dozens of names--most with either AOL or Earthlink accounts--for illegal scrutiny. The hacker’s spreadsheet memorialized his hacking of the e-mail accounts of journalist Carl Bernstein, “Sex and the City” author Candace Bushnell, actor Rupert Everett, BBC broadcaster Jeremy Paxman, and others. The color-coded Excel file also shows that “Guccifer” eyed the e-mail accounts of Lorne Michaels, Candice Bergen, Eric Idle, Whoopi Goldberg, Padma Lakshmi, Mike Nichols, and Isaac Mizrahi (though it is unclear if these accounts were breached). The hacker’s archive also reveals that he was researching Martin Amis in preparation for an assault on the author’s Yahoo account.



Guccifer may have Hillary emails stashed online

The Romanian hacker known as Guccifer has agreed to plead guilty to cybercrime, likely as part of deal with federal prosecutors. Guccifer, whose real name is Marcel Lazar, revealed in early 2014 to a reporter for The Smoking Gun that he had stored large numbers of documents on Google Drive. The TSG reporter subsequently reviewed these files, which contained email messages, photos, videos and other documents which he had stolen from several high profile people. Lazar also hacked into Hillary confidante Sidney Blumenthal’s email account and revealed the existence of Hillary’s private email server. Lazar also claimed to have hacked into Hillary’s email server, but thus far has not offered any proof of doing so. It may be that Lazar has additional files on Google Drive or other web servers where he stored Hillary’s emails that he can now share with the FBI as part of the plea deal. When speaking to a reporter, he said he had more material in the cloud which he would share with security officials “when the time is right”. These emails, if they exist, may contain information not only about State Department correspondence, but may also include emails about the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative Bill’s speaking fees.

This post was edited on 4/17/18 at 8:23 pm
Posted by kingbob
Sorrento, LA
Member since Nov 2010
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Posted on 7/10/17 at 8:43 am to
Posted by bamarep
Member since Nov 2013
51859 posts
Posted on 7/10/17 at 9:13 am to
There is a hell of a lot of smoke for there to be no fire here.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 7/10/17 at 7:19 pm to
For those wanting to go further down the white rabbit hole


Main Source

Jimmy Comet InstagramPNG


An interesting finding from the depths of history. The origins of so-called Spirit CookingYouTube, the "bread and butter" of Marina Abramovic's VIP art performances, actually trace back to a Roman pagan cult that worshipped Antinous. James Alefantis's Instagram persona, Jimmy Comet, uses the boy-lover sacrificed by Roman politicians as his profile pic.


The 'Cult of Antinous' emerged in the 2nd century, before the rise of Christianity in Ancient Rome. In fact, it actually 'competed' with other religious sects for power in the Roman Empire, but what we know is that, at least during the reign of some the emperors, the cult that James Alefantis appears to referencing on his Instagram held sway over some of the most powerful Roman politicians in History.

Antinous was the underage boy-lover of Roman Emperor Hadrian, probably the famous statesman associated with a wall up until 2017. During his reign, they visited many parts of the empire together, and while in Egypt, Antinous drowned when he fell off a flotilla on the River Nile. Now what's interesting is that the cause of death has never been established, though some believed he was sacrificed, as was tradition to do to young boys as a fertility ritual at the time.

After his death, the philosopher Carpocrates and even Hadrian himself pushed Antinous as a mysterious cult figure. According to this history, "Carpocrates is the Patriarch of Libertinism, a Patron Saint of Homosexuality and a Divinized Mortal in the Religion of Antinous." The cult, worshipping the ill-fated boy, had has two basic inspirations. The greek Dionysian cult and Jesus himself, who they saw as a mortal being who transcended mortality through his own will and vigor. One could not simply worship Jesus, but one had to "become" a God like him.

