These Rams and Raiders fans getting in some preseason fighting before the season starts...

(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: NFL
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91TIGER78 months
As a kid I was always surprised at how trashy NFL fans were after attending my first Saints game in the early 70's, and its only gotten worse over the years. These people must spend every penny they have to pay for tickets ?
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Morris178 months
Ever think if these so called “badasses” moved down south without their mob mentality? How fast would they learn their arse would get beat on a multicultural level.
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Ignignot78 months
NFL fans that attend the games are so trashy.
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bgtiger78 months
A preseason game. We talkIn bout a preseason game.
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JohnnyRebel78 months
I wonder if the raiders fans will improve or get worse with thier move to Vegas.
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RamboMizzou78 months
This is very Bamaesque.
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TexasTiger3478 months
Every day of my life I thank god I'm not as trashy as people like this.. or most people in america these days.
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