Sometimes when Tim Tebow answers a question from the media or a fan he gets All-American boyish and spiritual. But when asked by a reporter at spring training this week how he balances his career and his charity work, he had quite the incredible answer...
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Tim Tebow isn't so bad.
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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SECdragonmaster91 months
I love Tim Tebow. Great young man. He has done everything right in his life and is wise beyond his years. He even refused to beat Auburn while he was at Florida and I will always cherish that as well.
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Gumbo191 months
Always hated when LSU played against Tebow. However, Tim has always been a class act and a great human being.
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eugene1928LSU91 months
Great human, great heart, and class. Still glad we beat him and those gators in '07, one awesome game to be at. 4th and Les all night long, thank you O-line and Jacob Hester.
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justausedcarguy91 months
You can't help but like this guy, I will be a Tebow fan no matter what he does...
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theBru91 months
Great guy...
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DoubleDown91 months
Dear Braves, Please pick this guy up if the Mets can him. I want winners on my team and this guy is nothing but a winner.
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Lsu10120591 months
How can someone with so much character and humble integrity make such a poor decision to go play in front of 90,000 jort wearing Gator fans.
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BobABooey91 months
Tim doesn't want to be remembered as a football player or a baseball player. Mission accomplished (pun intended).
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Rakim91 months
You or I won't be remembered for anything. Let that sink in.
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BabyTac91 months
It really is amazing how solid of a human being Timmy is. All the passive/aggressive trigger type questions he's reviewed over the years...he has handled with the utmost class and respect. Wish him the best! Always rooting for ya, Timmy!
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beauchristopher91 months
Wonderful guy
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Hogwarts91 months
Tebow being Tebow. Class act all the way.
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