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re: The Greyskull Methods- A Primer

Posted on 1/23/20 at 8:50 am to
Posted by Smlak1978
Southern Indiana
Member since Jan 2020
21 posts
Posted on 1/23/20 at 8:50 am to
Hello all I am new to this site as of today. But I have read quite a bit on this thread specifically for the last few weeks and I have purchased and read the 3rd edition. I am currently using the Phrak's method with a couple add ins which I will get to in a minute.

I am 41 years old and would describe my body type as skinny fat. Yesterdays weigh had me at 172.6 and I would say I am probably 22-25% body fat. Oh yeah and about 5'10". I am by no means a muscular guy but consider my self in decent shape health wise I guess. I have a complete home gym with power rack, cable machine, barbell ez curl bars olympic basically i believe i have most of the tools necessary. I am happy with some of my leg definition but think my arms are absolutely puny and just would like to be bigger, stronger, and overall have a more desirable body i guess or just be proud of myself. Enough about that here are my current details as of last workouts....

OHP- 110 @ 5
BENCH- 145 @ 9 ONE RESET AT 155
YATES- 127.5 @ 8
DL- 175 @ 7

Also do tricep pushdowns with bench and curls with OHP and face pulls with OHP

FACEPULLS- 81 @ 2 x 8-10

Also have started adding in FM pushups and doing some ladder chins after repeatedly seeing it and realizing i can't make any true judgements about this program unless I dedicate to that also.....and I really want to succeed so I am on it.

I work a lot at least I think so anyways 5am -5pm everyday at least 6 days a week and struggle to get all food protein. I have three shakes a day, morning, after workout or work if non workout day, and casein before bed. I was just smashing food in the beginning but weight jump was about 10lbs in a month and I am not liking the extra love handles....huge insecurity for me.... so I have backed off on that and just try eat smarter normally 2 boiled eggs and some oatmeal after i am at work for a few hours and then try to get a tuna pouch in later in the day, or some ham and cheese, been seeing some things about ground beef so i may start bringing some of that to work with me.... anyways rambling again my weight has stayed right around the same the last couple weeks and still making some gains. I guess I am just looking for a little critiquing from people who know a lot more than I do. At this point I would just love to get to benching 2 plates busting out pullups with ease squatting up in the higher 200 and deadlifting in the same manner. Have arms that i am not embarassed to wear tank top in you know just normal stuff lol then build from there. I am not new to working out by any means its just always been poor guidance and no clear direction and for the first time i feel like I have a little of that anyways. Thank you for your time

I forgot one more thing I am in the middle of week 8 on this program.
This post was edited on 1/23/20 at 10:47 am
Posted by Smlak1978
Southern Indiana
Member since Jan 2020
21 posts
Posted on 1/23/20 at 9:07 am to
Also I have seen people ask about apps a bit and I found one on android called greyskull lp seems to be a decent app I paid 10 dollars for the pro version gonna switch from my spreadsheet to it next week. Pretty customizable if you pay for the pro version.
Posted by classicgold
Member since Feb 2017
4817 posts
Posted on 1/27/20 at 11:31 am to
I just started this program last week, and I'm wondering if there a proper deadlift grip for it? I used the double overhand grip last week, and was close to dropping 275lb on my 8th rep. I should be good for a couple weeks, but I feel it won't be long for my grip to limit my lifting weight. Do I need to stick with the pronated grip until my grip strength catches up, or do I need to get straps or use a mixed grip?
Posted by LSU Patrick
Member since Jan 2009
73639 posts
Posted on 1/27/20 at 2:19 pm to
There's nothing wrong with using straps.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/27/20 at 4:02 pm to
I personally would stick with pronated then go mixed grip. But there is nothing wrong with using straps.
Posted by numptythrubbers
Member since Feb 2018
246 posts
Posted on 1/28/20 at 7:15 am to
Just wanted to post I've been running my own variation of Greyskull, switching sets to RPT, and I've finally benched 100kg for 1 rep (1 left in the tank) at an 85kg bodyweight.

I'm not that strong yet, but for me this was a great achievement!

