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re: Israel / Hamas in a biblical context - any content recs?

Posted on 10/18/23 at 11:45 am to
Posted by donut
Face, USA
Member since Jan 2004
3031 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 11:45 am to

The book primarily foretold the destruction of the Jewish temple in the 70s AD.

Revelations was written after the Temple fell so how did it fortell it's destruction?
Posted by Stitches
Member since Oct 2019
982 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 12:58 pm to

That would be 40,001

I was referring to Protestant denominations.


The first split as all Catholic say was from Catholicism. Can’t remove that split because it doesn’t support your argument.

Nobody is removing any pre-reformation splits, but the difference is that the Orthodox churches still have valid apostolic succession, and therefore, valid sacraments.


Most Protestants denominations don’t want a pyramid structure of governance like the Catholic Church.

Well what Protestants want and what Christ instituted usually are two totally different things, so you're not wrong here.


And if you truly believe that the Catholic Church to be the “true church”

I do.


which goes completely against the biblical definition of the church

It doesn't. In fact, the New Testament scriptures are clear that the church is a visible and hierarchical institution given the power to settle disputes and excommunicate those that refuse to listen to it.


we are just babbling bible thumpers right?

Not exactly. You, specifically, are just an idiot, to be frank.
This post was edited on 10/18/23 at 2:13 pm
Posted by Stitches
Member since Oct 2019
982 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 12:59 pm to

Revelations was written after the Temple fell so how did it fortell it's destruction?

The majority consensus by biblical scholars is that it was written in the 60s AD, prior to the destruction of the temple.
Posted by CorchJay
Member since Nov 2018
17543 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 2:44 pm to
Wrong most biblical scholars think it was written around 90AD
Posted by CorchJay
Member since Nov 2018
17543 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 2:45 pm to
Just a basic google search… this is the reply

95-96 CE
Almost all New Testament scholars now take the view that Revelation was written during the reign of Domitian, sometime around 95-96
Posted by CorchJay
Member since Nov 2018
17543 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 2:54 pm to

Not exactly. You, specifically, are just an idiot, to be frank.

And look just above this point and I’m the idiot. Sure.

An idiot would put faith in man. I put faith in Jesus Christ. You keep worshipping your popes and Mary. I’ll be just fine.
Posted by Canon951
Member since May 2020
166 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 2:59 pm to
Romans 11
Posted by CorchJay
Member since Nov 2018
17543 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 3:04 pm to
Here is video by Ken Johnson from a prophecy in Amos about Hamas and Israel.

Amos - prophecy of Hamas and Israel
Posted by Canon951
Member since May 2020
166 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 3:16 pm to

Mary is the Mother of God. She is the Queen Mother of Jesus Christ's Davidic Kingdom. The Queen Mother is a very important part of the Davidic Kingdoms. So, it is quite fitting that Jesus would "Save" his own mother before her birth by deeming that she be born Sinless. Mary is the New Eve. Jesus is the New Adam. They usher in the Messianic Age, and it's fitting that the New Eve would be superior to the original Eve by being Sinless. Finally, the Angel Gabriel's greeting to Mary is a Scriptural indication that Mary was Sinless. Gabriel uses a Greek expression indicating that Mary being "full of grace" is something that is part of her identity and happened in the past. The Greek word in the New Testament is a tough one: kecharitomene.

This is lunacy.
Posted by Mike da Tigah
Bravo Romeo Lima Alpha
Member since Feb 2005
59693 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 3:20 pm to

An idiot would put faith in man. I put faith in Jesus Christ. You keep worshipping your popes and Mary. I’ll be just fine.

Agreed, and as a former Catholic who was raised and educated in the Catholic faith and parochial education, that which is clearly written in scripture, and that includes the Catholic bible, and does not line up with Catholic teaching is what was fundamental in leading me away from the RCC when I began searching for God in scripture.

Scripture is crystal clear on salvation, prayer, and worship, who the leader of the Church IS, who is our mediator between God and man, and who we are to rely upon for our salvation, and NONE of it is man, his works, traditions, or venerations.

It’s Christ and Christ ALONE, and it’s not a group effort. It’s a personal relationship each individual must have with Jesus. The problem I have with the teachings of the RCC are that the dependency on Christ and Christ alone is severely compromised in the reliance upon man’s (filthy rags) works, praying to dead people, praying for dead people, the leaders of the denomination having authority over what it right rather than scripture alone, sacraments, indulgences like paying to pray people out of purgatory, etc, all of which are Catholic created and not in scripture at all. Matter of fact, in direct opposition to what is written in scripture.