According the Wikipedia:

The followers of Carpocrates...believed that in order to leave this world, one's imprisoned eternal soul must pass through every possible condition of earthly life. Moreover, it is possible to do this within one lifetime. As a result, the Carpocratians did "all those things which we dare not either speak or hear of" so that when they died, they would not be compelled to incarnate again but would return to God.
This is elucidated through the theme of "cosmic consciousness" that many gnostic cults have explored, as in, they travel the various stages of existence as if they were a vessel traveling from planet to planet in a solar system. This, I believe, is the reason James Alefantis salvaged that old sign and called the bar "Comet" Ping Pong.

The history of the Carpocratians also outlines the homosexual element of the cult in greater detail.

Epiphanius describes that they celebrated lovefeasts where wives were exchanged, and that they held up their hands, smeared with semen and menstrual blood to the 365 Archons as a sign of sacrifice. The High Priests, called Levites, openly devoted themselves to homosexuality, abstaining from female contact, and having frequent sex among themselves, so as to not perpetuate human enslavement in the world.
That's not to say the Carpocratians didn't engage in black magic. In what is one of the strangest repetitions in history, the cult was accused of being both a supporter of Communism, Incest and Cannibalism, according to one religious history of the time (Page 275). So a cult that made its way to the top of the Roman Empire run by secret, gay high priests who engage in blood orgies and cannibalism appears to have made its way back to the highest seat of global power. And just like in Rome, it seems that the highest rooms of power in the world enjoy the presence of "magicians" like Marina Abramovic who perform THE EXACT SAME RITUALS. "Symbolically", of course.

And we know Marina is doing the same rituals because former politically-connected magician Aleister Crowley was the one who "revived" the Carpocratian rituals with his "Cake of Light" ceremonies (The Book "The Secret Teachers of the Western World" By Ronald Lachman also claims Crowley was inspired by Carpocrates).

This post was edited on 7/11/17 at 8:28 am
Posted by Winthrop Fairbanks
Member since Jul 2017
54 posts
Posted on 7/10/17 at 7:25 pm to

This discussion is related to the adoption ban which Putin signed law in December, 2012, called the Dima Yakovlev Law (named after a Russian orphan who died after being left in locked care for several hours by his adopted father in Herndon, Virginia) which was Russia's response to numerous deaths of adopted Russian orphans in America and an effort to impose tighter controls on adoptions.

This is demonstrably false. The ban was a response to the U.S. passing the Magnitsky Act.
Posted by the808bass
The Lou
Member since Oct 2012
114069 posts
Posted on 7/10/17 at 7:27 pm to

the cult was accused of being both a supporter of Communism, Incest and Cannibalism

Here's someone playing historian. I use the word "playing" intentionally.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 7/10/17 at 7:28 pm to

This is demonstrably false. The ban was a response to the U.S. passing the Magnitsky Act.

The linked article discusses this. This is acknowledged/not denied.

Keep reading (the posts and about the proper use of logic)
Posted by Winthrop Fairbanks
Member since Jul 2017
54 posts
Posted on 7/10/17 at 7:33 pm to

The linked article discusses this. This is acknowledged/not denied.

Oh ok. Now I see. One was the official reason, and the other was a pretext/excuse.
This post was edited on 7/10/17 at 7:34 pm
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 7/11/17 at 8:38 am to

the cult was accused of being both a supporter of Communism, Incest and Cannibalism

Here's someone playing historian. I use the word "playing" intentionally.

Why do you think Seth Rich referred to himself as a Panda? How do you think he got a job at the DNC?


From links above:





Weird vids with strange audio/effects. Themes: the all seeing eye, fire and the pulsating full moon. Not a huge stretch to conclude mind control in a video labeled "CULT"

Prior "work" sponsored by JA:

my prior post in this thread


The words "secret pizza" have been scrubbed from JA "Automatic At Sea" IMDB page...


Automatic at Sea (2016)
Plot Summary
Showing one plot summary
On a whim, Eve, a young Swedish traveler, accepts an invitation from Peter to vacation on his family's private island off the coast of New England. As a series of unexpected delays prevent other guests from arriving, Eve discovers that she has little in common with the increasingly erratic Peter. Gradually the idyllic natural beauty of the island gives way and Eve finds herself trapped in a state of surreality punctuated by bizarre visions, dimensional shifting and secret pizza.

