Johnny Manziel? Still not on an NFL team. But is hanging with famous chef Mario Batali in a Vegas club. Go figure...

mariobataliturns out Johnny Manziel is pretty pretty cool! and his mgmt!!

Filed Under: NFL
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atltiger6487102 months
who? Hanging out with who?
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dabigfella102 months
johnnys management looks like quite fratty
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CWilken21102 months
Unlike most players, Johnny can spend all he wants. Manziel comes from an East Texas Oil Money family. In the ESPN The Magazine article JFF's dad basically said, "We're not Garth Brooks rich but we're doing ok"
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Doug Masters102 months
And that part of Johnny's problem
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Black n Gold102 months
"Weird" But your fascination with Manziel isn't?
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Hogwarts102 months
Johnny made 5.53 million in the NFL and is spending it at an alarming rate.
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sumtimeitbeslikedat102 months
Yeah, but Batali is actually good at his career choice....
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BobABooey102 months
Somewhere Louie Anderson is crying.
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TommyDaTiger102 months
How bout that Crawdaddy babe......
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Walt OReilly102 months
Keep the Johnny gossip coming Larry.
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Grim102 months
No one cares Larry
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Errerrerrwere102 months
Look! Two douches together in Vegas
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SidetrackSilvera102 months
More and more, he's Derek Huff.
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