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re: Who has a bigger impact on the game, Cliff Harris or Tyrann Mathieu?

Posted on 6/5/11 at 1:04 pm to
Posted by Geaux Tahel
Member since Feb 2006
6651 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 1:04 pm to
More good info, 7th ward, I only hope LSU doesn't have a mental break down and hit a low liner directly to Harris. This is not the game LSU needs to give free points to.
Posted by 7thWardTiger
Richmond, Texas
Member since Nov 2009
24670 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 1:06 pm to

The point is you find anyway to dismiss the talent on our side of the ball.

What. I gave him his props as a CB. I'm sorry if i looked at what he did and against who he was playing and creamed my pants.

I guess i should be astonished about the 72 points you put up last season against PSU to right?
Posted by Geaux Tahel
Member since Feb 2006
6651 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 1:08 pm to

I guess i should be astonished about the 72 points you put up last season against PSU to right?

FWIW, I wish LSU could put up 72 against anyone... even Catholic High
Posted by bojabu
Member since Sep 2010
1275 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 1:14 pm to
See this pic i got? Tm is much better than Cliff Harris. Wow, Cliff can return punts?!? Good for him, we have 3x people just as good. Nobody makes plays like TM does. If you watch his highlight reel, you can see TM played even better than his stats read. How many tips are in those clips that lead to an easy pick for someone else on the D? The A&m interception/rip returned for a TD, are you serious? That wasn't some against some bullshite team, everyone outside LA had us losing to those posers. TM all the way.
Posted by dbbuilder79
Overton NV
Member since Dec 2010
4200 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 1:36 pm to

The 1st 2 plays shown on that reel is the reason why I don't care for Chip Kelly. Harris is returning punts while Oregon is up 7 touchdowns in a shutout?? He was returning punts against a 4th string special teams. And to boot, NM's 1st string isn't even close to Oregon's 3rd string.

dbbuilder79- I realize you do not know these things because you have not followed UO football. But FYI, in that New Mexico game you knocked Chip Kelly for putting in Harris on Punt returns while UO was blowing out NM. FYI, Cliff Harris early on in the season was not even a starter- both at punt returning and CB. He was actually the 3rd string CB. (yes, that is how good out DB unit is). So in the game you mentioned, yes we were blowing out NM, but putting in Cliff Harris in the game was putting in our 3rd string. You need to know we have many, MANY guys that are awesome returners, kickoffs- or punts. Cliff is just one of them, out of 5, 6 or more.

My team finally wised up and let Cliff Harris do punt returns more and eventually made him the starter on CB as well. Yes true Cliff Harris made All American last year but people do not know that he was not a starter at first in our season last year. Again, you knocked Chip Kelly for putting in Harris in the end of that game vs NM. Cliffy was just a 3rd string guy at that time of the season. It was making so many plays as the season went that moved him to 1st string.

And you need to reexamine your myth notion that Chip Kelly just likes to run up the scores purposefully on others just for the hell of it. When we are blowing out teams you will see the 3rd and 4th stringers in there, as was the case of that game that you knocked Chip for, without having a clue what you were talking about.

I know there is this media myth out there that Chip Kelly just HAS TO run up some score. But that is not true. Take the Cal game for instance. While the media spun it as Cal only lost because they missed a late field goal, the truth was, that field goal was the first play of the 4th quarter. And UO missed field goals too in that game. And that whole 4th quarter UO just burned out the clock, running power. And with UO's timeouts left and near the goal line, UO could of easily scored again- either for a TD try, or an easy FG kick. But UO just took the knees, not caring if they won by 10 or by 2. You of course did not see this game, so you do not know the real truth of all this. But you might want to reserve your judgments until you have all the facts in order first.


2 things. You are absolutely correct. I do not follow Oregon football faithfully like you. But Chip Kelly DOES run up scores. He does not slow down. The games I have watched were all track meets w/ most of the skilled players in til late in the 4th. (ie: Tenn) And the games I didn't watch.. I just need to look at the score. 70-0, 48-13, 69-0, 60-13, etc, etc.. Either those teams were horrid, or I stand by my previous statement.

All I said was BASED ON THE VIDEOS, Tyrann Mathieu is the better player. Go back and watch the highlite films and tell me I'm wrong. If you actually take 2 secs to re-read my post, except for me saying Chip Kelly likes to run up the score, it was all very complementary to Oregon. IF there was any negative comments, it was only to show the differences in the players films, not the players themselves.

