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re: The Greyskull Methods- A Primer

Posted on 2/3/20 at 1:08 pm to
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
32544 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 1:08 pm to
That depends, is your total rep goal reachable in two or so ladders? If so, do once, if not add more.

Ultimate goal is to work up to 5 ladders of 5, once daily. That's 5 ladders at 15 reps each. At that point, you add weight.
Posted by Smlak1978
Southern Indiana
Member since Jan 2020
21 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 1:23 pm to
So after continuing to read I have another question.

Should I drop the Yates row from my workout and just continue to do chin ups in place of them at least until I am advanced in to weighted chins? Initially I thought doing the rows might help to increase my chins but am starting to think that might not be the case. I do try to be very strict on them and not get momentum by putting my body into it. But I would rather take them out if they are not beneficial to me at this stage of my training.
Posted by LSU Patrick
Member since Jan 2009
74230 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 1:28 pm to
I can do about 15 body weight chinups. I'll try a couple of ladders tonight and see if I need to add weight. I guess I should do 2 ladders in the morning and the morning and 2 in the evening to hit the 60 I have been doing.
Posted by LSU Patrick
Member since Jan 2009
74230 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 1:32 pm to

Should I drop the Yates row from my workout and just continue to do chin ups in place of them at least until I am advanced in to weighted chins? Initially I thought doing the rows might help to increase my chins but am starting to think that might not be the case. I do try to be very strict on them and not get momentum by putting my body into it. But I would rather take them out if they are not beneficial to me at this stage of my training.

I alternate between weighted chins and bent over row. For me, the chins seem to target the upper part of my lats more, while the rows seem to target the lower part better. Some people suggest that pulling down movements (chins, pullups, lat pulldown) tend to widen the upper back, while rowing movements tend to thicken it.
This post was edited on 2/3/20 at 1:33 pm
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
32544 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 1:40 pm to

Should I drop the Yates row from my workout and just continue to do chin ups in place of them at least until I am advanced in to weighted chins? Initially I thought doing the rows might help to increase my chins but am starting to think that might not be the case. I do try to be very strict on them and not get momentum by putting my body into it. But I would rather take them out if they are not beneficial to me at this stage of my training.

Either/or. If more chins is the goal cut rows and do more chins. Don't over think it.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
32544 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 1:41 pm to
If you can do 15 bodyweight, strict from a true deadhang, add weight.
Posted by LSU Patrick
Member since Jan 2009
74230 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 1:48 pm to

If you can do 15 bodyweight, strict from a true deadhang, add weight.

I am up to 40 pounds of weight for my chins on my weight lifting days. I just did 5, 5, 5 on Thursday. I'm thinking I should try a pyramid with 25 pounds tonight. Thanks again.
Posted by Smlak1978
Southern Indiana
Member since Jan 2020
21 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 1:52 pm to
Yeah that's how I am doing it now although I haven't switched to weighted yet on the chins. I do 2x5 and a AMRAP figured when I hit 10 I would start adding some weight
Posted by Smlak1978
Southern Indiana
Member since Jan 2020
21 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 1:57 pm to
Sounds good I do have a tendency to do that about a lot of things in life lol..... I added the bring sally up challenge to the end of squat days because I struggle on the low end of my squat to keep good form (knees rolling in and feeling like I don't have a lot of power in the lower part of it) I used the bar and thought oh this wont be bad I will add weight next time...... made it about halfway through the song and thought I was gonna die lol but I definitely liked it and will be continuing to use it
Posted by Smlak1978
Southern Indiana
Member since Jan 2020
21 posts
Posted on 2/6/20 at 10:26 am to
Halfway through week 10 and wondering how to proceed next after week 12. Not really looking to take a week off. My daghter plays high school softball and travel softball so in a couple months I will have to be getting creative sometimes with my workout anyways so for now I would like to just keep moving along. I did think that maybe i could deload by 15% on everything except DL and work on new rep PRs and continue to tighten up my form.

Should I stay on my current Phrak's version style setup until further resets or would it benefit me to move to the Aesthetic style GSLP, or even one of the setups mentioned at the bottom of page 61 of this thread

[quote]One thing we did talk about was simple templates for mass and how to add volume. We talked about this template below Image: LINK ]

I like the idea of getting some more volume type work in to help increase my muscle mass but know my lifts are not very high and if these were better for when you are more advanced.

