Losing to the Jaguars is going to make anyone angry. Especially if you're as terrible as the Chicago Bears are. This fan in particular didn't like these these Jacksonville fans popping off, so he let them hear it. Then they let him have it. Language NSFW...
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Filed Under: NFL
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Placebeaux95 months
Cant think of one thing or one person I like from Chicago.
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Gumbo195 months
3 on 1. Bears fan deserved what he got though.
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BowDownToLSU95 months
My boss went to the saints/ Bears play game is Chicago a couple years ago. He had his twelve year old son with him. After the Bears beat the saints , he was trying to get out of the stadium when two bears fans tried starting a fight .While he was squared off another Chicago fan poured a beer on his son...frick Chicago, I'm glad he got his arse beat
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chinhoyang95 months
3 against 1 pussies who kick the guy when he's down.
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Dam Guide95 months
Dude deserved it, looks like the one guy he punched was just wanting to have fun trash talking and the old douche sucker punched him.
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LC41200095 months
I am happy to say that I have not viewed one single NFL game this season
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BayouBengal6195 months
God I hate the NFL
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CapperVin95 months
Is that Glass Joe?
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RedFive95 months
So multiple people fight one guy. Impressive.
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vuvuzela95 months
NFL is full of trash
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chitiger9195 months
Lol this is great..... you should see them after they win even worse
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VanRIch95 months
When videos end too soon
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wesman2195 months
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atltiger648795 months
classy NFL fans, as usual.
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Chadaristic95 months
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