Posted by Geaux Tahel
Member since Feb 2006
6651 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 1:42 pm to
Not to try and diminish Harris in anyway, but TM made plays that you were like, "Holy shite that didn't just happen did it?".

That rip play... I still say that each time I watch it. The kid is a beast and was a true frosh. And as posted earlier, he is not afraid to make a tackle. It's a little easier on run defense when you have 11 players willing to make a tackle, not 10.
This post was edited on 6/5/11 at 1:44 pm
Posted by bisonduck
Oregon City, OR
Member since Apr 2011
12977 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 3:16 pm to
Trying to compare these two is an exercise in futiltity. I find it ironic that LSU fans point so much to rankings and it's an under the radar PSA that comes in and dominates as a true frosh.
Posted by Geaux Tahel
Member since Feb 2006
6651 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 3:24 pm to
I think you are missing some of the point LSU fans are making... at least what I'm trying to say. TM didn't "dominate" as a true frosh. He was a nickle back. That made a shite ton of awesome plays in limited duty. This is part of the reason why I feel that LSUs secondary is much better than UO... because a beast like TM wasn't even the full time starter.. unless of course we started out in a nickle package.

I don't think anyone is saying the UO secondary sucks. But after Harris, there is a big drop off in comparison. And I can't speak for everyone else, but when I talk secondary comparisons, I'm talking the whole secondary... not just the 2 starting safeties and 2 starting CBs. I'm talking the whole nickle and dime packages.

But thats a conversation that should go in the other thread. This thread is discussing who will have a greater impact not who has a better secondary.

Or did I miss your point completely?
Posted by PDXAnas
Member since Apr 2011
153 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 3:38 pm to
"Also, Chip thinks Barner is the best returner in america."

I'm of the opinion that a fully functional Barner (i.e., sans the physical and mental effects of getting laid out the way he did at WSU) is actually a little better returner than Harris.
Posted by DucksflyinPAC
Portland, Oregon
Member since Mar 2011
1872 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 3:59 pm to


You seem a very respectful fellow and I appreciate that. I am not personally attacking you in this response, just pointing some things out. I just take issue with something you said:

2 things. You are absolutely correct. I do not follow Oregon football faithfully like you. But Chip Kelly DOES run up scores. He does not slow down. The games I have watched were all track meets w/ most of the skilled players in til late in the 4th. (ie: Tenn) And the games I didn't watch.. I just need to look at the score. 70-0, 48-13, 69-0, 60-13, etc, etc.. Either those teams were horrid, or I stand by my previous statement.

There are so many Myths and ridiculous claims it is not even funny.
For one, I can easily tell you do not watch much UO football. Watching a few games here and there does not mean you watch a ton of of UO football or know our Coach well, or know our Team well, or know our mindset well. It is obvious you do not.

First off. I myself see nothing wrong with running up a score. If I were HC, I would have no problem doing it at any time. The contest in Football is to score as many points as you can. And the winner is the team with the most points. Maybe its a Southern Thing, but I see no problem in it. However, that does not mean if I were a HC I would try to embarress another team/coach. Rather, I just want my guys as fit and well oiled as possible, so I would not slow down for nothing. If I was beating a bad team much, I would just put in my 3rd and 4th stringers and not just run the ball. I would want all my guys to get tons of practice (as they are our future starters down the road) so I would do all the same things/air it out ect...) But that is just me. I am not UO's HC though.

However, Chip Kelly DOES NOT purposefully run up the score. What do you expect him to do, tell his 4th stringers to just hold the ball and don't run? I can easily tell you have not watched much football because if you did, you would know, in those two two shutouts (1st and 3rd game), he benched all his starters at half time(unlike the 4th quarter as you claim). In the second half you were seeing mostly 3rd and 4th stringers. Again, what's he to do, as them to take a knee all the 2nd half? And as far as the Tenn game, which is probably one of the only ones you saw, he did not put his 4th stringers in until he knew we had it in the bag. We are used to PAC football, not SEC. In the PAC one can score at anytime and quickly. Just because you are up by 10 points or even 2 touchdowns does not mean you have won the game. A team could easily take one to the house with a return, or a fumble, interception ect... And unlike your claim, the 3rd, 4th stringer went in much quicker then you saw. Maybe not our QB of course, as he was a first year starter and he needed more reps, but all through out.

