Aaron Rodgers Explains To Kenny Mayne Why He’s Upset With Packers
© Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
Green Bay Packers star QB Aaron Rodgers joined Kenny Mayne for the legendary anchor's final SportsCenter on Monday. That's where he revealed the issues he has with his team currently, which is keeping him out of OTAs...
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(TMZ Sports)
Filed Under: NFL
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deathvalleytiger1040 months
He didn’t explain anything Larry.
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Hangit40 months
That is an awful lot of words to say nothing, and avoid explaining why he has a bug up his arse.
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HoarseComeSunday40 months
If you've been somewhere as a leader for 16 years...blaming the culture is also blaming yourself for feeding into that.
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Old Money40 months
A politician couldn't have done better with that run around of an answer.
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crewdepoo40 months
So what’s it about?
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jrodLSUke40 months
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DemSaintsDoh40 months
“Farvey”. ?????
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KennabraTiger40 months
So what’s his issue?
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