The Carolina Panthers are 1-5 after losing to the Saints on Sunday. QB Cam Newton was not happy about it. He pouted his way through his post game presser, not answering questions and then walking off. The whole thing lasted less than two minutes...
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Filed Under: NFL
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jcc400995 months
How long can the NFL last with jewels like him as the featured performers?
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TampaTiger2295 months
He doesn't all that, look at me nonsense then can't handle it when he loses. He is a true punk. Debo says hi cam.
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TampaTiger2295 months
Does, not doesn't
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LC41200095 months
Could of at least said with his $200k shite eating grin, "It's an ongoing investigation"
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biglego95 months
i can't believe Cam denied us such interesting and meaningful answers to those riveting questions.
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theBru95 months
Pretty sore loser, seen kids in little league handle defeat better than this PUNK ARSE cry baby...he sure was enjoying those 3 PI penalties in the EZ, though...
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milkyweed95 months
Maybe his vagina was bleeding.
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hogminer95 months
What a clown
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TouchdownTony95 months
He looks like one of the pimps in Harlem Knights.
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atltiger648795 months
classy, as always.
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pellietigersaint95 months
piece of shite
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beachbum95 months
My interview question: "You sure were talking a lot of sh!t to the crowd when you thought you were going to win the game...why aren't you talking now punk?" Ok, ok...I wouldn't call him a punk 'cause that's a big dude.
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PhilipMarlowe95 months
he's such a bitch. uh, ohhhhhhhhhhh....von miller just sacked his bitch arse again. how dem aggy nuts taste baw.
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JuiceTerry95 months
Why would anyone ever criticize this guy? LOL what a pussy
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tigah headache95 months
The true character of a man isn't shown in the good times, but in the bad ones. I think we can all see who Cam really is.
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Me95 months
I guess he could hear the other team celebrating as was his excuse after the SB.
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TT995 months
He looks like the guy off the Secret Window movie with that creepy hat.
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