Currently doing FMs 20 chins and 60 pushups daily and increasing them weekly. I got 9 complete chins on my workout set Tuesday this week so they are going up.

Current lifts-

Press - 102.5 x 8reps
Squat - 185 x 7reps
Bench - 152.5 x 8reps
DL - 185 x 7reps

Going to switch to mix grip on DL for awhile until a reset and then go back to double overhand as grip is what is holding me back I believe.

All advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks again

Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
32544 posts
Posted on 2/6/20 at 11:05 am to
I personally think you are fine to keep going. I wouldn't stop until you hit a wall, then on that lift, do a reset.

I don't think you need much volume right now, but what are your overall goals?
Posted by Smlak1978
Southern Indiana
Member since Jan 2020
21 posts
Posted on 2/6/20 at 3:03 pm to
To be completely honest I am not even sure what honest realistic goals are for me considering my age and body composition but my unrealistic goals would be this from one of your previous posts.


Superhero Status for 5’8 Tall
Waist - 30-31”
Shoulders – 50-51”
Chest – 43-44”
Arms – 16”

Superhero Status for 5’10 Tall
Waist - 31-32” (45% of height)
Shoulders – 51-52” (73.5% of height)
Chest – 44-45” (63.5% of height)
Arms – 16.5” (23.5% of height)

I would love to be able to bench 225 by the end of this year or be close to that and bust out 20 dead hang chins no problem, eventually squat 1.5 times my bodyweight for reps, deadlift 2x bodyweight for reps.


Bench- 1.75 x BW for 5 reps or BW for 15 reps
Incline- 1.5 x BW for 5 reps
Dips- weighted with BW for 5 reps
Pushups-100 in 2 min
Close grip pushups- 50 no BS reps in 1 set
Incline pushup- 60 no BS reps
Dips- bodyweight only for 60 reps in 1 set

Chins- 18 reps with 25lbs or .65xBW for 6 reps

Burpees-100 in 5 min

Squats- bodyweight on bar x 50 reps
Overhead squat- BW on bar x 15 reps

Deadlift- 2 x bodyweight x 7 reps

Standing press- BW x 5 reps
Z press-200 reps in 10 min with bar

L-Sit- 3 min and 100 situps in 2 min

Curls-135 for 8 reps or bar for 100 in a set

Close grip bench- BW x 10 reps

If I could meet these goals in my lifetime I would be extremely proud of myself. I know in order to be successful you have to have a clear direction or goals and I do to some extent I just don't know what I am capable of. I want to feel good about myself, be strong as shite and healthy as possible for my later years. My body fat is high right now probably 22-25% and I would like to get sub 15% cause I have never been that since a child probably but honestly that is second seat right now to getting stronger. But I definitely don't want to get fatter in the process.
Posted by Smlak1978
Southern Indiana
Member since Jan 2020
21 posts
Posted on 2/6/20 at 3:21 pm to
And feel free to slap me back to reality if I am too far gone or criticize my ideas however needed or tell me the determination it will take to accomplish these goals. I have no problems with any of that. I can handle it. Just trying to do the work and be successful and find the best path to getting there.
Posted by Smlak1978
Southern Indiana
Member since Jan 2020
21 posts
Posted on 2/6/20 at 3:37 pm to
I have also started to add some conditioning in but nothing from the villain stuff. I have started doing what I call Navy Seals again which consists of some toe touches and body weight squats with high knees, pushups with mountain climber style kicks in a circuit 2 rounds EMOM. Not sure if you have heard of them. I have done lots of body weight stuff like lunges and squats. Use to alternate them every other day for a long time 500 a day and also did lots of the navy seals to keep my bodyweight down. I have been smaller than what I am now, I was down to 150 and a little below but very unhappy with my muscle composition. So I don't have a problem doing the work. I also already get up at 345 every morning to go to work so the fasted AM walks are kinda out of the question but I do have an elliptical and could start doing 10-15 minutes on it every morning before I left for work if you think that would be beneficial. And I could switch out my navy seals for the burpee challenge I just wasnt wanting to affect my press movements too much if I did them along with the FM pushups since I dont have a lot of upper body strength yet seeing as I am not even working out with my current body weight of 172.
Posted by KosmoCramer
Member since Dec 2007
77062 posts
Posted on 2/6/20 at 4:42 pm to

Superhero Status for 6’0 Tall
Waist - 32-33”
Shoulders – 52-53”
Chest – 45-46”
Arms – 17”

Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
32544 posts
Posted on 2/6/20 at 11:00 pm to
Ok so I would keep doing what you are doing. I would keep doing the pushups and chins.