I certainly think Catholics can be saved, but it is in spite of Catholic teachings, not reliance upon those teachings. It will be a reliance upon Christ that saves them, and that alone, not any other nuance placed upon them for their salvation and dependence upon the RCC.

Posted by Canon951
Member since May 2020
166 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 3:30 pm to

An idiot would put faith in man. I put faith in Jesus Christ. You keep worshipping your popes and Mary. I’ll be just fine.

Well said. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, author and finisher of our faith. No one else or nothing else is needed. Let them worship whoever they want.
This post was edited on 10/18/23 at 3:31 pm
Posted by Stitches
Member since Oct 2019
982 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 3:37 pm to

You keep worshipping your popes and Mary

As I've stated countless times. You truly are a first ballot hall of fame level idiot.
Posted by Stitches
Member since Oct 2019
982 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 3:43 pm to

Scripture is crystal clear on salvation, prayer, and worship

If this were true, there wouldn't be 40,000 different Protestant denominations.


who the leader of the Church IS

The RCC says it's Jesus.


who is our mediator between God and man

The RCC says it's Jesus.


who we are to rely upon for our salvation

The RCC says it's Jesus.


NONE of it is man, his works, traditions, or venerations.

This is the position the RCC takes as well in regards to initial salvation.


It’s Christ and Christ ALONE


It’s a personal relationship each individual must have

So is it Christ and Christ ALONE (monergism), or does our salvation rely upon some cooperation with Christ on our end (synergism)? You're contradicting yourself.


man’s (filthy rags) works, praying to dead people, praying for dead people, the leaders of the denomination having authority over what it right rather than scripture alone, sacraments, indulgences like paying to pray people out of purgatory,

None of these, with the exception of the Sacraments, specifically baptism, aid any way in our initial salvation.


I'm a former Catholic who was raised and educated in the Catholic faith and parochial education

Based on all of the above, I can only assume you slept through catechism. Only bad Catholics become Protestant.
This post was edited on 10/18/23 at 3:45 pm
Posted by CorchJay
Member since Nov 2018
17543 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 3:50 pm to
I to am a former Catholic
Posted by CorchJay
Member since Nov 2018
17543 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 4:00 pm to

Based on all of the above, I can only assume you slept through catechism. Only bad Catholics become Protestant.

You keep saying dumb stuff like this. And that revelation was written in 60AD.

Sure you can go search the Catholic defense against Protestants site and come back with some dumb rebuttal from a Roman scholar for 170AD that doesn’t make it true.

Scripture alone. Jesus alone.

If the Catholic Church is so much more inspired then Protestant church’s why all the pagan idolatry?

The Catholic Church is not “The Church” of the Bible. Nor is Methodist or Baptist or church of Christ none are it’s not a denominational building or group. “The Church” is the body of believers in Jesus Christ and found salvation through his work on the cross to be sufficient and his blood cleansed away all sin for the faithful and we are now sealed with the Holy Spirit. That will be taken away at the rapture. Regardless if you are a pretrib midtrib or postrib believer.

1 Cor. 15 v 1-4 tells you exactly what is required to be saved and a part of “The Church”.
Posted by Mike da Tigah
Bravo Romeo Lima Alpha
Member since Feb 2005
59693 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 4:00 pm to

This is lunacy.

Lunacy and not Christian in the least.


So, it is quite fitting that Jesus would "Save" his own mother before her birth by deeming that she be born Sinless.

First of all, Jesus IS GOD. The Gospel verifies who Christ is, and God has NO MOTHER. Mary was a blessed woman, and chosen to deliver Christ into the world, but she was still born into sin and has a sin nature like every single one of us. She is the blessed vessel whom God the Father chose to deliver the human body of Christ, but not the sinless God Himself, without which Mary and the rest of us would have no hope of salvation had He not paid the ultimate price for our sins through His sacrifice. This can only happen through someone who knew NO sin, and that is through God in human flesh. We are the corruptible, and God is the incorruptible. To mix those up is to distort who Christ is, and who we are in our relation to God, and our need for the Savior in the first place. Mary too.


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.”
John 1:1-3

David himself, the same linage of both Mary and Joseph testifies to the sin he was born into.


“Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; And in sin did my mother conceive me.”
Psalm 51:5

Mary hails from the lineage of David through Nathan which gives Christ the bloodline to Kingship through the human side, but a woman’s bloodline would preclude Christ from the throne. Joseph (Jesus’ step father) also hails from the linage of David, but is precluded from inheritance because he hails from Solomon, and that bloodline was prevented from inheriting the throne.