Kickstarter site for JA projects

Pay attention to how many times "CP" is referenced...
Posted by zatetic
Member since Nov 2015
5677 posts
Posted on 7/11/17 at 9:20 am to
Sabbatai Zevi / Shabbati Tzvi

You should look into the cults related to him if you want to find evil.

I've read that those Russian adopted kids had a high rate of being molested/abused/etc. That is what I've read about the real reason they passed that law. Keep up the digging Thine!
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 7/21/17 at 12:45 am to
Washington Examiner


Trump says he spoke with Putin about 'adoptions' during second, undisclosed meeting at G-20 Summit


President Trump on Wednesday downplayed his second, undisclosed meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying they spoke for about 15 minutes, mostly about "pleasantries." In an interview with the New York Times, Trump also acknowledged he spoke with Putin "about adoptions."


Putin banned American adoptions of Russian children in 2012 after the U.S. enacted sanctions on Russians accused of human rights abuses. Donald Trump Jr., the president's eldest son, has said the adoption issue dominated his June 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information on Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president. Trump told the Times it was "interesting" that the topic of adoptions came up in the Putin conversation. "I actually talked about Russian adoption with him [Putin],'' he said, "Which is interesting because it was a part of the conversation that Don had in that meeting."
Posted by buckeye_vol
Member since Jul 2014
35308 posts
Posted on 7/21/17 at 12:51 am to

Putin banned American adoptions of Russian children in 2012 after the U.S. enacted sanctions on Russians accused of human rights abuses.
If KGB leader in Communist Russia, the corruption, and the authoritarian, anti-freedom history of Putin doesn't paint the full picture regarding his crookedness, then this issue should.

Impose Sanctions for criminal corruption? OK. Let's use innocent children and keep them in dangerous and/or undesirable situations as political retribution.

He's a very bad man.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 7/21/17 at 12:59 am to

He's a very bad man.

That may be the case, but if we are dealing with the type of evil in the folks I am posting about it becomes a relative phenomenon.

The enemy of our enemy becomes an uneasy friend (which is why the mainstream media and IC is in full throttle mode to vilify Russia who 8 years prior):

Posted by buckeye_vol
Member since Jul 2014
35308 posts
Posted on 7/21/17 at 1:01 am to

That may be the case, but if we are dealing with the type of evil in the folks I am posting about it becomes a relative phenomenon.
Well I'm not sure who you're posting about that is worse than Putin. But I really have no idea what the "theory" is since you post a lot of stuff, but never try to explain it.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 4:50 pm to
Local San Fran article


Los Gatos couple pleads to sexual abuse of their adopted Russian orphan

Jill Tucker | on August 3, 2017


A Los Gatos couple accused of adopting a 9-year-old Russian orphan before turning him into a sex slave for the remainder of his childhood was convicted Tuesday in a last-minute plea deal that spared the South Bay executives — and their victim — a jury trial.

Ralph and Carolyn Flynn had faced 44 criminal counts, including felony charges of incest, sexual abuse of a child, unlawful sexual intercourse and lewd and lascivious acts.


The sexual abuse spanned 10 years, with Ralph Flynn initiating the molestation shortly after his adopted son, Denis, left the Russian orphanage and arrived in the United States. Six years later, Carolyn Flynn began to abuse him as well.

Denis, now 25, shared his story with The Chronicle in 2016, after his parents’ arrests, describing the decade he spent as a sex slave in a five-bedroom home on the Lexington Reservoir at the base of the Santa Cruz Mountains, a Rolls Royce in the garage and a pool out back.


Thread discussing "Russian adoption" being code for Pedogate discussion

Quote (links active at site above)


This is related to Pedogate because it concerns the dark underbelly of the international adoption industry which as one critic describes it, has been "a Wild West, all but free of meaningful law, regulation, or oversight" where babies and children from poor countries are bought and sold by unscrupulous entrepreneurs.