Add a hard conditioning session on the deadlift day and on Saturday. Doesn't haven't no to be a villain, but it must be a 12 min time cap,must be non technical, must be trackable, must be non stop work essentially.

Your goals are not crazy but they will take dedicating saved direction.

I have the same goals essentially but higher lifts, but same goals on aesthetics and the challenges and I will be 38 this year.
Posted by Smlak1978
Southern Indiana
Member since Jan 2020
21 posts
Posted on 2/7/20 at 11:14 am to
Sounds good! Thanks for the feedback. I will work on the conditioning for those days. I will look up the villain ones and see what they consist of and just keep on trying to knock those reps and heavier weights out. The navy seal circuit I do now is ok but I have a feeling I will end up needing more intensity on my conditioning as I progress. I will say I am loving the FM work I feel like its really making a difference.
Posted by khawk4
Member since Feb 2020
2 posts
Posted on 2/7/20 at 11:39 am to
Hi LSU777

Thank you so so so much for this thread! Ive been reading it religiously for a few weeks now. I started greyskull lp about two-three months ago, and I'm absolutely loving it! I'm not new to exercise/fitness, but I am new to this type of strength training. I spent a year or two program hopping, and f*cking around, so it's awesome being dedicated to one specific program, and I feel like im reaping the benefits. I'm making great gains in size and strength, so I'm super happy. And this thread has been an absolute wealth of knowledge, so thank you so much!

I did have a question about squats (to LSU777, or anyone)- Right now, most of my AMRAP sets are falling in the 9-13 rep range (Ive been increasing 5 lbs/session whether I hit 10+ or not). I started fairly light, but not too light, so the gains have been good. However, I'm struggling a bit with squat form when I get to my 7th or so rep. Ive always prided myself on good lifting form, regardless of the exercise, but when I really push myself during squats, my knees can start to cave a bit, as well as I hinge forward. Its not terrible, but enough to where I can feel it. I can usually get the first 5 ok, but when I really start to go after it, my form starts to suffer. I never let it get to the point where its REALLY bad, though.

The dilemma is I'm not one to keep lifting with shitty form (duh), however, if I were to stop at 5, 6 or 7 reps, I would feel like I have a TON left in the tank. What should I do here? Is there a plug-in you could recommend that would help? Ive debated using Wendler's BBB style, and once I feel my form start to go (after I get my 5 reps, of course), take the weight down to 50-60 percent, and hammer out a few sets of 10, really focusing on strict form. I'm also a big believer in doing the thing that youre not good at until you are good at it, so I'm leaning more towards this method. At the same time though, I dont want to add a crazy amount of volume, to the point where it will affect my next session. I know my big problem is probably just overall strength/familiarity of the lift, however, I feel just stopping when I have much more in the tank will do a disservice to my volume and intensity.

Just a couple FYIs, I work out at home, so I dont have access to diff machines like leg press, ext., curls, etc., and im a definitely a beginner when it comes to strength programs/lifts.

Thanks again!! (sorry for writing a novel haha)
This post was edited on 2/7/20 at 11:40 am
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
32544 posts
Posted on 2/7/20 at 11:59 am to
So you are a rare case, or should I say an outlier.

In your case I would stop at 3 sets of 5.

I personally, given your issue you described, like to see you do a back off set of paused squats. I would recommend the bring Sally up challenge, starting with just the bar. This will strengthen your core and bottom position so that the knees do not come in.
Posted by khawk4
Member since Feb 2020
2 posts
Posted on 2/7/20 at 12:06 pm to
Thanks man! Greatly appreciate your response.

So I looked into the "Bring Sally Up" challenge. Looks pretty interesting, ill definitely try it out. Should I do this on top of my 3x5 greyskull work, like when I finish up? And do you have a progression in mind? Like add 5, 10 lbs each session? Or just stick with the bar? 3:30 of paused squats sounds like enough haha

And if you dont mind me asking, why is my case an outlier/rare? I dont care one way or another, just curious. I thought leaning forward/knees caving was somewhat common for newer lifters.

(congrats on the Natty, btw! My Hawks will get there one day haha)
This post was edited on 2/7/20 at 12:09 pm
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