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This clip will explain why things are so fricked up

Posted on 5/1/24 at 10:00 am
Posted by Geekboy
Member since Jan 2004
5039 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 10:00 am
Makes total sense to me. Go 1:24 in if you want to hear the explanation but the whole clip is worth it.

The Rubin Report
Posted by cbtullis
Member since Apr 2004
6318 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 10:08 am to
Yep…been saying this for years!
They have played the long game
Posted by TexasForever81
Member since Mar 2023
282 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 10:14 am to
That’s almost as bad as it gets.

Be ready, all the time.

We win.
Posted by Clyde Tipton
Planet Earth
Member since Dec 2007
38857 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 10:15 am to

My folks have talked about it for decades. Either you know the truth, or you've been brainwashed for lack of a better term. It's about 50/50 nationwide today.
Posted by Geekboy
Member since Jan 2004
5039 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 10:16 am to
There is abundant evidence everywhere. Here’s one example of many.

UCLA classroom
Posted by loogaroo
Member since Dec 2005
31532 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 10:19 am to
You could feel it coming when people lost their minds about COVID.

Nothing made any sense.
Posted by Geekboy
Member since Jan 2004
5039 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 10:31 am to
Staying on the COVID topic for a moment. This is officially the most fricked up thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

Posted by Earnest_P
Member since Aug 2021
3604 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 10:37 am to
Dave Rubin has a “husband” and they bought two male children. Stop giving him views.

His whole chosen life is a result of exactly what’s in the video. Are we supposed to ignore that?
This post was edited on 5/1/24 at 10:39 am
Posted by Rex Feral
Member since Jan 2014
11525 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 10:45 am to
My stomach always sinks everytime I watch this.
Posted by cajunangelle
Member since Oct 2012
147992 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 11:05 am to
Who cares about Rubin but he is spot-on showing Yuri.

No one really talks about it because it is happening now in real time and it is too surreal.

It is far easier to just get caught up in left v. right. Trump v. anyone.

The useless tools are practicing it on campus before our eyes.

Posted by Earnest_P
Member since Aug 2021
3604 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 11:14 am to

Who cares about Rubin

We should care. That so many don’t is evidence that we have already lost to this plot to subvert us.
Posted by PrezCock
Member since Sep 2019
605 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 11:23 am to
Growing up in the 80's and 90's, public education, we were constantly taught how evil McCarthyism was. Turns out he was right on the money. He was ahead of his time and got in too early, it's a shame it didn't catch on.

The commies have been playing the long game for much longer than 3 generations. Now we are starting to see exactly what they had planned.
Posted by DrrTiger
Member since Nov 2023
498 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 11:37 am to

we were constantly taught how evil McCarthyism was

Yep, the old “red scare” perpetuated by some paranoid kook.

Turns out he was 100% correct.
Posted by POTUS2024
Member since Nov 2022
11956 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 11:38 am to
I did some reading on the Bezmenov stuff some time ago. I know this is long and will be in 5 posts, here is stuff I found. Some of it is from a site and unfortunately I did not save the link so I apologize, but my notes are interspersed. Sorry for no link on the original.

Part 1
The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion
Former KBG agent, Yuri Bezmenov, who defected to the U.S. in 1970, embarked on a personal mission to warn America exactly how the USSR was subverting our Nation.  Famous during the 1980’s for his G. Edward Griffin interviews and the lectures he later offered, Bezmenov also wrote a handful of books on the same topic under the name Tomas Schuman.  The tactics he laid out are a very old playbook that can be used by anyone, which is precisely what’s been going down.
We are going to draw upon the information that Bezmenov provided in his book, Love Letter to America (1984).  Even though it is 40 years later, you will be shocked how dead-on Bezmenov was in most of his predictions – almost every issue our nation faces today is described in this book. It’s very important you pay attention to the details – each detail represents one of those threads that needs to be either preserved or rewoven back into the fabric of our Nation.  Please commit to educating yourself with the content of this book.  You can get a pdf of this book if you search the internet.
The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion

Demoralization - lay groundwork to infiltrate institutions, it is the education of a generation or more. Question and criticize the core of society, especially things that convey an identity.
Destabilization - the demoralized are entering positions of power and producing dysfunction.
Crisis - normal bodies and institutions no longer get things done, and they are replaced by non-elected functionaries that rule by fiat, by edict.
Normalization - self-appointed rulers take over, they get rid of the useful idiots and stabilize everything by force.

According to YB, revolutions are not grass roots efforts. They are always products of professional entities.

Bezmenov said that you cannot subvert someone that does not want to be subverted. The target must be responsive. You can imagine the things that make someone more responsive such as disability, vulnerability, youth, desperation, etc.

Bezmenov created two charts. One showing the general movement of society and the other showing the subversion process.

Chart 1: The Movement From An Open Society To A Closed Society. Based on current events it is our estimation that America is presently struggling in the highlighted areas in the chart below.

