Check out this awesome Mardi Gras float that trolls NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell...
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Nice job on this one, everyone.
Filed Under: NFL
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CCTider119 months
You gotta love Krewe D'etat. There's throws are weak, but it's a great parade.
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Ldrake53119 months
Roger Goodell has the contempt of the vast majority of NFL fans; every poll says so. People think he is a huge hypocrite who is very bad at his job.
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emanresu119 months
mocking is not trolling
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Jack Daniel119 months
I guess you had to be there.
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tensasparishtiger119 months
If this float is news, then Mardi Gras must be really having a down year.
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The First Cut119 months
Time to get over the Goodell hate; it's really pathetic.
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cokebottleag119 months
I guess I don't get it.
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