Consistency using these methods really works. Next goal is a 75kg clean and press.
Posted by Black
My own little world
Member since Jul 2009
22244 posts
Posted on 1/28/20 at 8:32 am to
At what point would i incorporate the Challenges? I see them discussed, but not sure when to do them. Would it be the same concept as doing them on the days i do the 200 swing/13 down, etc?
Posted by LSU Patrick
Member since Jan 2009
73639 posts
Posted on 1/28/20 at 8:44 am to
Homework (pushups and chinups) is daily. TBH, I have too much trouble keeping up with the exact numbers. I just do them throughout the day whenever I can. Chinups are a little harder to do most days, because I don't have access to a bar at work. On the weekends, it's much easier to do both throughout the day. During the week, I just do more chinups in the morning and evening and pushups while at work. I tracked it a couple of days, and it came out to around 100 pushups and 100 chinups a day. I also vary things up a bit by doing raised pushups (feet on chair or bench) on days when I have flat bench scheduled and overhand wide pullups on days when I have weighted chinups scheduled.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/28/20 at 10:14 am to
So what are your goals?

You incorporate the challenges in to help achieve goals or simply as something to chase.

But like all things, there must be a give and take. You must give up something to make sure you are not overworked or creating imbalances.
Posted by Black
My own little world
Member since Jul 2009
22244 posts
Posted on 1/28/20 at 1:08 pm to

So what are your goals?

lose lbs while keeping the muscle i have while getting somewhat stronger if that makes sense. Also want to work on that v-shape i've read about. Want to continue with enjoying how my clothes are fitting while being able to run around without getting winded. I'm 5'7/185lbs.(as of today, i go between 182-185 throughout the week)

I know diet goes a long way so i'm working on that too.


You must give up something to make sure you are not overworked or creating imbalances.

This is what i worry about. Lifting every other day is great but i need to make myself get up the 2 off days and do something in the gym to hold myself accountable. when i don't go on the off days, i feel like i'm ruining what i did the day before, whether i'm strict to my eating or not.

Which, I was going to start another thread, but since we've delved into this, are the plant/low carb/protein tortillas made by Mission legit? I was going to use them for egg wraps, shrimp tacos, etc. and they all claim low net carbs, but I've been hesitant to buy them b/c i wasn't sure if they had hidden stuff that'll derail everything
This post was edited on 1/28/20 at 1:10 pm
Posted by Smlak1978
Southern Indiana
Member since Jan 2020
21 posts
Posted on 1/31/20 at 10:05 am to
As I continue to read this thread I realize how annoying my first post probably was but I still greatly appreciate the wealth of information on here and how much direction it has given me. Also I would like to add while never being strong I did spend my teenage years and early adulthood being overly obese for my frame topping out around 240 but have since been able to maintain a more healthy weight for several years. So as I continue to focus on building my strength I hope by asking better, more direct questions I will be able to get some valuable input.

I think my deadlift although continuing to climb is being held up by my overhand grip and I would definitely be able to knock out more reps if it wasn't for grip strength. Not really wanting to go to straps at all as I want my grip strength to continue to progress as well. Should I go ahead and switch to mixed grip and then later when I have to reset and drop go back to a double overhand and try to progress back up?

Also I would just like to add that next week I should be easily passing my last bench reset as I am only 2.5lbs away and still getting 9 reps on my AMRAP. This is very exciting cause although my lifts aren't impressive, in the past with some local bro knowledge I probably spent almost a year going into the gym and doing chest every Monday and and doing the same lifts every week and getting 3 reps of 165lbs then get spotted for two and just continue to bang my head against that every week. So I can't wait to pass that weight by in the next couple months. So again, thanks for all the time and effort you guys have spent on here to pass on knowledge to others. It's a great thing wish I would have been smart enough to stumble upon something like this 15 or 20 years ago.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/31/20 at 11:02 am to

I think my deadlift although continuing to climb is being held up by my overhand grip and I would definitely be able to knock out more reps if it wasn't for grip strength. Not really wanting to go to straps at all as I want my grip strength to continue to progress as well. Should I go ahead and switch to mixed grip and then later when I have to reset and drop go back to a double overhand and try to progress back up?

Yes exactly, awesome you are thinking critically about this.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 1/31/20 at 11:06 am to
Ok black....if that's your goals

Chase the 360 walking challenge, the burpee challenge, the z press challenge, pushup challenge, the pull up challenge.

Add z press with just the bar after your bench press sets. Max reps for 2-3 min to start, slowly getting for max reps in 10

Burpees every day in some form

Fasted walking every morning

Pushups throughout the day

Chin ups before work, after work and before bed. Apply the ladder method I have written about

Should be good for now.

