Brian Spurlock-USA TODAY Sports
If you're a USC fan, you gotta love this. Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll is now saying he wouldn't have left the Trojans for Seattle in early 2010 if he knew the school was going to get hit with sanctions over Reggie Bush. Per the LA Times...

“The truth was, an opportunity came up and it was one I couldn’t turn away from,” he said. “… The NCAA came back at the university… ‘Now we’re going to revisit after five years.’ I had no knowledge that was coming. We thought maybe it wasn’t coming because they didn’t have anything to get us with. It wasn’t five days, it wasn’t five weeks. It was five years.

“Had we known that that was imminent … I would never have been able to leave under those circumstances. When I look back now, I would have stayed there to do what we needed to do to resolve the problem.”
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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wiltznucs128 months
He's full of shite...
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Phat Phil128 months
Great coach but what a snake.
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runningTiger128 months
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BoudreauxinGA128 months
He and Saban are in a class of liars all their own.
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Foolish cock128 months
Bull fricking shite. Liar.
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Geauxld Finger128 months
Whatever you say Party Pete...
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NYCAuburn128 months
he left just in time so he couldnt be forced to testify. Right petey
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Dr RC128 months
riiiiight. and Bert only wants to get rid of HUNH b/c he is worried about safety.
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TIGERhype128 months
Pete Carroll is a despicable human being..... But a hell of a football coach!
user avatar
Piece of shite
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gemlsu128 months
What a bunch of bullshite. He really thinks people are that stupid. Just a garbage can.
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loweralabamatrojan128 months
Haters gonna hate. PC is always welcome at SC.
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