Russian adoptions have been in the U.S. headlines for the last few days because of the sensational news of the meeting in Trump Tower last summer between Donald Trump, Jr., and Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Russian attorney who claimed to be lobbying influential Americans for the restart of Russian adoptions in the U.S. which were banned in 2012 by Putin in what many observers believed was retaliation for the Magnitsky Act.

In Trump's startling interview yesterday with the NY Times last week he revealed that during his private conversations with President Putin during the G20 summit, they discussed "Russian adoption":

“I actually talked about Russian adoption with him,’’ he said, in the* Times* interview. “Which is interesting because it was a part of the conversation that Don had in that meeting.”


Lo and behold, "Russian adoptions" came up again yesterday in Ed Butowsky's contentious exchange with Chris Cuomo about Rod Wheeler's lawsuit against Fox News. Butowsky is a Republican donor who hired Rod Wheeler as a private investigator for the Rich family.

Ed Butowsky said he spoke to Sean Spicer at the White House, and made this startling statement:

"Sean and I talked about many things. You won't believe it, but coincidentally, we talked about Russian adoptions, just like Don Jr."

Now I see on Twitter, a concerted effort by MSM to turn "Russian adoption ban" into a narrative of "Wicked Putin sacrifices poor handicapped Russian children as political pawns in retaliation against US sanctions against Russia."

WRONG. Putin's govt. has been increasingly alarmed by cases of Russian adoptees being abused/killed/trafficked by Americans since 2008 when he barred 3 adoption agencies from conducting business in Russia---among them the notorious European Adoption Consultants. In 2011 FM Sergei Lavrov instituted stricter supervision and regulations over Russian adoptions in US during the "Russian Reset" so when Putin signed the Dima Yakovlev Law on December 28, 2012---the Feast of the Holy Innocents, a date fraught with meaning---this was the next step in an ongoing effort to curb an already-existing crisis. The next year, the Russian govt. launched a criminal probe into illegal adoptions (rehoming) and the online trafficking of Russian children by Americans.


Could this report today of a wealthy Los Gatos couple convicted of horrendous criminal sexual abuse of a Russian orphan be the beginning of a flood of stories resulting from that probe?

Could it be that the glaring references to "Russian adoption" by President Trump and Ed Butowsky are signals to those of us that are paying attention that the Seth Rich/WikiLeaks/DNC hack/NataliaVeselnitskaya/Russian collusion narrative is really about exposing trafficking of Russian children by Clinton and Podesta? .IS HE ABOUT TO BLOW THE LID OFF OF THE INTERNATIONAL PEDOPHILE PIPELINE?


The intriguing story of the mysterious Natalia Veselnitskaya, whose purported reason for coming to Washington, DC, was to "restart the popular program of Russian adoptions in the US" and who even started a foundation to that end.

My hypothesis is that she used this as a ruse to draw in Washington pedophiles but her cover was blown. However, she came into contact with Seth Rich somehow and he gave her access to the DNC/Podesta emails which contained incriminating information on the international pedophile network which she conveyed to Donald Trump, Jr. Do not forget that shortly after Trump's inauguration, Feb. 14, 2017, the European Adoption Consultants was raided by the FBI and shut down. I BELIEVE THIS WAS THE RESULT OF INFORMATION THAT NATALIA GAVE TO DONALD TRUMP, JR.
Posted by Iosh
Bureau of Interstellar Immigration
Member since Dec 2012
18941 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 4:53 pm to

My hypothesis is that she used this as a ruse to draw in Washington pedophiles but her cover was blown. However, she came into contact with Seth Rich somehow and he gave her access to the DNC/Podesta emails which contained incriminating information on the international pedophile network which she conveyed to Donald Trump, Jr.
Posted by Pettifogger
Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
Member since Feb 2012
80859 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 4:53 pm to
"cool, some legitimate discussion about the Russian adoption fight!"

Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11216 posts
Posted on 8/3/17 at 4:59 pm to

WRONG. Plenty of pizza in the fridge...

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