I do however understand that this is a great Media Myth about Chip. And well, you said one thing that is a contradiction. You said Chip "runs up the score. He does not slow down." FYI, just because a team is not slowing down does not necessarily mean he is trying to run up the score. We kick out of our Blurr Offense often when we are super up on a team. However, if Chip did not(which he does)would that be a bad thing? Giving the 3rd and 4th stringer practice that way with it? And btw, sometimes when we kick out of "blurr mode", we were so good last year on O, that often everything seemed like a Blurr. lol
Its ok, you confess you did not watch much UO football. But you did not have to confess this, as I could easily tell by your claims. Remember, not everything ESPN(or other media) says is true. Sometimes one needs to watch for themselves. And one cannot just go by when a diff QB comes in. Dude, we lost our #2 QB to a torn ACL last year. Our #3 guy we were saving his red-shirt on. And unless you knew our personal groups, you really did not have a clue.

Its just a difference of thought as well. SEC teams are not known(usually) to be able to score as quick as PAC teams. So if a team is up by a few scores over a SEC, and they get more everyone there thinks running up the score is happening. Again, we are used to thinking we have to really get up, as a buffer if someone makes a run. Look at all the great QB's in our league we have had, see my point? Yes Chip loves to push it and crush them, but he is not doing so for any style points or to embarrass any single team. And when the margin was high enough, always the 3rd and 4th guys came in, but ya, often times they just kept the same truck rolling. Oh well, I guess we were that loaded last year, or our scheme and style of our O was that good. Oh wait, were we not the #1 Offense last year? Perhaps we were too good as just scoring.

Personally I wish he ran up the score on Washington, our hated Rival. But chip does not even acknowledge them as our rival. To him every team is just a faceless opponent. (which ticks many of us Ducks off that he did not see UW as we see them). Chip just wants his team to compete against themselves and do as good a job as they can, as our most famous Duck Alum did as a runner. He ran against himself even though other saw it as a competition with others in a race. Nope. But did he run up his times? Or was he just trying to perform at his best? See, different mindsets and you just don't know our coach or team well which is ok however. He has no enemies, and he never once tried to embarrass anyone. Again, to get the best lesson on this, you need to watch the Cal Game. UO the whole 4th quarter could of scored more. And a reporter afterward was so shocked that he did not and told Chip, "are you not upset that you only won by 2 point?" Chip said, "I could care less what the score is, we won".

And that is the truth. He could care less what the score is. He more wants to know, did his kids play the best they could. And after the title game, in the locker room, he asked them, "think of who you love the most. And could you look them in the eye and tell them you played the hardest you could? (yes of course) Well then, you have nothing to be ashamed of. I am greatly proud of you too."

Sometimes Myths are not true, just saying...
If however you still feel differently then please, by all means, quote exact games and references. Another LSU fan a few days ago linked all our game highlights into a really neat thread. I know all our games by heart almost. Can you specifically prove your claims? If so, try me.
Posted by bisonduck
Oregon City, OR
Member since Apr 2011
12977 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 4:12 pm to
I really don't believe there is dropoff with our ones and twos - there may be more talent. Terrance Mitchell, Troy Hill, and Dargan made a lot of noise in spring drill...a lot. T Mitch and Hill pushed Gildon and would usurp him only if they were prodigious talents because Gildon has 4 years of system in his brain, a very articulate, intelligent kid, btw. Brian Jackson was a special teamer last year that has very good instincts. He's the hoover kid we picked up and I expect a lot of big things from him. Dargan is going to push the two upperclassmen at safety.

However, the problem is that these guys are promising. Nothing has been proven on the field. In a way, it is very similar to LSU. However, LSU has the benefit of the doubt being in the SEC and a perrenial powerhouse. We are at a bit of disadvantage with the national media because we are the newcomers.

Coach Neal has had spectacular results as our secondary coach and has done this with under the radar kids. He is now getting the pick of the litter. Remember, the redshirts that I am speaking of come from a top 10 class. It will be very interesting to see things unfold on sept. 3.

If Athlon is correct and T Mitch wins out the job (more likely hill in my estimation), I wouldn't see this as a good thing. Gildon has proven that he can be a solid contributor and any redshirt would have to show something spectacular. Also, Scott Grady is a junior that featured in the rotation last year in 12 games.
This post was edited on 6/5/11 at 4:32 pm
Posted by bisonduck
Oregon City, OR
Member since Apr 2011
12977 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 4:42 pm to
The more I think about this the more I can't believe how bad that athlon article is. Grady featured a lot as a backup, as a sophmore.
Posted by 7thWardTiger
Richmond, Texas
Member since Nov 2009
24670 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 4:53 pm to

However, the problem is that these guys are promising. Nothing has been proven on the field. In a way, it is very similar to LSU. However, LSU has the benefit of the doubt being in the SEC and a perrenial powerhouse. We are at a bit of disadvantage with the national media because we are the newcomers.