All that to illustrate that Christ is the true Heir to rightful Kingship as a result of what John 1 pointed to, and that’s is that His Is GOD! Mary was born into the same sin that every single human is born into as a descendant of Adam, and under the same curse of that sin and fallen nature. She was not sinless. She was born into it, the same as every human was born into it.
This post was edited on 10/18/23 at 4:05 pm
Posted by CorchJay
Member since Nov 2018
17543 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 4:02 pm to

The RCC says it's Jesus.

Doesn’t the RCC say that the Pope is Christ on earth as well? I mean if you study your catechism and are a good catholic it does.
Posted by Mike da Tigah
Bravo Romeo Lima Alpha
Member since Feb 2005
59693 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 4:33 pm to

who is our mediator between God and man

The RCC says it's Jesus.

So then why instruct people to pray to anyone but Christ and Christ alone?

For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people.

1 Timothy 2:5-6


who we are to rely upon for our salvation

The RCC says it's Jesus.

Along with your works, sacraments, and everything else under the sun that is NOT Christ and Christ alone.


So is it Christ and Christ ALONE (monergism), or does our salvation rely upon some cooperation with Christ on our end (synergism)? You're contradicting yourself.

Not at all. I play no part in my salvation, only belief, reliance, and dependency upon the finished work of Christ. I can do nothing to earn my salvation through anything but believing upon what He has already done. I can not add to what it took a perfect God to do for me.


None of these, with the exception of the Sacraments, specifically baptism, aid any way in our initial salvation.

If baptism saves you, then explain the thief on the side of Christ whom walked with Christ into His kingdom because he believed upon who He said that He was, who he knew he was, and the dependency that he placed upon Christ on the cross for his salvation.

Not one sacrament was done by him, including water baptism, which is simply obedience to Christ as an act testifying of repentance. John 3:16 is final.


Based on all of the above, I can only assume you slept through catechism. Only bad Catholics become Protestant.

I went through years of Catholic school religious education, and far from failing it, I actually wanted to be an alter boy at one point until God revealed Himself to me through His word and I saw the RCC as the very religious of the day whom Christ addressed in scripture, those whom wanted reliance upon themselves for people to attain salvation rather than reliance upon Christ alone. He came to them, and they knew Him not, yet the most religiously educated of the day. None were more proficient in scripture than they were, and none more oblivious to the truths that Christ taught than them either, willfully ignorant. Why? Because Christ represented an enormous threat to their authority over the people, because Christ was worshiped, and they were on the back burner.

Posted by Stitches
Member since Oct 2019
982 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 4:34 pm to

Doesn’t the RCC say that the Pope is Christ on earth as well?

It does not, further proving that you as a self-proclaimed expert on Catholic teaching are totally ignorant of what the church actually teaches. Only bad Catholics become Protestant.

That "quote" you keep bringing up was supposedly stated by Pope Pius V. The person who claims to have heard Pope Pius V say this died 5 years before he supposedly said it. I've told you this several times, but like the broken record you are, you keep repeating this nonsense.
Posted by Stitches
Member since Oct 2019
982 posts
Posted on 10/18/23 at 4:42 pm to

So then why instruct people to pray to anyone but Christ and Christ alone?

For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people.

1 Timothy 2:5-6

You conveniently skipped over the preceding 4 verses of chapter 2 where we are to seek and give prayers and intercession by and for all people, and that this is pleasing to God.


Along with your works, sacraments, and everything else under the sun that is NOT Christ and Christ alone.

This is not the Catholic teaching, and the Council of Trent actually condemns works based salvation.


Not at all.

I play no part in my salvation


we must have belief, reliance, and dependency upon the finished work of Christ.

Another contradiction.


If baptism saves you, then explain the thief on the side of Christ

Can you show me where scripture says he was not baptized?

Also, can you show me where this thief had true saving faith in Christ as the Messiah, and not some generic belief that Jesus was an important innocent figure? This is the same faith Muslims and Mormans have about who and what Jesus was, which you would say isn't saving faith.

Another contradiction.

Oh....and he was crucified when the Davidic covenant was still in place. So he was saved through circumcision and works of the OT law.


I went through years of Catholic school religious education, and far from failing it

If this were true, you would know the thief would have been covered under baptism by desire and martydom had he died under the new covenant.
This post was edited on 10/18/23 at 4:46 pm
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