Chart 2: The Subversion Process.  Based on current events it is our estimation that America is generally in the Destabilization phase of the chart below.  We do not believe that every item under “Demoralization” has been successfully completed:

This post was edited on 5/1/24 at 11:55 am
Posted by POTUS2024
Member since Nov 2022
11956 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 11:38 am to
Part 2
When studying these charts we believe it is necessary to consider the following essential points:
1.  None of the items in either chart happen one at a time nor in the very exact order presented; they would happen simultaneously, in various orders, and with much overlap. This is a decentralized process that runs by the actions of many players acting in parallel in many different locations at the same time.
2.  In regards to the estimates that Bezmenov (Schuman) predicts on how long each stage lasts, it is presumed that his time-scale is based on how long it took for the USSR to successfully and completely take-over other countries.  Because Americans do not quickly succumb to negative changes, we believe that some stages (if fulfilled) would most likely take longer.
3.  Because Americans do not readily succumb to negative changes, citizen-driven self-correction has been taking place in some areas for decades.  Examples:?*Main stream Media has been gradually being replaced with alternatives.  With distrust of the media up significantly (Rasmussen: 58% Of Voters Agree: Media Are ‘Enemy of the People’), alternatives are now becoming main stream.  Digital news is in, and traditional news sources were thrown out along with their physical print papers (good riddance);?*Regarding Security – For at least the last twenty years Americans have increasingly become more heavily armed (and educated) for personal defense measures;?*Regarding Labor – A majority of states (28) are now Right-To-Work States, rather than forced union membership; seventeen states have been added to the list since 1950, with six having passed their RTW laws since 2000.?*Regarding Education – We are currently witnessing a beautiful and historic surge of citizen-driven self-correction in public schools across the Nation in response to: Lock-downs, masks and experimental vaccines; critical race theory; transgender issues; and overall over-reach of teachers, unions and school boards.  Additionally, there has also been a significant increase in home schooling.  In addition to Education, home-schooling is known to have a very positive influence on family, family loyalty, faith and individual responsibility.
4.  While many components in this subversive communist process have clearly been attempted in our Nation’s history, America is truly the only free country in the world that has never undergone this entire process successfully.  Generally speaking, we have managed to somewhat recover from various half-hearted attempts.  We have gained some of the lost ground back, but definitely not all of it.
5.  The natural spirit and mindset of the average American does not consciously succumb to any process of subversion ever.  It is not in our DNA – even with those that we might accurately consider lazy or apathetic.  Obvious subversion is extremely offensive and despicable to all Americans, even to those who are completely ignorant in standard civics, history and current political events.?Example:  Imagine the door-to-door vaccine police knocking on doors in Venezuela or China – those (captive) citizens would never consider saying No.  However here in America, it is almost certain that the vast majority of citizens will either aggressively oppose, shockingly recoil, or politely resist such a person showing up on their doorstop.  Americans are instinctively wired to defend, resent and resist any obvious action that threatens the personal freedom they have experienced all their lives.  We believe the only real exceptions would be physically or mentally vulnerable people who are incapable of resisting.  We do count cowards as mentally vulnerable people.  And we do not count Marxists as average Americans.
This has to be tempered by the realization that children are especially vulnerable and when the educational system is corrupted, when other institutions are corrupted and they have access to children, or to adults that were corrupted and indoctrinated as children, then the "American resistance" or immunity to subversion is weakened.
6.  Despite the natural spirit and mindset of the average American, we can also have weaknesses that enable Ideological Subversion:?a. Ignorance.  Of history, and ignorance of our civic duty.?b. Short attention span.  Most of the phases in this strategy play out gradually over years, not months.?c. Naivety.  That ‘most of those in charge’ will ultimately do their job legally and correctly.?d. Disbelief.  That our freedoms in America could really be taken away.?e. Insecurity.  Of how, when and where to be proactive.?f.  Most of the above weaknesses will contribute to a herd-mentality.
7.  The internet and technology has increased the speed of this process significantly.  It is worth mentioning that there are well-meaning Americans who do not know how to use technology, and others that do not know how to use it effectively.  Mounting a coordinated and effective patriotic defense against this process that is playing out increasingly faster is a weakness that must be addressed.
Posted by POTUS2024
Member since Nov 2022
11956 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 11:44 am to
Part 3
Countering the subversion process
Each stage can be countered. I did not write these counter-strategies and cannot remember where I saw them.
Demoralization - countered by restricting the propaganda.
Destabilization - countered by curbing the rights or mitigating effects of agitators.
Crisis - countered by strong reactions to keep things working and to crack down on the subversive actors.
Normalization - only violence will reverse it once it has been instituted.
Organized ideological subversion must be met with a strong response, organized, decentralized, whatever, it must be strong and it must be widespread through the population, otherwise it will proliferate.
(An observation by someone: Subversion is cultural - it becomes part of the culture in certain places. On youtube there are people that are in Russia that are strongly opposed to the Russian government. It seems all of them spent time on US campuses when they were in college, which is ironic.)

Additional notes:
Demoralization -
Bezmenov said the first stage, Demoralization, could take 15 to 20 years to complete because “this is the minimum number of years it takes to educate one generation of students.”
“Marxist-Leninist ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism,” he warned in 1984, judging that the demoralization process had been “basically completed” by that point. My opinion is that this was very limited in its success. It took at least another generation for this to become noticeable IMO.