What? LSU's young guys proved it on the field last season. We have the benefit of the doubt because 2 played in every game(Matheiu, Loston) 1 played in 12(Reid) and Simon played in 7. Those were meaningful minutes, not garbage time.

Unless you are comparing UO this year to LSU last year. In that case, i can see your comparison
Posted by dbbuilder79
Overton NV
Member since Dec 2010
4200 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 5:03 pm to

I'm not very computer savy.. I can't put together a highlite film of OU or LSU. I can't even figure out how to post a sig pic!!

I guess you can call me more of a traditionalist when it comes to football, especially college football where the players are playing for the love of the game and not a paycheck. (unless you're Auburn or USC)

I can understand running up a score to an extent. And letting your younger and less talented or experienced players in the game to get a bit of PT is VERY important at this level. But there is also a thing called sportsmanship.

I don't know if you follow Wisconsin at all, but what coach Bielema did last yr was by far the WORST call of the season. When he went for 2 against the Gophers, it showed me that he has no class and no sense of sportsmanship. I just personally feel that running up a score and using the excuse that "We're just running our offense" is total BS.

I can say that I don't think Chip Kelly is as bad as Pete Carroll was, or Mike Leach at Tech. Not by far. I understand that he's an Offensive guru, and that's how he runs his offense. But I call em like I see em.

I have a buddy. He's got a daughter who's my age, 31. By the time she was 22, she had 4 kids w/ 4 different dads. When I found out about this, I didn't say, "How unlucky for her. She only screwed 4 different guys, each one time and got pregnant each time!!!" All I had to do was look at her scoreboard to know what she was.

I know that it's to each his own. I just know how crappy it feels when the shoe is on the other foot, and we are the team gettin taken to the woodshed. That's how I view it.

If we keep on going at this, we should probably start another thread. We kinda Hijacked this one.
Posted by JohnnyU
Member since Nov 2006
12350 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 5:04 pm to
Sporting News calls Harris the most exciting performer in CFB.

Edge to Harris!
Posted by bisonduck
Oregon City, OR
Member since Apr 2011
12977 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 5:09 pm to

What? LSU's young guys proved it on the field last season. We have the benefit of the doubt because 2 played in every game(Matheiu, Loston) 1 played in 12(Reid) and Simon played in 7. Those were meaningful minutes, not garbage time.

Unless you are comparing UO this year to LSU last year. In that case, i can see your comparison

It's different all around. Our starters are very experienced - all four could be returning starters except Gildon who got starts last year and in '09 in relief. Our two deep will have T Mitch and Troy Hill who both redshirted this season. However, they beat out Scott Grady, a regular contributor last year, and are pushing Gildon. Grady will be in our 3 deep but will feature regularly, I surmise as the 5th db. Jackson was a contributor last year and will be a second string safety. Patterson got spot duty. Dargan is pushing everyone as a redshirt. So, it's hodgepodge of contributors and newcomers, with the latter beating out some sold guys.

It's similar in that guy like Grady, Jackson, Patterson, got some valuable playing time because of a deep rotation.
This post was edited on 6/5/11 at 5:26 pm
Posted by Geaux Tahel
Member since Feb 2006
6651 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 5:24 pm to

The more I think about this the more I can't believe how bad that athlon article is.

I wasn't going to say anything at first cause I didn't want to seem like I was bashing anything you said.. But once you said this... I had to chime in... Athlon is garbage IMO. FWIW
Posted by Mike Linebacker
Member since Sep 2009
3404 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 5:28 pm to
Who is LSU's punter?
Posted by Geaux Tahel
Member since Feb 2006
6651 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 5:31 pm to

Sporting News calls Harris the most exciting performer in CFB.

Edge to Harris!

They also have LSU winning the NC. So what do they know.
Posted by BigEdLSU
All around the south
Member since Sep 2010
20268 posts
Posted on 6/5/11 at 5:33 pm to
RSFR Brad Wing should be Punting for us. I've seen a lot of him playing at Parkview, as much as can be seen during pregame and halftime warmups. Looks to be an exceptional
directional punter with good hangtime, but still unproven in college obviously.
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