As far as off days, if you want to choose a conditioning exercise from the book you could do those with a 12 min time cap or you could do the 20 min cardio solution from the book.
Posted by Smlak1978
Southern Indiana
Member since Jan 2020
21 posts
Posted on 1/31/20 at 12:00 pm to
Yeah lol thanks man! I have been trying to do more of that lately in terms of how to work out correctly. I also have me a place at work to do my FM chins and push ups throughout the day now so that is a big plus for doing my body weight homework and getting excited to see how that helps me progress. Getting close to using weight on the chins. Got 8 on my last set during my workout last night, once I hit 10 I will start adding weight. Although unintentionally I am kinda adding weight to my FM chins at work cause I probably weigh and extra 7-10lbs with work clothes on, steel toes and all that but I just dropped my number on reps.
Posted by OttoF
Member since Feb 2020
1 post
Posted on 2/3/20 at 7:09 am to

Also I have seen people ask about apps a bit and I found one on android called greyskull lp seems to be a decent app I paid 10 dollars for the pro version gonna switch from my spreadsheet to it next week. Pretty customizable if you pay for the pro version.

Ive been using this app and its pro version since I started to do greyskull in last December. All of the variations pre installed and you can customize your own routine as well or modify the pre ones. Also possibility to choose from different warm up routines, add plate weights, counts needed plates for your work, adds appropriate amount of weight for next workouts etc etc. Really love it.

I think Greyskull is more famous and more used in States than EU? Never heard anyone even mentioning this program when asking/googling for beginner routines on different forums. Always about SS/SL, which I have done several times but always gave up when the wall hit me and struggled alot with deloads/working my way back up, so unmotivating.

Btw, How may I get access to the famous drive files? Would like to read more about greyskull lci methods and diet.

Appreciate your hard work for this thread lsu777!
Posted by Black
My own little world
Member since Jul 2009
22244 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 7:11 am to

Ok black....if that's your goals

Chase the 360 walking challenge, the burpee challenge, the z press challenge, pushup challenge, the pull up challenge.

Add z press with just the bar after your bench press sets. Max reps for 2-3 min to start, slowly getting for max reps in 10

Burpees every day in some form

Fasted walking every morning

Pushups throughout the day

Chin ups before work, after work and before bed. Apply the ladder method I have written about

Should be good for now.

As far as off days, if you want to choose a conditioning exercise from the book you could do those with a 12 min time cap or you could do the 20 min cardio solution from the book.

Thanks. Just to be clear, i wasn't trying to change up your routine from the first page or anything. I just wasn't sure how the challenges worked themselves into the program. Wasn't sure if they were a type of checkpoint to see where you are at and something you did every so many weeks.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 7:51 am to
Yea all good. Essentially you work it into your training looking at types of movements or you throw in at the end.

For example, if you are chasing the bodyweight squat challenge, you would replaces squats with higher rep sets at a set weight pushing for rep records. So let's say you weigh, 200lbs, you would do one heavy set of five, then two sets of max reps at say 135 to start. Get up to two sets of 30 with 5 min rest between, you would add weight. Once you get to two sets with 185 at 30 reps, you would start reducing time between sets. Once we get it to 1 min to 1:30, we start just going with one stupid hard set working up to the bodyweight.

Like with z-press you could add it at the end or after two resets just replace all pressing with the z-press.

Don't get hung up on bench, press, squat, deads. Sure they are great but it's the movement patterns we are really after.

Also if you find a type of movement that works directly for your type of biomechanics, stick to that as much as possible.
Posted by LSU Patrick
Member since Jan 2009
73639 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 9:04 am to
Would it be possible to link to the page where you discuss the pyramid method? I think that might work better for me with the chinups.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
31803 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 9:39 am to
Stolen from a tnation post that explains it easy


The ladder system is simple: start with one rep of an exercise and keep adding a rep with each set until you reach 5 reps. At that point, revert back to one rep and keep it going until you reach a target number of reps, say, 50. This is a sure-fire way to cram as much volume as possible into a short amount of time.

Simple, do one rep, rest 10 seconds. Do two, rest on and so fourth.
Posted by LSU Patrick
Member since Jan 2009
73639 posts
Posted on 2/3/20 at 10:56 am to

Simple, do one rep, rest 10 seconds. Do two, rest on and so fourth

Thanks. Do I do this once per day instead of throughout the day like the frequency method?
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