“Most of it is done by Americans to Americans, thanks to a lack of moral standards.” Bezmenov explained that demoralization is important because it robs the targeted population of its ability to process valid information. Even when demoralization targets are “showered with authentic proof” of contrary positions, they simply “refuse to believe it.”
Demoralization is quite obvious among today’s young people, whose faith in their country has been systematically destroyed throughout their lives by the education and media establishment. To take a recent high-profile example, the New York Times’ fraudulent “1619 Project” argued that “American history” actually began with the arrival of black slaves in North America and the Revolutionary War was fought by the colonists to preserve slavery. Although comprehensively debunked by actual historians, and even the original author has admitted her core thesis was not true, the 1619 Project is now part of some school curricula.  

This stage is also characterized by a rejection of truth, as anyone who has tried using facts and figures in a debate recently understands firsthand:
"Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information, the facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures."

Unfortunately, Bezmenov implies, reality will register all too late, when those who brushed facts aside are subjected to the heavy hand of a military state.

Leftists: all these professors and woke activists, they are instrumental in the process of the subversion, only to destabilize the nation. When the job is completed, they’re not needed anymore. They know too much.

The second stage, Destabilization, is much faster, requiring only two to five years under KGB doctrine. In this stage, the fundamentals of the targeted population’s economy, political system, and culture would be attacked, while the demoralized population could not mount much of a defense. 
Bezmenov in 1984 found it “absolutely fantastic” how much influence Marxist-Leninist ideas had developed in the American economy and military. In essence, a demoralized population becomes willing to believe the worst criticisms of its own society, while learning to see defenders of that society as their enemies, while avowed enemies become natural allies. The defenders are held to strict standards, while anything goes for the most strident critics.
Whatever Bezmenov saw in the destabilized American society of the early 1980s with respect to the Soviet Union, it’s easy to see how the American Left has destabilized entire segments of modern society after demoralizing them. They see enemies everywhere, while no pro-American authority can be trusted.
...destabilized people lose faith in each other.
Posted by POTUS2024
Member since Nov 2022
11956 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 11:46 am to
Part 4
Stage 3: Crisis
Once a society has been destabilized, Bezmenov said the time would be ripe to create a Crisis, which he estimated would take six to eight weeks in the Eighties. With turbo Internet speed, the modern era can punch out a crisis much faster than that.

A crisis has the obvious benefit of panicking demoralized, destabilized people into abandoning their legal protections and constitutional ideals. During the coronavirus panic, people who brought up those ideals were treated like lunatics.

The more subtle benefit of a crisis is that it tends to de-legitimize aspects of the existing system that have already been softened up by the long process of demoralization and destabilization. Those who control the organs of public communication have the power to decide which aspects of the system are supposedly indicted by the crisis.

The threat of a crisis is essential for terrorizing the middle class into accepting a political agenda that is actively hostile to its interests, which leads to the fourth stage of subversion: the offer to make the pain and fear go away by accepting political domination.
Posted by POTUS2024
Member since Nov 2022
11956 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 11:50 am to
Part 5
Stage 4: Normalization
“After a crisis, with a violent change of the power structure and economy, you have a so-called period of Normalization that may last indefinitely,” Bezmenov said, arriving at the fourth stage of subversion.
“Normalization is a cynical expression borrowed from Soviet propaganda,” he explained. Interestingly, it also happens to be the core theme of the 2020 Democrat presidential campaign.

“When the Soviet tanks moved into Czechoslovakia in 1968, Comrade Brezhnev said, ‘Now the situation in brotherly Czechoslovakia is ‘normalized.’ This is what will happen in the United States if you allow all the schmucks to bring the country to crisis, to promise people all kinds of goodies and a paradise on Earth, to destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principle of free-market competition, and to put a Big Brother government in Washington, D.C. with benevolent dictators like Walter Mondale, who will promise lots of things – never mind whether the promises are fulfillable or not,” Bezmenov cautioned.

They almost all begin with telling voters things are awful, crises have erupted, and normality can be restored only by voting for the challenger (or preserved only by voting for the incumbent).

“They are instrumental in the process of subversion only to destabilize a nation,” he said of the academics and activists. “When their job is completed, they are not needed anymore. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power, obviously they get offended. They think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.”

The American version of this process probably would not end with the mass execution of inconvenient intellectuals, but there is a parallel in what would happen to the intellectual supporters of the current riots if the Democrats win in 2020. They would discover that the victorious Democrat Party is not at all interested in their systemic criticisms of public union employees, such as police officers. Many bones would be thrown to activist groups to purchase their loyalty – and, much more importantly, the loyalty of their leaders.

Posted by ksayetiger
Centenary Gents
Member since Jul 2007
68473 posts
Posted on 5/1/24 at 11:51 am to

You could feel it coming when people lost their minds about COVID.

Nothing made any sense.

And most people still think covid wasn't planned.
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