Jizz Fest...

In a motion to dismiss rape charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Manhattan prosecutors today reported that an analysis of carpet stains in the Frenchman’s $3000-per-night Sofitel hotel room “contained the semen and DNA” of three unknown men, while a stain on the room’s wallpaper contained the semen and DNA of a fourth unknown man.
Filed Under: New Orleans Saints
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ashy larry162 months

a stain on the room’s wallpaper contained the semen and DNA of a fourth unknown man.

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tiger114162 months
I remember watching a Forensic Files (or something like that) where a maid was forced into a hotel room that she was cleaning, raped, and then killed.

When the cops looked for DNA evidence, they found over 30 different semen spots on the floor just by that particular corner of the bed.

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Dandy Lion162 months
Dominique's a ballah.
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Lacour162 months
I don't know about you guys but I always jizz on the wall of every hotel I stay in.

Just marking my territory.
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LittleSpoon162 months
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G Vice162 months


You see these reports about unclean hotel rooms and cabins on cruise ships all time.

We can all attest to having profound emissions at some point in our lives, but seriously, what's the deal with being in shooting range of the wall?
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LordSnow162 months
I might have to invest in a sleep sack now... THX

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CadesCove162 months

We can all attest to having profound emissions at some point in our lives, but seriously, what's the deal with being in shooting range of the wall?

Dude is the winner. Unless they forgot to check the deiling.
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Chicken162 months

what's the deal with being in shooting range of the wall?

what happened to the discreet use of a towel? Out of respect for my fellow hotel guests, I have never been a blow hose in a hotel room...

I might have to start wearing full-body PJ's with the feet built in...
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dagrippa162 months
LOL. I'd hate to know what they'd find at the motel on staring.
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USMCTiger03162 months
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I Love Bama162 months
Hotels are fricking gross. I've done some nasty shite myself in some of them..... :yack:
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uway162 months
$3,000 hotel room chock-a-block full of semen stains.

What does that say about the $60 room I stayed in by accident for work awhile back?

Glad I didn't sleep on those sheets.
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Duckie162 months
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Bama and Beer162 months
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Cosmo162 months
Sounds like owls bedroom
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mtnhighTiger162 months
Bukake party? :popcorn:
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