UCLA will need one good team or promotion to get butts in the seats this season. Chip Kelly not gett
Andrew Fielding-USA TODAY Sports
UCLA will need one good team or promotion to get butts in the seats this season. Chip Kelly not getting the job done...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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MIZ_COU65 months
I never realized how silly football looks in timelapse
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MIZ_COU65 months
hey errbody line up over here. Now errbody run over there. Now errbody line up here. Now errbody run over there
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lsutigermall65 months
Well dang, we play there in 2 years. I hope they show up.
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smash williams65 months
They even tried giving away free tickets.
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Champagne65 months
I am SO glad that I didn't choose to attend UCLA for my college football career.
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biglego65 months
The same shitty fans who don’t care about the Rams or Chargers
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Hoovertigah65 months
Or America
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supadave365 months
I can never see the videos lately.
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Tiger in Texas65 months
West coast are bandwagon fans...nothing new. Maybe they are staying home afraid to leave their homes or campus due to climate change...
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AustinKnight65 months
Chip may just step down after this season. I mean why stick around he ain’t recruiting so there’s no point
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Football on the Left Coast is done...the people don't give a shite anymore.
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thejudge65 months
Football takes testosterone. The left coast no longer has any.
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SD Tider65 months
You’ve obviously never seen a Seahawks game then
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intellligent65 months
Probably can think of some better things to do in LA than watch a mediocre team play football...
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MetryMauler65 months
This is where college football has brought us. The same 5-6 teams every year with a chance to win.
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tketaco65 months
UCLA has shitty fans
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Black n Gold65 months
Have to have a good team before you start bashing fans.
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LSULyle0069065 months
Who can blame em
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